Doctor Who: Legacy

The official Tumblr page for Doctor Who: Legacy, the critically acclaimed free to play puzzle RPG game from the BBC, Tiny Rebel Games and Seed Studio.

“Greetings Doctor Who fans and friends -

It is with a heavy heart we report that we are shutting down Doctor Who: Legacy effective two weeks from now. Our agreement has ended with the BBC and we have chosen not to attempt another renewal. We’re incredibly proud of what we accomplished with our very first mobile game at Tiny Rebel, which this was. We set out with some wild ambitions about free to play and creating a fan-driven experience that put the player’s experience first and never compelled you to spend money unwillingly. We know there are some sore feeling about our transition to Doctor Who Infinity. 

They were never meant to be games put side by side. They are unique and represented a new challenge for our 2 person company. After 5 years of supporting a free to play game as a live service, we needed something new creatively to focus on and while we felt we could devote time to both, Infinity became a creative monster which took up an incredible amount of time and energy. We’re very proud of that game as well which remains in soft launch while we finish up stories 4 and 5 for release in the Spring.

We also have a new, ambitious non Doctor Who project in its infancy which we will be spending the next two years on with some incredible partners and which you’ll hear announcements about soon. What the shut down means is that those of you who have the app can continue to play it offline for as long as you like. We are going to make a decision about when to remove the install from the stores but we would encourage you to not delete it if you plan to keep playing. ALL IN APP PURCHASING WILL BE TURNED OFF LATER TODAY! 

If you do reinstall from the store, you will be getting the last updated client but no patching.

We have a final promo code which will unlock a large number of time crystals for your convenience so you can use them in your offline game play and also unlocks the Fan Area:


We are so grateful for your support over the years.

Lee and Susan
The Tiny Rebels”

(via DWL Facebook on 3. February 2019)

Challenge Levels: Doctor Who Infinity Crossover 1 Drop: Missy + 2 Costumes from The Dalek Invasion of Time

New Challenge Level

Missy’s here!

Are you ready?

To find the Challenge Levels, tap “Play Episode” on the side menu -> then tap the “Special” tab -> and ta-daa Challenge Levels are right at the top!

There are several drops. You will have to beat the level twice to get them all.

After the first time, you get Missy and in the second go you can then get her costumes, don’t forget that!


It’s a timed level so it might take some tries to beat the clock, don’t despair! 

There are two waves with two Daleks each. They will try to respawn their buddy on occasion, keep an eye on that because you really don’t want that to happen.

The best way to avoid it is to keep switching the target of your attacks (you target an enemy by tapping on them). They can only respawn each other if the other is actually already gone.

In the first wave they keep changing your blue and black gems to the other colours, so only 2 people on your team will actually do any damage. 

You can’t stop that from happening, so be aware. If you do have some blue or black gems you can combo, use them in addition to all the greens, yellows and reds you have, to get your whole team to attack!


Don’t forget to adjust your perks, if you have trouble!

Enjoy and Good Luck!

“It’s official - Missy is coming as a collectible ally to Doctor Who: Legacy!

As you may recall, once upon a time we added The Silent as a playable ally in Legacy after they fought beside the Doctor in the Christmas episode.

Well now that The Dalek Invasion of Time has gone live in Doctor Who Infinity, we finally have that elusive permission we wanted to have Missy be able to play as a (grudging, mind you) ally alongside the Doctor in Legacy!

This is coming in one of the next few weekly patches as a reward in a Challenge level (using the Twelfth Doctor, Missy, Bill, Nardole, Osgood, Kate as your team).

We thought you’d like to chime in on

  1. What Missy’s ability name should be
  2. What her ability should be
  3. What color her ally should be

The ally will be in her classic costume from the game, drawn and colored by Pest Jiang. A costume for her will also drop from Infinity, drawn by Mike Collins and colored by Kris Carter.

(…)” (via DWL Facebook)

Leave a comment under this post on the DWL Facebook page, if you want to leave any suggestions! 

Have fun and get creative!

Doctor Who Infinity - Free Lady of the Lake download! »

This is a chance to win the third Doctor Who Infinity story “Lady of the Lake” with the Tenth Doctor and Rose Tyler!

Good Luck!

Doctor Who Infinity on Steam »

Doctor Who Infinity is now Live on Steam!

(Mobile is in the works)

Check it out and have fun!

Doctor Who Infinity on Steam »

You can now wishlist and follow Doctor Who Infinity on Steam!

First Trailer For Doctor Who Infinity Game, The Dalek Invasion of Time »

“Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and all the best in 2018 from the Doctor Who: Legacy / Doctor Who Infinity team! 

We know many of you are anxious for details of the new game and we’re going to start talking about all of that soon after the holidays. We’ve been hard at work with a team of more than 20 people around the world, scrambling to bring you 5 brand new Doctor Who tales – artists, writers, actors, designers, programmers – all working long hours to bring you something incredible for 2018. We hope you’ll find it was worth the wait.

Meanwhile, here’s one of the best codes we’ve ever put out for our players. It won’t expire for a long time and it includes TEN time crystals, the 2015 Christmas Ep pack, a bunch of festive characters, costumes, and a boat load of time fragments.

Lots of love,The Tiny Rebels“ (via DWL Facebook)

Challenge Levels: Happy 4th: The Dalek Invasion of Legacy Drop: Twelfth Doctor Costume

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