To make our lives easier and more comfortable, people have always come up with new inventions and most of them have been really useful, like cutlery or medicine to treat illnesses that were once incurable. But there are inventions that benefit humans less and may even be dangerous.
We all probably have looked at something, couldn’t understand the purpose of it and thought that it was unnecessary to invent it. Redditor numbnerve wanted to know what people think is the invention we would be better off without and over 22k people joined the discussion with some serious answers.
Don’t forget to upvote the redditors’ answers you agree with the most and if there is something you think belongs in this list and wasn't mentioned, leave it in the comments!
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Beauty pageants for children.
Am I the only one that think these kids look absolutely hideous anyway? After all that ridiculous makeup is caked on they look more like Bride of Chucky than children.
So called influncers, I'm probably too old to understand them but I certainly don't want my 1 year old to aspire to be one
Reality TV. I swear it glamorized the worst kind of behavior, and we ate it up.
Shark fin soup - Tens of millions of sharks are killed every year for their fins that offer little nutritional value and serve no purpose outside of being a status symbol
YouTube "endscreens" (or "endcards") that often block content at the end of the video you're watching.
For Profit Prisons.
And the fact that they are allowed to lobby for heavier person sentences and get it is just a pure slap in the face of the very idea of freedom.
Landmines. I'll tell you why:
They render large tracts of land completely unusable
They are expensive and difficult to remove safely because there is seldom documentation of where they are placed
They are cheap, plentiful, easy to place, and deadly
They kill/maim livestock and wild animals
They kill/maim innocent people decades after conflicts have ended. Many times the victims are children because they can't read or don't understand warning signs
"Smart" devices. No LG, i don't want to download an app to use my f*****g washing machine, i want to wash my clothes ffs
Adblock detectors. Your site forces me to disable adblock? Ill just go to another site.
Devices meant to break after a short period of time, and devices that purposely have parts you can't replace.
Seafloor trawling...
It destroys the habitant of fish just so we can squeeze every bit of a fish from an area...
The UK doesn't have so much trouble with these thanks to the Telephone Preference Service, which allows people to opt-out of sales calls. This works for legitimate companies, but unfortunately the scammers don't abide by the rules. I have a Raspberry Pi with a Fax Modem that monitors incoming calls on my landline and answers as a fax machine to unknown numbers or numbers I have blocked. Really we should be beyond this, but the telecommunications industry doesn't seem to want to fix it.
They’ve ruined the environment by killing off the pollinators. I swear, they will be the reason for more food shortages just as swiftly as climate change will affect us all.
Ads with sounds that play when your phones sound is off
Cookie pop-ups. How come we still don't have a more efficient way to manage our browsing privacy.
Some sites are better than others, but it is starting to get annoying, as when you decline cookies on a site, it can't set a cookie to say that you declined cookies, so it asks you every ruddy time you visit it! Not all cookies are evil and some are needed to make sites work, such as remembering preferences and logins, but tracking cookies can go and do one!
I’ve gone through a ton and haven’t seen this one. Slavery.
Fast fashion. I can’t imagine the amount of cheap, tacky clothes just mountains in landfills.
Auto play videos, especially in non video streaming websites. NOBODY asked for them, yet so much work is getting put into making it a web standard. Just f*****g stop
AGREED!!! Drives me crazy when a video just starts playing on a non video streaming site!
Drug commercials. F**k me, your average joe, making drug recommendations TO MY DOCTOR - who spent 10+ years studying and working to be in the position.
Ads on streaming services that I F*****G pay for. You don’t need revenue, Hulu, that’s what my subscription is!
Pop up ads. Not only are they so annoying but can either scam or install malware on the devices of unsuspecting people
Fun Fact: The inventor of PopUps officially apologized for inventing them.
Social media. Addictive, dehumanizing, causes depression, promotes terrible behavior, actively reduces our capacity to have real human connections.
The Polygraph machine. Super innaccurate and I believe even the inventor curses its existance.
Always found it so strange the weight that seems to be put on polygraph tests in the USA, in both fiction and real life crime cases. Its so unreliable, but the results seem to have such a big impact on how suspects are viewed
Keurig single use pods
The New generation of Every basic machine. Like refrigerators that requires internet to work, It only have one job to do
They have smart toasters. Let me just repeat that because the idea is do stupid it defies belief. Smart. Toasters.
Junk mail is just a waist of everyone’s time
It's not like the corn industry would suffer if it stopped producing HFCS. Products made from corn are used in dozens of industries: corn starch, ethanol, flavonoids extracted from corn, corn oil, etc.
Scam calls! We get them on our house phone all the time and it’s so annoying
Just answer and either say fraud department, or city morgue you stab em we slab em that has gotten a lot of these calls to stop for me and my family
Edit: Because Twitter is mainly a cesspool of hypocrisy and politics. I've honestly never seen so many "non descriminatory self appointed puritains" be so incredibly hateful due to someone not having the exact same opinion as them
LED advertising They're too f*****g bright and now they're putting mini screens on trucks that drive around town and it pisses me off. There's already enough distraction on the road.
I miss the billboards that had the rotating panels. Those were cool
There are some in my city that are eye level with the road and are so bright it is so distracting at night!
The food pyramid brought to you by general mills, the dairy industry, and countless other big corporations whose goal was profit over the health of others
"The food pyramid" hasn't been in official use since at least the Obama admin maybe even earlier.
Deepfake. Any time i see a video with it all i'm left feeling is fear for the future.
It is so creepy to see they can mimic a person so well that it is so hard to tell if it is really them or artificially produced! Same feeling I have when I have seen them....fear of the future!
Standardized testing
"These tests are too crude to be used, and should be abandoned" -Horace mann the inventor of standardized testing on the subject of standardized testing
If everyone should be taught to AT LEAST *this* level, then a standardised test to ensure that is happening makes perfect sense. The problem with education is trying to teach every child the same way, and treating them the same, when some naturally struggle and some naturally excel. The whole world is obsessed with "everyone is the same", except (let me say this loudly for the woke with their airpods in) WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME
Anyone ever seen that “as seen on TV” ad of the golf club you p**s in? I feel like that’d be a good contender for this
War. I know this one is generic, but the entire concept is a bunch of poor people murdering each other because to rich spoiled old men couldn't stand not getting their way. How about this. If you are one of the leaders pushing for a war you have to go to the front line to fight it or your opinion is thrown out. If you aren't willing to die for your beliefs I sure as hell aren't going to.
#51 - Autotune used as a vocal instrument. The inventor of autotune created it to correct micro-pitch variations on vocal tracks in the studio, for use by the recording engineer, NOT to make you sound like a faulty robot.
Definitely. Most if not all promote hate and discrimination because they were made in past times. Not all religious people is bad but imo most if not all religions are.
Load More Replies...War. I know this one is generic, but the entire concept is a bunch of poor people murdering each other because to rich spoiled old men couldn't stand not getting their way. How about this. If you are one of the leaders pushing for a war you have to go to the front line to fight it or your opinion is thrown out. If you aren't willing to die for your beliefs I sure as hell aren't going to.
#51 - Autotune used as a vocal instrument. The inventor of autotune created it to correct micro-pitch variations on vocal tracks in the studio, for use by the recording engineer, NOT to make you sound like a faulty robot.
Definitely. Most if not all promote hate and discrimination because they were made in past times. Not all religious people is bad but imo most if not all religions are.
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