Please feel free to submit any new ideas and comments on our products.
And, of course, do not hesitate to send us any criticism you may have.
Our prime aim is to continue to raise our standards in all areas of our work.
Please Contact us!
Thanks in advance...

Managing Director Andreas Meyer
EcoFinia GmbH
Diebrocker Str. 17
D-32051 Herford
Areas: Management, marketing and sales
Phone: +49 [0]234 54449360
Fax: +49 [0]234 54449361
Production, logistics, and distribution
Phone: +49 (0) 5221/ 910-0
Fax: +49 (0) 5221/ 910-148
Phone: +49 (0) 5221/ 910-145
Phone: +49 (0) 5221/ 910-155
Fax: +49 (0) 5221/ 910-150
- Where does the cocoa come from?
- Are VIVANI products fair trade products?
- Is child labour involved in the cocoa harvesting?
- What makes white chocolate different from milk and dark chocolate?
- What is cooking chocolate?
- What does ‘conching’ mean?
- What is the best way to melt chocolate?
- What is the correct way to temper chocolate?
- Which chocolate is best suited to chocolate fondues?
- Aluminium foil – to protect the product a questionable form of packaging?
- What is lecithin and why is it not used to make VIVANI chocolate?
- Are there variations in quality?
- Are there also VIVANI recipes?
- Does chocolate really make you happy?
- Is chocolate healthy?
- Where can I find calorie tables and nutritional information?
- What does ‘May contain traces of...’ mean?
- Which VIVANI products are manufactured without gluten?
- Which VIVANI products are manufactured without milk?
- Which VIVANI products are suitable for vegans?
- Does VIVANI chocolate contain alcohol?
- Can diabetics eat chocolate?
- Should I stop eating chocolate if I’m pregnant?
- Does chocolate cause acne?
- Which varieties are kosher?
- Where does the white glaze on the chocolate come from?
- Is VIVANI cocoa treated with alkali?
- How long does the chocolate last for?
- Can chocolate be stored in the fridge?
- Can I order decoration, information and tasting material from you?
- Where can I buy VIVANI chocolate?
- Where can I find VIVANI chocolate abroad?
- How can I get VIVANI products that are not stocked by my local organic shop?
- Who should I contact if I have questions, suggestions or complaints?
Where does the cocoa come from?
We get our cocoa from Ecuador, Panama and the Dominican Republic. There the cocoa is grown organically by small farming cooperatives. VIVANI supports the farmers in situ and thus helps to improve the living conditions of the local population. Child labour is banned in the acquisition of VIVANI cocoa!
Are VIVANI products fair trade products?
We fully support the basic principles behind fair trade. We place great value on fair prices, socially acceptable working conditions and a ban on child labour, not forgetting fair and respectful dealings with our trading partners.
Fair trade deliberately promotes small-scaling farming. That said, we think that the opportunity of marketing organic cocoa at reasonable prices should not be restricted solely to small producers but should also include those of other sizes. We shall continue to trade primarily with small-scale farming cooperatives but we do not wish to restrict our choice of raw material producers simply based on the criteria of size.
We are willing to pay a price well above the usual going-rate on the world market, for the high-quality organic cocoa we receive from Ecuador and the Dominican Republic.
Is child labour involved in the cocoa harvesting?
The cocoa fruit required for the manufacture of chocolate must still to this day be handpicked. Although the big manufacturers strongly deny it, the bitter reality is that children often carry out this arduous task. According to media reports, many manufacturers do not care about conditions on the plantations, and are only ultimately interested in acquiring the raw materials for their chocolate.
The cocoa used to make VIVANI organic chocolate comes from farming cooperatives in Ecuador and the Dominican Republic. We feel it is our responsibility to know exactly where the cocoa comes from and that it is our duty to ensure the protection of the local people and environment.
Organic farming pays off for the local families. Thanks to higher world market prices for organic cocoa, they receive a higher income, which can, for example, be put towards employing harvest workers. This in turn allows them to send their children to school.
