LandEscape Art Review, Special Edition

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LandEscape meets

Kathleen Frank Having been an art teacher, woodcarver and a printmaker in my formative art years, I emerged as a painter, awash in color and searching for pattern. While seeking brilliance in color is a worthy goal, pattern in nature is primal - the need to find a glimmer of logic in a vastly complicated, confusing and tumbled landscape. The goal is lofty, but when the quest is conducted with paint and brush, it is a joyously daunting adventure. Color and pattern are everywhere, but the seeing and the interpretation of them are different for each of us. I look for the brilliance and the gaiety of life around me. I try to catch the light and design in all its strangeness and beauty. There is so much joy and adventure to paint in one lifetime. My paintings can be seen at La Posada de Santa Fe in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The curator is Sara Eyestone. Her contact number is 505-954-9668. In Tucson, Arizona, they can be found at the Jane Hamilton Fine Art Gallery.

Kathleen Frank was born and raised in Northern California and had the good fortune of being surrounded by teachers and artists. She earned a BA in Design and a K-12 teaching credential from San Jose State University and taught art in California, Colorado and Pennsylvania. Later she earned a MA degree with an emphasis in printmaking from Pennsylvania State University. She created and ran the Printmakers Studio Workshop of Central Pennsylvania for four years with Mary Lou Pepe. For many years she specialized in woodcarving and fabric printing. Kathleen now paints the landscapes of her three homes: California, New Mexico and everything in between. She lives in the wilds of Santa Fe with her intellectual husband and hikes daily with her two magic corgies.

An interview by Josh Ryder, curator and Melissa C. Hilborn, curator

Hello Kathleen and welcome to LandEscape. Before starting to elaborate about your artistic production and we

would like to invite our readers to visit in order to get a wide idea about your multi-faceted artistic production, and we would start this interview with a couple of questions about your background. You have a solid

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