Samuel Salzer

Samuel Salzer

Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden
20K followers 500+ connections


𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐈 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥…


  • Nuance Graphic
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    Stockholm, Stockholm County, Sweden

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    Austin, Texas Metropolitan Area

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Stockholm, Sweden

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    Sydney, Australia

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    Shenyang, Liaoning, China

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    Sydney Area, Australia

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    Sydney Area, Australia

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    Sydney, Australia

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  • UNSW Graphic



    Activities and Societies: Inter-College Charity Committee - Co-Founder & Board member Peer elected college representative and senior

    Bachelor of Commerce

Licenses & Certifications

Volunteer Experience

  • Co-Founder and Board Member

    UF Alumni

    - 2 years

    Economic Empowerment

    Co-Founded the not-for-profit network to unite fellow young driven individuals and future business leaders.

    Was responsible for the strategic planning and implementing of the network and as board member served to create valuable relationships with relevant companies and organisations.

    The network have to date over 25 000 members with active regional subsections all across Sweden.

  • Board Member

    JA-YE Alumni Europe

    - 1 year


    JA Alumni Europe is a Pan-European non-profit network existing of young entrepreneurial volunteers across 21 active European membership countries.

    Today the organization counts around 4,000+ members and has a high potential for future growth. The members' are all former participants of JA programs and all share passion for entrepreneurship and leadership. JA Alumni Europe is the official alumni organization of JA Europe.

    Being a JA Alumni means sharing the same experience, not…

    JA Alumni Europe is a Pan-European non-profit network existing of young entrepreneurial volunteers across 21 active European membership countries.

    Today the organization counts around 4,000+ members and has a high potential for future growth. The members' are all former participants of JA programs and all share passion for entrepreneurship and leadership. JA Alumni Europe is the official alumni organization of JA Europe.

    Being a JA Alumni means sharing the same experience, not only passion and ambitions but also having the same foundations to build on.

    I was elected by peers to represent the thousands of fellow alumni across Europe by working to increase the organization's reach and impact.

    I was a part of introducing the campaign "Changing Lives", a global youth initiative aimed to inspire 100,000 young people to realize their entrepreneurship potential by encouraging former students of a JA-YE program to reach out to schools and share their own personal stories. In total 134.362 students were reached within the approximately one year the campaign lasted.

  • Ung Företagsamhet Graphic

    Board Member

    Ung Företagsamhet

    - 1 year 4 months


    Junior Achievement Sweden provides educational programs in entrepreneurship for students in elementary school and high school. The programs are designed to stimulate creativity and entrepreneurship and to give students insight into business conditions.

    Locally elected by my district to increase entrepreneurial engagement among high school students. Excelled during my opportunity to give back to my community and support teenagers discover their entrepreneurial fire.

  • Co-Founder and Board Member

    Inter-College Charity Committee - University of New South Wales

    - 1 year

    Poverty Alleviation

    The aspiration of creating a positive movement among university campus students lead me to Co-Found the charity organisation, connecting compassionate residents from UNSW colleges to help and support less fortunate individuals in Australia

    Successfully established a committee with representatives from each of the nine campus colleges, uniting the group of almost 5,000 students in order to provide efforts for a good cause

  • Effektiv Altruism Graphic

    Member / Volunteer

    Effektiv Altruism

    - Present 9 years 6 months

    Poverty Alleviation

    Active member in the growing Effective Altruism community. First active in Sydney, and then more recently in the Swedish branch. Check out:

Honors & Awards

  • International High Achiever Scholarship

    University of New South Wales

  • Highest Achieving Business Student

    John Bauer High School


  • Swedish

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • English

    Native or bilingual proficiency

  • Norwegian

    Professional working proficiency

  • Chinese, Mandarin

    Limited working proficiency

  • French

    Elementary proficiency

  • Ukrainian

    Elementary proficiency

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