For the most part, child workers in West Africa are not so lucky. Yet the consumer can help to improve their situation. Every chocolate lover must decide for himself how much he is willing to pay. Though organic and Fair Trade chocolate may be more expensive, you can rest assured that no one has been exploited in the manufacturing process.
What makes white chocolate different from milk and dark chocolate?
White chocolate does not contain any cocoa mass, so therefore the cocoa butter is the sole component used from the cocoa fruit. Thus, strictly speaking, white chocolate is not real chocolate. (But it is still a delicious alternative in our wide range of products. The ‘White Chocolate with Vanilla’ is particularly popular, and it contains less than 20% sugar!)
What is cooking chocolate?
This is chocolate containing a high percentage of cocoa butter, which therefore becomes runnier when heated and is ideally suited for coating cakes, tarts and pralines.
What does ‘conching’ mean?
Conching is the most important processing step in the production of chocolate. In this process, the chocolate mass is kept in motion in a special container, the conche, at 90°C, for several hours. The already fine particles become rounded and therefore even finer. The longer a chocolate mass is conched, the finer it becomes, which becomes clear in the quality of the chocolate. VIVANI chocolate is conched for up to 18 hours.
What is the best way to melt chocolate?
The best way to melt chocolate is in a water bath (bain marie)
Procedure: Heat some water in a pan.
Put the finely chopped chocolate in a heat-proof bowl and place the bowl inside the pan. Let the chocolate melt. NB: It is very important that no water gets into the bowl, otherwise the chocolate will quickly solidify. The optimum temperature for melting is around 40°C - 45°C.
What is the correct way to temper chocolate?
Various processes are used to temper chocolate correctly, so that it gets glossy.
- 1. Impf Method
Chop up the chocolate (put 20-30% of it aside) and melt in a water bath at a maximum temperature of 50°C. Remove the liquid chocolate from the water bath and whilst carefully stirring with a wooden spoon, let it cool at a temperature of around 34°C (slightly lower than body temperature). Add in the rest of the chopped chocolate and mix until the chocolate is of a uniform consistency. You may have to heat up the chocolate again. - 2. Tablier Method
Chop up the chocolate and meltin a water bath at a maximum temperature of 50°C. Pour two thirds of the chocolate onto a cool, clean work surface (ideally a marble slab) and spread quickly with a palette knife. Using a spatula, move the chocolate around and then spread it out again. Repeat this process until the mixture becomes viscous and a little more matt (approximately four times). Pour the pre-crystallised chocolate mixture back into the bowl as quickly as possible and mix well. The temperature should ideally be 30-32°C.
To test: Dip the palette knife in the tempered chocolate and then let it dry.
If it hardens within 3-4 minutes, then the chocolate is ready for the next stage of the manufacturing process. The perfect tempered chocolate is chocolate that shines glossy.
Whilst working with the tempered chocolate, the chocolate is kept warm in a water bath, but it must not be heated higher than 32°C (for dark chocolate) or 30°C (for milk chocolate).
Which chocolate is best suited to chocolate fondues?
Cooking chocolate is the best ingredient for a successful chocolate fondue, because it melts particularly well. According to taste, the cooking chocolate can partially be replaced with a high-quality chocolate (e.g Fine Dark Orange).
Aluminium foil – to protect the product a questionable form of packaging?
We are aware of the fact that aluminium foil is by no means the most environmentally friendly packaging material. However, chocolate must be protected by more than just paper (otherwise there will not only be storage problems but also a considerable loss of quality in the chocolate). That leaves two options: aluminium or plastic.
It is important that the material can be recycled, in order to maintain a positive eco-balance.
What’s more, studies have shown that substances from the aluminium foil do not reach the chocolate, as they do not undergo any form of thermal stress.
What is lecithin and why is it not used to make VIVANI chocolate?
Lecithin is an emulsifier. Emulsifiers enable a quicker mixing of fat-soluble components (here, cocoa butter) and other (water-soluble) ingredients. The use of lecithin makes it easier to handle the cocoa mass; it saves on the amount of cocoa butter required, shortens production times and thus costs for the manufacturer.
