If a human being is able to survive the heatwave, it’s not because of an overpriced fan, and also not because you finally convinced the landlord to get an AC. Those multiple stinging showers that freeze your head for the main part of the day are also not the reason why we are still alive after the record three digits of heat. It’s because we know it’s temporary, so yep, life is a placebo, everyone.
But with so many climate anomalies happening all over the world in the past years, it’s hard to stay positive. What if we are doomed to hurricanes, floods, droughts, record snowfalls, and chunks of ice falling from the sky like it's not a big deal? I mean, have we played with Mother Nature for too long?
So in order to pay tribute to the powers of weather that we often underestimate, and to reflect on the scope and frequency of such crazy climate conditions, we are about to dive into pics that show how your plans should never dare to challenge the weather forecast.
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Unforeseen Weather
At Least He Got What He Asked
Summers In England
Bored Panda talked to Rob Jones, a TV meteorologist and hurricane chaser who runs an all-things-weather TikTok channel where he shares interesting facts and peculiarities about climate anomalies. As a child living in Florida, Rob said he was interested in their daily summertime thunderstorms and seasonal threats from hurricanes. “So it was only natural to attend the University of Miami (Hurricanes), study weather, and pursue a career in meteorology,” he added.
When it comes to the most extreme weather conditions, Rob named places like Death Valley, California, or Antarctica. But, generally, “people don’t live in the places where the most extreme temperatures occur on earth,” he said.
However, things are changing now. “The temperature in places like the village of Lytton, British Columbia in Canada reached 49.6°C in June 2021 when the average high is closer to 25°C,” Rob said and added that: “Some scientists have calculated that this is a one in 10,000 year heat event for that part of the world.”
"It Might Rain Today, I Think I'll Take My Umbrella Out."... That Went Well!
Hail Damage To Sun Roof
Tried Going To Visit My Boyfriend On My Day Off, Had To Turn Around Because The Fires Apparently Opened A Portal To Hell
The meteorologist suggested that “a warming world may have been a factor in placing the right weather patterns in place to have such an extreme event in that location. Just think, Las Vegas, Nevada has never recorded a temperature that high!”
“When we talk about extreme weather, we think of hurricanes and tornadoes. The 2020 Atlantic Hurricane season was extremely active by measure of sheer number of storms, but not the most active by other measures. There’s always more than one metric to look at when defining hurricanes since they are very complex beings.”
Rob continued: “The most intense landfalling hurricane of the season was Laura, which struck with 240 km/h winds. We tend to see more about this type of weather because of the incredible images. There were a total of 81 storm-related deaths from Laura, but imagine that the heatwave last month in British Columbia, Canada probably had more fatalities with the Vancouver coroner indicating that there were more than 100 deaths suspected from the heat,” he explained.
When The Earthquake Hits At The Wrong Time
It Has Been Some Bad Weather In Norway Lately
Woke Up At 230am To Make A 2 Hour Drive Up 10000 Feet To See The Sunrise Atop Haleakala. Have You Ever Seen Such Beauty?
This happened my first and only time snowboarding at Whistler.... I got there driving up from Vancouver in bluebird skies, looking forward to the best day of snowboarding in my life, and amazing views at that. It ended up being terrifying, since I couldn't see more than 10 feet ahead of me. First run of the day we made a wrong turn and ended up on a crazy mogul run.... no fun on a snowboard. Still turned out to be my best day snowboarding, since it was still Whistler
However, when it comes to extreme weather events, Rob suggests not starting to jump to conclusions immediately. “First, let me start off by explaining that 1 single extreme weather event cannot be definitively linked to climate change. Weather refers to short-term atmospheric conditions, while climate is the average of the weather over a long period of time, such as the climatological standard of 30 years.”
Rob added that “while it might be tempting to use an extreme weather event to highlight climate change, it is not scientifically good practice (or accurate) to do so.”
Normal Day In Utah
My Mailbox Was Blown Up By Lightning Last Night
What It's Like Escaping The Fires In Oregon. They Lived A Mile Away From Blue River, Oregon
Having said that, the meteorologist said that there are a few reasons why it seems like we are seeing more frequent extreme weather events. “The first is that everyone has a camera with them at all times in order to capture intense images of extreme weather. The second reason is that we disseminate information more and more widely everyday through traditional media, new media, and social media.”
“Yet another reason we capture more frequent extreme weather is because we are building large cities in places that experience extreme weather events like hurricanes, for example. Miami had a population of 300 people 125 years ago and now it encompasses a megalopolis of over 6,000,000 people. Wouldn’t more people experience hurricanes if we build large cities in a hurricane zone?”
In Ten Seconds I'm Going To Discover The Value Of Lifejackets And Renter's Insurance
It may not qualify for this guy, but when they tell you to evacuate, you evacuate.
That's My House
Its Cold Outside
Rob explained further: “We build homes in river flood plains, construct dams, levies, and other unnatural barriers in locations that are naturally meant to flood. Sometimes 'human nature' is no match for Mother Nature and she reclaims what is rightfully hers. Of course, the final reason is that we may very well be seeing more frequent and more extreme weather, but the cumulative observational evidence is not yet clear.”
This is because “climate is a long term average of the weather and we simply need more data on a multidecadal time scale,” Rob added. “Climate scientists still expect that as our world continues to warm, we will experience more extreme weather… sometimes more extreme in intensity, sometimes more extreme in frequency, and sometimes both.”
