As The Taliban Takes Over Afghanistan, These Brave Women Go To The Streets To Fight For Their Rights

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The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan’s government has already caused disarray and raised a great deal of concern about citizens’ future. According to recent news, once the Taliban, an Islamist military organization, took the power, people of Afghanistan immediately started leaving the country. The motive for this was the past experience of the Taliban ruling the country from 1996 to 2001. Having in mind how severe their rule was, people wanted to leave the country at all costs. Some of these people actually sacrificed their lives by clinging to a moving military plane, which they fell from.
For those who couldn’t run away, the future seems vague and scary. However, this didn’t stop 4 brave women from speaking their minds. Recently, a video of 4 Afghan women marching in the streets of Kabul demanding their rights went viral on social media.
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As the Taliban takes over rule of Afghanistan, people are full of uncertainty, fear and doubts about their future
زنان افغان وجود دارند
زنان امروز در جاده های کابل ..Bravo ❤️💪🏽 pic.twitter.com/Xzaa2uGTQz— Shakeela Ebrahimkhil (@shakeela3) August 17, 2021
The Taliban is known for strictly following Islamic law. In the past, they restricted women by only focusing on the importance of their household, and banned television and music. Having this in mind, women went to the streets to claim their freedom. This act has caused a public debate. Some people were fascinated by their bravery, agreeing that nothing has ever changed without confrontation. However, some people were skeptical and stating that they were putting themselves at risk without gaining an actual win.
These 4 women decided to take a risk and go to the streets of Kabul demanding their rights
These brave women took to the streets in Kabul to protest against Taliban. They simplify asking for their rights, the right to work, the right for education and the right to political participation.The right to live in a safe society. I hope more women and men join them. pic.twitter.com/pK7OnF2wm2
— Masih Alinejad 🏳️ (@AlinejadMasih) August 17, 2021
Image credits: AlinejadMasih
How did the Taliban react to all of this? According to Zabihullah Mujahid, an official Taliban spokesman, they have no intentions to limit women’s rights. 20 years have passed since the Taliban was first leading the country and their views have changed throughout the years. In his speech, Mujahid stated that girls will be able to receive education and women will be able to go to work and engage in political life. But all of this positive news was met skeptically by people.
Image credits: AlinejadMasih
As the country is in fear and uncertainty, acts like these can change the course of events. What is clear from the statement that these four women made is that they don’t want to go back in time when they had no right to express their opinions.
What do you think about this situation? Leave your thoughts in the comments down below!
Besides people online praising these women for being brave, some skeptics believe that these women are only putting themselves in danger
Image credits: PitterHartman
Image credits: LucyPeony
Image credits: pchomostnet
ADVERTISEMENTImage credits: richvelasquezc
Image credits: davidgaw
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Konstancija is a Content Creator at Bored Panda. She has a bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpreting and a master’s degree in Future Media and Journalism. She is very interested in sustainable fashion and is a perfect companion to go to second-hand shops and antiques for nearly anything: clothes, books or furniture. Her interests also include photography, literature and hiking.
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Konstancija Gasaitytė
Author, Community member
Konstancija is a Content Creator at Bored Panda. She has a bachelor’s degree in Translation and Interpreting and a master’s degree in Future Media and Journalism. She is very interested in sustainable fashion and is a perfect companion to go to second-hand shops and antiques for nearly anything: clothes, books or furniture. Her interests also include photography, literature and hiking.
The comment made by Rich Velasquez above is so upsetting. Not only do they not understand feminism, but they clearly have no idea whatsoever what will happen to these Women in Afghanistan. It's easy to judge from your armchair when you are in no danger.
If 4 women have the guts to stand up against returning to medieval times where women hardly count as human beings, so should all the feminists no matter their gender. If you're concerned about your rights, you should show it in public. Although the Taliban claim that they are not going to oppress women, they also made it clear that Sharia law will be enforced in Afghanistan. Sharia law is even more misogynistic than the entire incel movement. Incels want women to be submissive, but can't enforce it. Sharia law will enforce it.
Load More Replies...We as women can stand up and protest from far away. Will it do any good? Maybe. Maybe the Taliban will at some point realize that the rest of the world won't stand for it. But that hasn't happened as yet, and here it is the 21st century. But what's happening, or going to happen to these women, and all women in Afghanistan under Taliban rule is everyone's problem. If by feminists no matter their gender, you mean men. Absolutely. But I will not be surprised to find that these particular women will be executed.
It's also disturbing that he thinks women elsewhere aren't being oppressed. To say that we are not being oppressed still in the US is a crock. Just because our lives aren't being threatened does not change that fact.