We do not require any lecithin for the processing of nearly all our VIVANI chocolates, due to the high quality of our ingredients, our choice of recipes and production times. We obtain the optimum blend of chocolate components through our long conchingtimes.
Are there variations in quality?
Unfortunately, variations in the quality cannot be ruled out during the organic farming process, depending on the crop. Naturally, we endeavour to keep these as low as possible by mixing the cocoa.
Are there also VIVANI recipes?
We have tried and tested some tasty treats in our chocolate workshop. The recipes can be found here.
Does chocolate really make you happy?
Chocolate lovers would undoubtedly answer this question with a big ‘YES!’ But why?
The melt-in-the-mouth delight of the very finest chocolate and the feeling of treating oneself to something so good stimulates the release of happiness hormones, endorphins, which in turn, create a wonderful feeling of happiness.
In addition, the sugar in chocolate raises the mood. Having sugar in the blood encourages the absorption of tryptophan (the preliminary form of the endorphin serotonin) into the brain. Therefore, a piece of chocolate can cheer you up when you’re feeling down.
Is chocolate healthy?
Numerous scientific studies have proved the benefits of cocoa and chocolate for your health. Thanks to the latest research, several substances can now be identified as having a positive medical effect.
In terms of chocolate, the higher the cocoa content, the more beneficial substances the chocolate contains. Even just two small squares of dark chocolate per day can have a positive effect on the body.
To find out more, see the „Health“ section of our website or our brochure on the topic.
Where can I find calorie tables and nutritional information?
Nutrition facts
More detailed information? Please have a look at the single product site you are interested in.
What does ‘May contain traces of...’ mean?
In our production plant we manufacture many diverse types of chocolate. Some of them are made using ingredients such as almonds, hazelnuts, biscuits, flakes, milk powder and yoghurt powder.
Even when the production facilities are accordingly cleaned after every production batch in keeping with the strictest cleaning requirements, we cannot rule out the possibility that traces of almonds, hazelnuts, milk and wheat components are present in other products.
These tiny traces are usually not noticeable to those with allergies, however, those who have severe allergic reactions should be cautious.
Those with peanut allergies can enjoy all VIVANI products carefree – everything is „peanut-free“!
Which VIVANI products are manufactured without gluten?
Almond Orange, Black Cherry, Cappuccino, Creamy Caramel, Crispy Corn Flakes, Dark Chocolate with Nougat, Dark Nougat Croccante, Superior Dark Chocolate from Ecuador, Dark Milk, 50 % cocoa, Superior Dark Chocolate with Chili, Superior Dark Chocolate with Cranberries, Dark Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans, Dark Chocolate with 71% cocoa, Dark Chocolate with 75% cocoa, Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa, Dark Chocolate 92 % Cocoa, Dark Chocolate 99 % Cocoa Dark Cooking Chocolate, Dark Chocolate mini bars, Dark Chocolate Naps, Dark Chocolate with Orange, Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts, Dark Chocolate with Almonds, Dark and Milk Chocolate Gift Box, Milk Chocolate, Superior Milk Chocolate from Ecuador, Raspberry Chocolate bar, Hot Chocolate, Kids Chocolate, Praliné Chocolate, Milk Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts, Milk Cooking Chocolate, Milk Chocolate with Almonds, Milk Chocolate Mini bars, Milk Chocolate Naps, Milk Chocolate with Nut, Milky Crème, Rice Choc, Rice Choc Cooking Chocolate, White Chocolate with Strawberry and Yoghurt, White Chocolate with Mango and Coconut, White Chocolate with Vanilla, White Cooking Chocolate, White Nougat Crisp.
However, possible traces due to production processes cannot be ruled out.
Absolutely free from gluten are our products:
Nuss Nougat Crème
Cavi Quick
Which VIVANI products are manufactured without milk?
