Slate of Officers for 2022-2023

The Nominating Committee and Leadership Development Team would like to present the proposed Slate of Officers for the 2022-2023 year. Instructions for voting will be in the weekly email in April.
The Nominating Committee is also asking for any additional nominations “from the floor.” Please note that the positions of President-Elect, Membership Co-VP, and Programs Co-VP are still open. If you would like to be considered for an elected board position, please contact Peggy Martin,, by March 15th to be included in this process.

President: Suman Ganapathy. Suman is currently President-Elect. She has been both layout and copy editor for the newsletter. She heads up Afternoon Book Group, and is a member of the Bylaws Committee. She has been in charge of the Wildflower Run 2K events and now handles Run social media marketing. She is a past recipient of a Leadership Morgan Hill grant and serves on the City’s Library, Culture and Arts Commission.

Programs Co-VP: Wan Chen. Wan is new to our branch and has jumped right into many activities. She is working with the Tech Trek group interviewing students for scholarships and helping with the Wildflower Run. She is the founder of Ivy Climbing Education Services, providing high school and college admissions guidance.

Membership Co-VP: Sherrie Wren. Sherrie has served as Co-VP Membership for 2 1/2 years and is treasurer for the
Friends of the Morgan Hill Library. Her Wildflower Run position is co-chair of contracts.

VP AAUW Funds: Peggy Martin. Peggy currently serves as Fund VP; she has been branch president and co-president, CFO and treasurer, is WFR treasurer, and President of ISPF-AAUW. She is a past Leadership Morgan Hill grant recipient and is treasurer of the MH Community Foundation.

Treasurer: Tessy Albin. Tessy has served three years as CFO. She has been Wildflower Run water stops chair
for many years. She has an extensive financial and accounting background and currently operates her own association management business.

Secretary: Tammy Parker. Tammy is current Leadership MH grant recipient. She is co-chair of the High School Scholarship committee. She has helped with the Kids’ 2K race in the Wildflower Run and assists with the Wildflower Fund member donation campaign.

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