I'm SO oppressed as I type from my Iphone and sip my caffe mocha lotta choca at college getting an education in tiny shorts and with hair flowing and no veil!
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I'm not sure a crappy paycheck (that you're comparing to who, exactly?) quite counts as "oppression". Inequality, maybe, but NOT oppression.
Yeah, it’s not like paycheques provide the means to buy food and housing or anything.
You need to go back and read what "oppression" means because plenty of men get rubbish pay cheques too, it might be unfair, it might make life difficult, but it's not "oppression".
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true, but remind me again how much worse it is for you here in the US than the daily lives of these women?
No don't do this. We can improve everywhere, Don't excuse injustices in one situations just because other situations are worse. That's just so wrong. Parellel to : "Look , stop fussing about your finger being cut off - other people have their hand cut off" mentality. No one should have to suffer any degree of oppression or inequality.
I think he understand very well what is feminism, about the equal right for women as for men. But hey, it is easy to be "brave" only when is convenient, only when one is safe. I think the feminists silence speaks more than thousand words. They should make themselves heard and "fight" where it is really needed, where women are really oppressed, not complaining that the seats in the western trains are not designed for short women (as it was a while ago in an article here on Bored panda). I even don't want to imagine what these women protesting in Afganistan are going through. Chapeau bas for their bravery!
You honestly think this guy has a clue about feminism? I doubt it. He seems to think women aren't being oppressed elsewhere still, and I assure you, looking at my paycheck they are. Are these women incredibly brave? Yes. The level of the oppression is obviously much more than women in, say the US. And they should be applauded. However, to say that only women putting their lives in danger stand for feminism is disingenious.
Okay, I knew you would say something like this. Because the vast amount of your posts lack critical thinking. If you read what I wrote I said that they are in a dangerous situation. Just because they are being killed for fighting for their rights does not negate that women in the US and other parts of the world are still oppressed. And that is what this man alluded to. This is not an all or nothing thing. Their oppression does not mean that we in the US aren't as well. It simply means they are in a more critical situation and certainly need more help. I was at no point comparing this to what goes on the US every day. But when you stop looking at the big picture, you risk going backward.
You are such a moronic idiot. I SPECIFICALLY said, that not all oppression is the same. But don't be fooled into thinking that women in the US are not still oppressed. Why don't you go over there and fight for women's rights if you're such an expert?
Why is it that some people think everything is an all or nothing thing? This person seems to think since women in Islamic countries are threatened with death simply for thinking, that that negates the women who get paid less here, or have their asses grabbed by their bosses. No, that's not oppression in her little sphere, I guess. Another example is when you tell someone you care about animal abuse and they ask "but what about abused children?". As if we don't have room in our hearts to be outraged by both. I may not be explaining this well, but this person never thinks things through here.
It's infuriating indeed! Men who have no idea what oppression means take out the meter to measure how much feminists we are! Men who should be on our side since they feel that this is so unfair and should also feel shame for their kind that has created these problems in the first place! (don't wanna hear "not all men" cause this is not the time)
Vicky Z, right? All of a sudden the very ones that have oppressed women worldwide, expect us to be the ones to find this injustice, alone? They're the ones that have put us in the position of being oppressed, and expect us to now suddenly turn it around? MEN HAVE CAUSED THIS. Now that they see women being killed (and this has been going on all over the world for centuries), now, they want women to have equality? And they expect the victims of the oppression to be the architects of changing it?
Nah, you're very eloquent. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that thinks this way.
The Taliban oppresses women at its own peril. To paraphrase Malcolm X, you can't keep women down without staying down with them.
Are you actually listening to yourself? Do you even know how to read? Who was "justifying slavery"? You're really insane, aren't you?
F**k the Taliban.
The Taliban saying that it will respect the rights of women is like the KKK saying it will respect the rights of POCs, or the Westboro Baptist Church saying it will respect the rights of LGBTQ people.
Load More Replies...On Tuesday they respected a woman's right to not wear a burqa by shooting her to death.
You know what, jerk, I live in Kenosha, and it was NOT BLM looting anything. And if you'd like to see the very peaceful protests that I videoed on my street I'll show you. Do not lump the protesters with the looters. It's not accurate and it disingenuous.
hahahahaha....I doubt all members of the Taliban are shooting civilians either but as a group they are - same as BLM. Please do send me your cherry picked video
Is it fair to ask "where are the other women?' or "where are the men?". What these women are doing is unquestionably brave, but it's also incredibly dangerous. They're not only exposing themselves as opposition to a dangerous terrorist organization but also exposing their families as potential sympathizers. Can we really blame others for choosing to stay safe and alive instead of standing up for what is right?