Almond Orange
Black Cherry
Crispy Corn Flakes
Dark Chocolate with 71% cocoa
Dark Chocolate with 75% cocoa
Dark Chocolate with 85% cocoa
Dark Chocolate with 92 % cocoa
Dark Chocolate with 99 % cocoa
Dark Chocolate with Orange
Dark chocolate filled with marzipan amaretto
Dark Nougat Croccante
Superior Dark Chocolate from Ecuador
Superior Dark Chocolate with Chili
Superior Dark Chocolate with Cranberries
Dark Chocolate with Nougat
Dark Chocolate with Peppermint
Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts
Dark Chocolate with Almonds
Dark Cooking Chocolate
Dark Chocolate covered Espresso Beans
Rice Choc mit 40 % Cacao
Rice Choc Cooking Chocolate
Strawberry Wafer Crunch
White Nougat Crisp
Hot Chocolate
Cavi Quick
However, possible traces due to production processes cannot be ruled out.
Which VIVANI products are suitable for vegans?
Dark Chocolate with 71% cocoa
Dark Chocolate with 75% cocoa
Dark Chocolate with 85% cocoa
Dark Chocolate with 92% cocoa
Dark Chocolate with 99% cocoa
Dark Chocolate with Orange
Superior Dark Chocolate from Ecuador
Superior Dark Chocolate with Chili
Superior Dark Chocolate with Cranberries
Dark Chocolate with Nougat
Dark Chocolate with Almonds
Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts
Cavi Quick
Hot Chocolate
Dark Cooking Chocolate
Rice Choc with 40 % Cocoa
Rice Choc Cooking Chocolate
Black Cherry
Crispy Corn Flakes
Dark Nougat Croccante
White Nougat Crisp
Almond Orange
Strawberry Wafer Crunch
However, possible traces due to production processes cannot be ruled out.
Even the Vegan Society explains that this safety note just informs extremely allergic persons about possible finest traces.
Does VIVANI chocolate contain alcohol?
One chocolate requires the addition of alcohol for technological reasons, in order to control the microbiology of the filling.
„Dark Chocolate with Cassis“ contains 0,1% alcohol.
BUT – the natural alcohol content of ‘completely normal’ foodstuffs puts this into context. A ripe banana contains 0.6 – 1% alcohol. Sauerkraut and kefir contain 0.5% alcohol and apple juice contains 0.2%.
Thus, if you were to drink a glass (1/4 litre) of apple juice, you would consume 0.5g of alcohol. To consume the same amount of alcohol through VIVANI chocolate would require 109 g of ‘Dark Chocolate with Cassis’ to be consumed!
We have consciously added a little alcohol to the Marzipan Chocolate (1,5 % ref. to the whole bar). The Amaretto liqueur is intended to bring out the taste of the marzipan even better. This has the additional advantage that we can dispense with any additional artificial aroma.
Can diabetics eat chocolate?
Of course, if it is taken into account (bread unit data can be found in our nutritional information tables!).
The best chocolate for diabetics is the Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa because it only contains 15% sugar.
Should I stop eating chocolate if I’m pregnant?
No. Finnish scientists discovered that mothers who ate chocolate gave birth to babies that were easier to care for. Mothers-to-be are more relaxed after eating chocolate, which in turn has a positive effect on the mind of the baby.
Does chocolate cause acne?
It is a myth that chocolate causes or encourages acne. The current scientific consensus is that there is no relationship between food and acne.
Which varieties are kosher?
The following VIVANI products have been awarded with kosher certificates:
Almond Orange, Black Cherry, Creamy Caramel, Caramel Cream, Crispy Corn Flakes, Dark Chocolate with Nougat, Dark Milk 50 % Cocoa, Dark Nougat Croccante, Fine Dark Chocolate, Fine Dark Chocolate with Chilli, Fine Dark Chocolate with Cranberries, Fine Dark Chocolate with Marzipan and Amaretto, Fine Milk Chocolate, Espresso Biscotti, Dark Chocolate Coated Espresso Beans, Dark Chocolate, Dark Chocolate 85% Cocoa, Dark Chocolate 92% Cocoa, Dark Chocolate 99% Cocoa, Dark Chocolate with Cassis, Dark Cooking Chocolate, Dark Chocolate Mini bars, Dark Chocolate Naps, Dark Chocolate with Orange, Dark and Milk Chocolate Gift Boxes, Hot Chocolate, Kids Milk Cream Bar, Dark Chocolate with Peppermint, Praliné, Milk Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts, Milk Cooking Chocolate, Milk Chocolate with Almonds, Milk Chocolate Mini bars, Milk Chocolate Naps, Milk Chocolate with Nuts, Milky Crème, Rice Choc, Rice Choc Cooking Chocolate, Strawberry Wafer Crunch, White Chocolate with Strawberry and Yoghurt, Crispy White Chocolate, White Chocolate with Mango and Coconut, White Chocolate with Vanilla, White Cooking Chocolate, White Nougat Crisp, Winter Chocolate
Where does the white glaze on the chocolate come from?
