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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter February 23, 2021

Caveat emptor – hidden pitfalls in defining the 99th percentile of cardiac troponin assays

  • Paul Collinson ORCID logo EMAIL logo and Fred S. Apple

Corresponding author: Professor Paul Collinson, Department of Cardiology, Clinical Blood Sciences, St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and St George’s University of London, Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0QT, UK, E-mail:

  1. Research funding: None declared.

  2. Author contributions: All authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript and approved its submission.

  3. Competing interests: Authors state no conflict of interest.

  4. Informed consent: Informed consent was obtained from all individuals included in this study.

  5. Ethical approval: Research involving human subjects complied with all relevant national regulations, institutional policies and is in accordance with the tenets of the Helsinki Declaration (as revised in 2013), and has been approved by the authors’ Institutional Review Board or equivalent committee.


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Received: 2021-01-14
Accepted: 2021-02-15
Published Online: 2021-02-23
Published in Print: 2021-08-26

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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