My son was asking me this last night, what I would do in this situation. He was shocked that I said "nothing," I honestly couldn't endanger my beloved family's right to life for the protest of my personal rights. If I was single and had no one depending in me, then there would be a possibility.
Load More Replies...This. I admire those who have the courage to stand against the greater evil, but I understand those who are not willing to sacrifice the safety of their loved ones. As someone who was born in a communist country during the Cold War, I know stories of persecution. The totalitarian regime doesn't have any shame in targetting your children, or your elderly parents, or even your friends - the tyrants will do anything to keep their power! It's easy to be dismissive of people who are afraid to stand up to the tyranny, but only those who have actually faced the danger have, in my opinion, the moral right to actually do so. Strangely enough, not many of them do...
I cannot imagine this, although having been born during the Cold War, I have heard stories. And even from the outside, I can appreciate just how dangerous a time it was. When I was a kid and we'd watch the Olympics, we would always wonder which of the athletes would try to defect.
Yeah but this is like the Holocaust, even if you don't speak up they may eventually come for you because that is how these sorts of repressive regimes work.
Zophra, a fairer statement, I've never heard. I'm afraid I'd have to say the same thing. I'm fiercely protective of my children. I would not put their lives in danger. And that is something I'd have to live with.
Same here - even if they are older. Nightmares are made of me helplessly watch them get tortured/raped - I can't even fathom living with myself if I was the cause and I was smart enough to know possible consequences. Also, I apologize for initally sounding snarky on the other post. Not a good excuse, but I'm having an off day. Hope your day is lovely and mine is better tomorrow! :)
You see where children die from cancer, or accidents, and frankly, I have no idea how a mother could carry on. I just know I would snap. Yep, put me right in an institution, because my mind would be mush. And, Nope, not snarky, perfectly acceptable. At any time we may feel strongly on something, based on our own experiences. Passion is a hard thing to keep under a rug. I've read enough of your posts to know that we do see eye to eye on many things. And if we don't on all, well that makes for critical thinking. And how boring a world would it be if we didn't disagree sometimes?
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You are a fool and EXACTLY the reason why totalitarian rule is so prevalent.
I don't think any decision is easy, I certainly wouldn't call any woman not stepping up a fool because I'm not in their situation. I would not want to see my daughter raped in front of me, my son and husband beheaded... because I was worried about being foolish. And I think you're being foolish in thinking it is that simple to stop a totalitarian rule.
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It ISN'T simple, but if you want to continue living under a regime that decides if you live or die and they can kill you any time they want, you are just submitting. Granted, you probably will die. BUT if you are afraid to die for freedom then you have no freedom and you shouldn't expect someone else to die for your freedom. I guess if they give you "free s**t" you will submit. Right?
Zophra, the normal people here absolutely understand what you're saying, this troll can spout her claptrap about fighting for what's right, but where is she? I want to see her go there if she has the answer.
I absolutely agree with you. This is dangerous. For centuries these women have been treated as chattel, told to be quiet, speak when spoken to, and now, now, you want them to step up, put their lives at risk? How about all these people saying that's what they should be doing? Are they going to get on a plane, go to Afghanistan and fight for their rights? I don't think so. It's absolutely unfair to say that. And as far as the men not standing up for them, well that's the issue isn't it? Their fathers, brothers, sons, have been raised in this culture. They probably think these women are nothing but troublemakers.
True bravery for good in the face of evil is hard. You can continue to turn a blind eye and be a coward allowing blood shed all around. Or you can stand for what is right. The choice is hard, with real consequences. It is hard. Too bad full countries choose to be cowards.
Not one bit Monday. One person's bravery does not necessarily make another a coward.
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Yes, we can hold it against those who choose not to speak up and stand up for what is right. “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Bonhoeffer
How about you go over there and help then? Jeez. These women aren't just fighting for equal pay, their fighting for their lives. And speaking up can get them killed.
dumb ass, the taliban were cutting the heads off of Special FORCES members, and threatening civilians with rocket launchers.
The comment made by Rich Velasquez above is so upsetting. Not only do they not understand feminism, but they clearly have no idea whatsoever what will happen to these Women in Afghanistan. It's easy to judge from your armchair when you are in no danger.
If 4 women have the guts to stand up against returning to medieval times where women hardly count as human beings, so should all the feminists no matter their gender. If you're concerned about your rights, you should show it in public. Although the Taliban claim that they are not going to oppress women, they also made it clear that Sharia law will be enforced in Afghanistan. Sharia law is even more misogynistic than the entire incel movement. Incels want women to be submissive, but can't enforce it. Sharia law will enforce it.