Chocolate is a sensitive product. A whitish or greyish colouring of the surface can be caused through ‘fat blooming’ or ‘sugar crystallisation’.
Sugar crystallisation’ occurs through moisture. Water separates the sugar from the chocolate. The sugar is left behind on the surface of the chocolate after evaporation. The sugar crystals give the chocolate its matt finish. Moisture can come from outside or be triggered by a steep temperature increase causing condensation.
‘Fat blooming’ is a patchy, whitish discolouring of the chocolate and is caused by strong fluctuations in storage temperatures or incorrect tempering of the chocolate (for example, if cooking chocolate is used as a coating). If cooling occurs too quickly, the crystal shapes, which are responsible for the nice glaze on the chocolate, do not form. Instead, larger crystals, which make the surface of the chocolate seem grey and matt, form. Such changes have no effect on the taste of the chocolate and are completely harmless to the health. The most common cause of fat blooming is incorrect storage.
It can also occur, for example, if nut oils come into contact with cocoa butter. This problem can therefore arise with our ‘Dark Chocolate with Whole Hazelnuts’. But as already mentioned, it is simply an aesthetic defect. Fat blooming is often confused with mould, but has, in fact, nothing to do with it.
Is VIVANI cocoa treated with alkali?
In the „Dutching Process“ (alkalization) the cocoa is treated with alkali. The cocoa butter could be separated much more easier. But colour and taste of the cocoa change aswell and very important: the amount of polyphenols is reduced by this treatment.
VIVANI cocoa is not alkalized and thus untreated.
How long does the chocolate last for?
The shelf life of chocolate depends on the ingredients. Dark chocolate lasts undoubtedly for the longest amount of time. Our senior director carried out his own experiment and kept some dark chocolate for 30 years – naturally, the chocolate did not improve in quality but it was actually still very edible. Dark chocolate is at its best for around 24 months, milk and white chocolate for around 14 months. Chocolate with nuts or cream fillings can be kept for an average of 12 months.
Optimum storage conditions: a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 16-18°C.
Can chocolate be stored in the fridge?
It is not advisable to keep chocolate in the fridge. Fridges are very moist due to condensation, which can lead to Zuckerkristallisation In addition, foreign odours (such as fish and garlic) can be absorbed by the chocolate, which severely impair its taste.
Furthermore, cold chocolate straight from the fridge doesn’t develop such an intensive, wonderful glaze as chocolate that has been stored at room temperature.
The best way to store chocolate is in metal tins, protected from light and moisture. Ideally it should be stored in a cool room at a temperature of 16-18°C.
Can I order decoration, information and tasting material from you?
Of course, just write to us. All contact information can be found under ‘Contact’ in the Menu.
Where can I buy VIVANI chocolate?
VVIVANI can be found in specialist organic food and health food shops. Most organic supermarkets stock the complete range. If you can’t find it, just ask – your favourite chocolate is probably already sold out!
All VIVANI products can also be ordered direct from the official online VIVANI shop at and delivered to your home.
Where can I find VIVANI chocolate abroad?
VIVANI is represented in 50 countries. If you look in organic shops abroad, you are likely to find VIVANI there.
How can I get VIVANI products that are not stocked by my local organic shop?
Simply order online from the VIVANI shop at
Who should I contact if I have questions, suggestions or complaints?
Simply send us an email to
Or call us on +49 [0]234 54449360 or send a fax to +49 [0]234 54449361