He concluded that “Weather is our world’s way of redistributing solar energy trapped inside of our atmosphere,” and added that “The more energy that is trapped by rising levels of greenhouse gases, the more redistribution our atmosphere needs to do in order to try and reach equilibrium.”
Parked My Jeep Under The Porch To Keep It Out Of The Weather
Lakefront Property During An Ice Storm
That looks AWESOME. Why is the house next door not affected?
It’s So Hot In Australia, Our Outdoor Lights Melted
Yesterday Our Neighbor's 80' Locust Tree Gave Us Some Live Edge Sky Lights, A Great View Of The Stars, And That Rainforest Cafe Atmosphere That Our Living Room Had Just Always Been Missing. No Injuries, Dogs Pissed The Bed, Life Goes On
Getting Away From An Erupting Volcano Today
Hurricane Mitch Rendered The Choluteca Bridge (Honduras) Useless After It Changed The Course Of The River It Was Built For
Maybe A Bit Too Much Rain
When It Snows Before The Leaves Fall Off
I've never seen anyone put grated cheese all over their care before. I'll bet it's delicious though!
Spent 5 Hours Getting Chemotherapy This Morning, Came Home Feeling Like Crap. Laid Down To Nap... Alarms And Sirens Start Blasting. Rush 5 Cats To The Basement And Prep Shelter. Go Outside To See This In My Subdivision
Puerto Rican Natural Wonder, Punta Ventana, Collapsed Today After An Earthquake
Seee? The trees are nature's sentinels. Protecting the soil from sliding off. Plant more trees. Or else we will have to start living on boat houses soon.
Just Bought Our Dream Home Less Than 2 Months Ago. Tonight I Watched It Burn To The Ground In A Massive Wildfire
A Storm Came Through. The Plastic Furniture Barely Moved But The Grill Blew 30 Ft Into The Pool
110+ Mph Derecho Winds Impale House With Lawn Chair, Iowa 8/10
5 Days Ago My Parents And I Opened A New Takeout Restaurant. Today Hurricane Michael Destroyed It
Don’t Leave Your Kayak Out In The Sun
For Sale!! 2001 Honda Civic, Great Condition (I Hope)
Guess He's Not Going Anywhere Till Summer
My Brothers Cabin (Which Is Now His Home In The Midst Of A Nasty Divorce) In Northern Ca. Took Him 5 Miles On A Snow Mobile To Find This After Leaving Town For A Week
At least he's got something to do to get his mind of the divorce. The roof could collapse under the weight of all that snow.
Weather Patterns Don't Care What Kind Of Car You Drive
I Was In New York For The First Time In My Life. My Wife And I Spent Almost 10 Hours On A Plane, Crossed The Atlantic Ocean And Flew 7,500 Kilometers. We Climbed The Top Of The Rock To Enjoy A View Of Central Park. We Had Only One Day In New York And This View Will Always Be With Us
Main Water Valve Was Not Shut Off For The Winter In A Cabin
Forgetting To Roll Up The Window All The Way
It Was A Hot Day In Tallahassee
Gift From Mother Nature
If You Thought Smoking At A Gas Pump Was Bad
My Backyard After The Gender Reveal Party On Saturday
This Tree Was Uprooted In A Storm Last Night That Destroyed The Mans Garage And Two Of Us Vintage Cars
When You Live In Svalbard, Norway And Forget To Close The Window To The Home Office
It's Just A Little Ice, It's Fine
My Boss Told Me To Atleaste Try Shoveling Out And Come In Today. Saskatoon Sk, Canada (Red Car Is Mine)
And you told him that your life is worth more than his $12 dollar per hour job.
Got A Little Bit Of Rain In The Backyard. Husband For Scale. Note: We Don’t Usually Have A Lake In The Yard
I Wore Shorts To Work Last Night Because It Was 75 Degrees Out, This Is What It Looked Like Outside This Morning After My Shift
I Guess You Shouldn’t Put Glass Windows Over Grass When It’s 22 Degrees Celsius
Lamborghini Huracan Flooded Due To Rain In São Paulo. It Was Not Insured
“20% Chance” Of Rain Overnight
Some of these makes me think that those who took photos were lucky to be alive. I mean they weren't at the wrong place at wrong time and in this case the wrong place might just be their own home (or a particular part of home) or vehicles.
Tornado went through my town last Thursday.... Destroyed nearly 100 homes. The one in the photo was a two story home where the bottom floor collapsed, that's the top floor you see. I drove by and it's heart breaking seeing the damage done in 5 short minutes. 72 homes deemed unsafe for entry, many more with massive damage. Cars upside down, roofs gone, fortunately no serious injuries or fatalities. I live 4km from where it hit E6X7IZXWEA...eb5234.jpg
If you're interested, this link is to a video of drone footage flying over the damage done: https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/drone-footage-barrie-tornado-damage-214335887.html
Some of these makes me think that those who took photos were lucky to be alive. I mean they weren't at the wrong place at wrong time and in this case the wrong place might just be their own home (or a particular part of home) or vehicles.
Tornado went through my town last Thursday.... Destroyed nearly 100 homes. The one in the photo was a two story home where the bottom floor collapsed, that's the top floor you see. I drove by and it's heart breaking seeing the damage done in 5 short minutes. 72 homes deemed unsafe for entry, many more with massive damage. Cars upside down, roofs gone, fortunately no serious injuries or fatalities. I live 4km from where it hit E6X7IZXWEA...eb5234.jpg
If you're interested, this link is to a video of drone footage flying over the damage done: https://ca.movies.yahoo.com/drone-footage-barrie-tornado-damage-214335887.html