Load More Replies...We as women can stand up and protest from far away. Will it do any good? Maybe. Maybe the Taliban will at some point realize that the rest of the world won't stand for it. But that hasn't happened as yet, and here it is the 21st century. But what's happening, or going to happen to these women, and all women in Afghanistan under Taliban rule is everyone's problem. If by feminists no matter their gender, you mean men. Absolutely. But I will not be surprised to find that these particular women will be executed.
It's also disturbing that he thinks women elsewhere aren't being oppressed. To say that we are not being oppressed still in the US is a crock. Just because our lives aren't being threatened does not change that fact.
I'm SO oppressed as I type from my Iphone and sip my caffe mocha lotta choca at college getting an education in tiny shorts and with hair flowing and no veil!
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I'm not sure a crappy paycheck (that you're comparing to who, exactly?) quite counts as "oppression". Inequality, maybe, but NOT oppression.
Yeah, it’s not like paycheques provide the means to buy food and housing or anything.
You need to go back and read what "oppression" means because plenty of men get rubbish pay cheques too, it might be unfair, it might make life difficult, but it's not "oppression".
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true, but remind me again how much worse it is for you here in the US than the daily lives of these women?
No don't do this. We can improve everywhere, Don't excuse injustices in one situations just because other situations are worse. That's just so wrong. Parellel to : "Look , stop fussing about your finger being cut off - other people have their hand cut off" mentality. No one should have to suffer any degree of oppression or inequality.
I think he understand very well what is feminism, about the equal right for women as for men. But hey, it is easy to be "brave" only when is convenient, only when one is safe. I think the feminists silence speaks more than thousand words. They should make themselves heard and "fight" where it is really needed, where women are really oppressed, not complaining that the seats in the western trains are not designed for short women (as it was a while ago in an article here on Bored panda). I even don't want to imagine what these women protesting in Afganistan are going through. Chapeau bas for their bravery!
You honestly think this guy has a clue about feminism? I doubt it. He seems to think women aren't being oppressed elsewhere still, and I assure you, looking at my paycheck they are. Are these women incredibly brave? Yes. The level of the oppression is obviously much more than women in, say the US. And they should be applauded. However, to say that only women putting their lives in danger stand for feminism is disingenious.
Okay, I knew you would say something like this. Because the vast amount of your posts lack critical thinking. If you read what I wrote I said that they are in a dangerous situation. Just because they are being killed for fighting for their rights does not negate that women in the US and other parts of the world are still oppressed. And that is what this man alluded to. This is not an all or nothing thing. Their oppression does not mean that we in the US aren't as well. It simply means they are in a more critical situation and certainly need more help. I was at no point comparing this to what goes on the US every day. But when you stop looking at the big picture, you risk going backward.
You are such a moronic idiot. I SPECIFICALLY said, that not all oppression is the same. But don't be fooled into thinking that women in the US are not still oppressed. Why don't you go over there and fight for women's rights if you're such an expert?
Why is it that some people think everything is an all or nothing thing? This person seems to think since women in Islamic countries are threatened with death simply for thinking, that that negates the women who get paid less here, or have their asses grabbed by their bosses. No, that's not oppression in her little sphere, I guess. Another example is when you tell someone you care about animal abuse and they ask "but what about abused children?". As if we don't have room in our hearts to be outraged by both. I may not be explaining this well, but this person never thinks things through here.
It's infuriating indeed! Men who have no idea what oppression means take out the meter to measure how much feminists we are! Men who should be on our side since they feel that this is so unfair and should also feel shame for their kind that has created these problems in the first place! (don't wanna hear "not all men" cause this is not the time)
Vicky Z, right? All of a sudden the very ones that have oppressed women worldwide, expect us to be the ones to find this injustice, alone? They're the ones that have put us in the position of being oppressed, and expect us to now suddenly turn it around? MEN HAVE CAUSED THIS. Now that they see women being killed (and this has been going on all over the world for centuries), now, they want women to have equality? And they expect the victims of the oppression to be the architects of changing it?
Nah, you're very eloquent. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one that thinks this way.
The Taliban oppresses women at its own peril. To paraphrase Malcolm X, you can't keep women down without staying down with them.
Are you actually listening to yourself? Do you even know how to read? Who was "justifying slavery"? You're really insane, aren't you?
F**k the Taliban.
The Taliban saying that it will respect the rights of women is like the KKK saying it will respect the rights of POCs, or the Westboro Baptist Church saying it will respect the rights of LGBTQ people.
Load More Replies...On Tuesday they respected a woman's right to not wear a burqa by shooting her to death.
