In this fast-paced world where quantity overwhelms quality, we want to be your village baker. We invite you to know where your bread comes from and learn about how and why we bake slow with intention.


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Local Bread. Local Grains.

Green Lion is dedicated to sourcing local and regional whole grains, including heritage and ancient grains that are organically grown. By supporting our small bakery you give us a chance to develop the finest breads using the freshest local ingredients, and you in turn help support and revive a historic local grain culture. 

Instead of using industrial flour from large mills and farms thousands of miles away, we all benefit from a reduced carbon footprint by using fresh-milled, locally-grown grains.


Freshly Milled. Hand Crafted. Naturally Leavened.

Our naturally leavened breads are handcrafted with stone ground flours, which we mill ourselves on-site at our Frog Hollow Farm location.

Unlike a large commercial rollermill operation, the natural, heavy granite stones of our human-sized hand-made mill run horizontally at a slower rpm, which keeps the flour cool to retain flavor and nutrition - resulting in the freshest, full-flavored, nutrient dense loaves for your table.

Please see a recent feature in County Lines Magazine here.

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We have a collection of 6-8 loaves that we make regularly, from organic, local/regional grains that we mill on-site, leaven with our longstanding sourdough mix affectionately known as Mother, and bake fresh. Shown is our Bauernbrot, aka “farmer’s bread”, a classic German sourdough rye bread boasting freshly milled organic rye grown in NY and organic whole wheat grown in PA.

Our Ancient Medley (not shown), known for its remarkable digestibility, combines Einkorn and Spelt, two ancient grains that have remained relatively unchanged (unhybridized) throughout a history dating back over 8,000 years. This is the bread folks who avoid gluten choose with great relief.

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We mill a variety of organic flours on site on our handcrafted granite stone mill: Einkorn, Spelt, Wheat, Rye, and an artisan baking flour.

Not just for home-made bread! Gluten issues? Don’t like feeling bloated after you eat? Feed your family home-made Einkorn pancakes for breakfast, or fresh Einkorn pasta for dinner - only 45-60 seconds in the water (vs 10-12 minutes) and it’s ready.

Not sure how? Ask us! Open up a new world of remarkably simple, pure, nutritional, easy-to-make food opportunities.


What is the Green Lion way of making organic granola? After processing our grains with a slow soak with whey from Pure Joy Creamery our granola Is sweetened with PA harvested maple syrup, local raw honey and a splash of sucanat.

Grains require careful preparation because they contain a number of antinutrients that can cause health problems. Part of the seed’s system of preservation is to prevent sprouting until the conditions are right. Plants need moisture, warmth, time and slight acidity in order to sprout. Proper preparation of grains is a kind and gentle process that imitates the process that occurs in nature. It involves soaking for a period in warm, acidulated water in the preparation of porridge, or long, slow sourdough fermentation in the making of bread. Such processes neutralize phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors. Vitamin content increases, particularly B vitamins. Tannins, complex sugars, gluten and other difficult-to-digest substances are partially broken down into simpler components that are more readily available for absorption.  (Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig, PhD.)

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Seasonal and Specialty Items

Our Holiday Stollen (shown) is an extravaganza: a pastry-like bread … or maybe it’s a bread-like pastry. Available after Thanksgiving by pre-order only.

Other popular items we make from time to time include Jalepeno-Cheddar rolls, pretzels, bagels, and variations on the traditional loaves where we experiment with flour variations and blends, seeds and nuts, and other ingredients.

Specialty and seasonal items come and go, are not available by subscription, and are not available in all locations at all times. Hit the shop button to see what is available today.


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