Hello there, friend!

We're Liz and Gary Hopkins

We wanted great ingredients to make great food, and the grocery store ingredients just weren't cutting it. We were frustrated with a slim, old selection of mushrooms at the grocery store, and flavorless, "how-the-heck-was-this-raised?" chicken. 

That's why we started Honeymoon Farm.

So, we began bringing a wide variety of fresh mushrooms from Gary's family's farms right to the farmers market, providing the freshest and widest variety right to happy home chefs like you. In 2020, we decided that it wasn't just mushrooms we wanted to cook with, we wanted to raise our own full-flavored chicken, and eventually, turkey, too!

While we no longer sell our mushrooms and poultry at farmers markets, we are excited to be partnering with some local farms and businesses to bring our mushrooms to your table, and to offer periodic on-farm pick up of bulk mushrooms. 2023 is our last year for a while raising turkeys, and we will be raising one large batch of chickens each year going forward to be pre-ordered and sold in bulk (minimum order of 10 chickens). 

We want to invite you to cook great food: to cook with incredible flavor. We know that you're here because you value quality, flavorful, local ingredients, and that's why we're passionate about inviting you into our story. 

We can't wait to grow amazing food for you.

We want to be your farmers - your source for the most delicious ingredients.

Your farmers,

Liz & Gary Hopkins (and now Mary, too!)

Why "Honeymoon" Farm?

After we were engaged in 2018, we entered into discussion about how we wanted to spend our honeymoon in the Summer of 2020. After much discussion, Gary expressed that he would rather "spend that money on our forever honeymoon - our Honeymoon Farm."

Liz agreed - and Honeymoon Farm was born!