Wat we allemaal niet weten over het coronavaccin.

Van mijn zeer gewaardeerde Spaanse collega Juan Gérvas stuur ik deze analyse door van de ontbrekende gegevens over het vaccin.

#Covid @pfizer #vaccine approved for use next week in the UK.

The UK has become the first country in the world to approve the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine for widespread use.

Aprobada la #vacuna de Pfizer/BioNTech para su uso en el Reino Unido, ya.



-for example:

"Should people who have had COVID be vaccinated?" We do not know.

-and more important

We do not know if it will be sold in the "free" market (according to the Spanish plan it will be free and voluntary in the public health system, which does not exclude its sale with a prescription in the pharmacy, as announced in Australia


-many pharmaceutical industries reach agreements to include a vaccine in the public system, at a reduced price and for specific groups and times, in exchange for being able to sell said vaccine at a high price in the "free market"

-in the case of the covid vaccine, it will be millions of people who will be willing to pay the market price and obtain the vaccine at the pharmacy before their turn comes

.the whole list of "unknown" in covid19 vaccines (Spanish, English, French versions, one after other)


Do you know WHAT WE DON'T KNOW about the #covid19 #vaccine?

We do not know its effect on the pregnant woman.

We do not know its effect on the elderly.

We do not know its effect on chronic patients (diabetes, COPD, cancer,...)

We do not know its effect on children-adolescents

We do not know about its effect according to social conditions, groups, ethnicity, genetic variations, etc.

We do not know its effectiveness (in clinical practice)

We do not know its efficacy (in the clinical trial) only a press release, not any scientific publication

We do not know if the clinical trial is well done (eg masking)

We do not know its effect on the transmission of the virus

We do not know if it produces a herd effect (population immunity)

We do not know how long its effect lasts (if any) We do not know if it reduces complications

We do not know if it decreases deaths

We don't know about its long-term action

We do not know its adverse effects and long-term damages

We do not know its impact on people who have passed # covid19 (with or without symptoms)

The price at which it was purchased is not known

We do not know if it will be sold in the "free" market (according to the Spanish plan it will be free and voluntary in the public health system, which does not exclude its sale with a prescription in the pharmacy, as announced in Australia


IN BRIEF: we have a strategy and a plan but we don't know more.

See also:

Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines—let’s be cautious and first see the full data


Covid-19 vaccine trials protocols and other study documents


Évaluation des vaccins covid19: des questions à se poser


-un saludo juan gérvas @JuanGrvas


Marit D.

Psychiater, volwassenen (PS & EPA), nu Jeugd GGZ (12+). Psychodynamisch therapeut (NVPP), Specialistisch groepstherapeut en docent NVGP. TFP therapeut (TFP Nederland). DGT. MBT. SFT. EMDR. Schrijft op persoonlijke titel.


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