Yehuda & Maya Devir

creating fun comics about relationships and family

  • 234 paid members
  • 1,063 posts

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GREAT members!!!
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$1 is a great way to support a month of comics!
Especially if you consume the comic on a regular basis.
You'll also get an access to my Patreon activity stream, where I'll post early information about upcoming comics.
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TWO TIMES GREAT members!!!
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This is how math works: two is literally TWO TIMES MORE than one. There isn't any extra advantage to this perk level, just two times the help, with only one dollar more, and of course my infinity love and appreciation!!!

AWESOME members!!!
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  • You'll get an access to my Patreon activity stream.
  • A Sneak peek photo of "One of those days" upcoming illustration.
  • And of course my infinity love and appreciation!!!
AMAZING members!!!
 / month
You are the best! Thank you so much!
  • You'll get an access to my Patreon activity stream.
  • A Sneak peek photo of "One of those days" upcoming illustration.
  • Also Hot details about the true story behind the illustration.
  • And of course my infinity love and appreciation!!!
LUCKY members!!!
 / month

Wait for it!!! :D

  • You'll get an all of the previous benefits.
  • You will get to see the weekly "One of those days" illustration ONE DAY BEFORE the whole world!!!
  • And of course my infinity love and appreciation!!!
+18 members!!!
 / month

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Your love ones has earned a special person like you!

  • You'll get an all of the previous benefits.

  • You will get to see the weekly "One of those days" illustration ONE DAY BEFORE the whole world!!!

  • +18 "One of Those Days" content.

  • And of course my infinity love and appreciation!!!

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Yehuda & Maya Devir

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