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Scrolling on the loo? Doctors warn young people about hemorrhoid risk

Doctors are warning young people about using their phones on the toilet

When nature calls, there's a couple of necessities to get the job done: a porcelain throne, some loo roll, and the three to four apps on your phone you relentlessly flick between for every waking hour of your day.

And depending on how differently your content poison of choice is hitting that day, it's not uncommon to find yourself passing half an hour on the crapper.

Unfortunately this is the bit where we reveal why we can't have nice things - like the simple pleasure of watching YouTube videos, on company time, alone in a cubicle.

Specialist surgeon Professor Chris Berney has seen his fair share of hemorrhoid problems in his time, and he's noticed that swollen and inflamed hemorrhoids have become more common among young people.

He's linked a reason for the increase to young people's tendency to use their phones on the toilet.

"It's something very new that I've only seen happening in the last five or ten years," Professor Berney told Hack.

A wooden doll is perched on the edge of a white toilet seat.
Doctors are seeing increasing number of young people being treated for haemorrhoids.()

Hemorrhoids are swollen or inflamed veins in your rectum. They tend to be more common among older people, can be painful, and sometimes require surgery.

Taking your phone with you while you do a number two is basically interwoven in the DNA of anyone under 25: it's estimated around 95 per cent of people in Generation Z regularly use their phones on the toilet, Professor Berney said.

"You can take your phone with you on the toilet if you want to, the problem really is taking your phone with you every day when you go to the toilet for 10 or 20 minutes.

"The problem is the frequency, how often you take it and for how long you're there. That's when the problems start."

What's the difference between sitting on the toot and a normal chair?

So what if you're guilty of spending a fair bit of time in the bathroom, but you're not actually pooping the whole time? What if you do your thing, then find yourself sitting there for a while after? Is that a problem?

It definitely can be, according to Professor Berney.

"The difference is, when you sit on, say, a chair at work, you're not pushing to open your bowel. When you sit on the rim of the toilet, you sit in a position where your pelvic floor, they basically get congested by the rim of the toilet and as you're pushing down the pelvic floor goes down, and what happens is the blood supply on the veins gets enlarged, engorged with blood.

"This is the pressure you'll have on that area for 20 or so minutes. This isn't a problem when you're sitting on an office chair because the pelvic floor is relaxed, you're not sitting on the rim."

So how long should you be on the loo then?

"Five to seven minutes is the maximum you should be in there," Professor Berney said.

"You shouldn't take your phone in with you. Keep it outside, and use it after you've done your number two."