You know what, jerk, I live in Kenosha, and it was NOT BLM looting anything. And if you'd like to see the very peaceful protests that I videoed on my street I'll show you. Do not lump the protesters with the looters. It's not accurate and it disingenuous.
hahahahaha....I doubt all members of the Taliban are shooting civilians either but as a group they are - same as BLM. Please do send me your cherry picked video
Is it fair to ask "where are the other women?' or "where are the men?". What these women are doing is unquestionably brave, but it's also incredibly dangerous. They're not only exposing themselves as opposition to a dangerous terrorist organization but also exposing their families as potential sympathizers. Can we really blame others for choosing to stay safe and alive instead of standing up for what is right?
My son was asking me this last night, what I would do in this situation. He was shocked that I said "nothing," I honestly couldn't endanger my beloved family's right to life for the protest of my personal rights. If I was single and had no one depending in me, then there would be a possibility.
Load More Replies...This. I admire those who have the courage to stand against the greater evil, but I understand those who are not willing to sacrifice the safety of their loved ones. As someone who was born in a communist country during the Cold War, I know stories of persecution. The totalitarian regime doesn't have any shame in targetting your children, or your elderly parents, or even your friends - the tyrants will do anything to keep their power! It's easy to be dismissive of people who are afraid to stand up to the tyranny, but only those who have actually faced the danger have, in my opinion, the moral right to actually do so. Strangely enough, not many of them do...
I cannot imagine this, although having been born during the Cold War, I have heard stories. And even from the outside, I can appreciate just how dangerous a time it was. When I was a kid and we'd watch the Olympics, we would always wonder which of the athletes would try to defect.
Yeah but this is like the Holocaust, even if you don't speak up they may eventually come for you because that is how these sorts of repressive regimes work.
Zophra, a fairer statement, I've never heard. I'm afraid I'd have to say the same thing. I'm fiercely protective of my children. I would not put their lives in danger. And that is something I'd have to live with.
Same here - even if they are older. Nightmares are made of me helplessly watch them get tortured/raped - I can't even fathom living with myself if I was the cause and I was smart enough to know possible consequences. Also, I apologize for initally sounding snarky on the other post. Not a good excuse, but I'm having an off day. Hope your day is lovely and mine is better tomorrow! :)
You see where children die from cancer, or accidents, and frankly, I have no idea how a mother could carry on. I just know I would snap. Yep, put me right in an institution, because my mind would be mush. And, Nope, not snarky, perfectly acceptable. At any time we may feel strongly on something, based on our own experiences. Passion is a hard thing to keep under a rug. I've read enough of your posts to know that we do see eye to eye on many things. And if we don't on all, well that makes for critical thinking. And how boring a world would it be if we didn't disagree sometimes?
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You are a fool and EXACTLY the reason why totalitarian rule is so prevalent.
I don't think any decision is easy, I certainly wouldn't call any woman not stepping up a fool because I'm not in their situation. I would not want to see my daughter raped in front of me, my son and husband beheaded... because I was worried about being foolish. And I think you're being foolish in thinking it is that simple to stop a totalitarian rule.
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It ISN'T simple, but if you want to continue living under a regime that decides if you live or die and they can kill you any time they want, you are just submitting. Granted, you probably will die. BUT if you are afraid to die for freedom then you have no freedom and you shouldn't expect someone else to die for your freedom. I guess if they give you "free s**t" you will submit. Right?
Zophra, the normal people here absolutely understand what you're saying, this troll can spout her claptrap about fighting for what's right, but where is she? I want to see her go there if she has the answer.
I absolutely agree with you. This is dangerous. For centuries these women have been treated as chattel, told to be quiet, speak when spoken to, and now, now, you want them to step up, put their lives at risk? How about all these people saying that's what they should be doing? Are they going to get on a plane, go to Afghanistan and fight for their rights? I don't think so. It's absolutely unfair to say that. And as far as the men not standing up for them, well that's the issue isn't it? Their fathers, brothers, sons, have been raised in this culture. They probably think these women are nothing but troublemakers.
True bravery for good in the face of evil is hard. You can continue to turn a blind eye and be a coward allowing blood shed all around. Or you can stand for what is right. The choice is hard, with real consequences. It is hard. Too bad full countries choose to be cowards.
Not one bit Monday. One person's bravery does not necessarily make another a coward.
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Yes, we can hold it against those who choose not to speak up and stand up for what is right. “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” Bonhoeffer
How about you go over there and help then? Jeez. These women aren't just fighting for equal pay, their fighting for their lives. And speaking up can get them killed.
dumb ass, the taliban were cutting the heads off of Special FORCES members, and threatening civilians with rocket launchers.