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Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social

Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social

Business Consulting and Services

Montreal, QC 509 followers

Consulting for non-profits, foundations, coops, coalitions and the public sector.

About us

Over 20 years experience volunteering and working with the non-profit and public sectors. What we offer: Organizational development & change management Capacity building for individuals and groups Organization & program evaluation / restructuring Impact assessment Strategic planning Leadership transition / succession planning & coaching Fundraising & communications Board and volunteer systems management development Facilitation and design (retreats, stakeholder meetings) Other themes and projects, depending on your needs Prioritize your development needs: Creative, adaptive accompaniment solutions are needed just as urgently in our field as are the services and programs that we offer. You could benefit from having someone outside of your team review and enhance your processes. Re-energize yourself and your team to make your mission come alive in new ways as you invest in sustainable management and community organizing. ---------------------------------------- Mes services: Développement organisationnel et gestion du changement Renforcement des capacités pour groupes ou individuel Évaluation de programmes et d’organisation / restructuration Planification stratégique Planification de la relève et de la période de transition de la direction Collecte de fonds et communications Développement de la gestion de l’action bénévole et des conseils d’administration Conception et animation de rencontres (retraites, consultation des intervenants) Autres thèmes et projets, selon les besoins Hiérarchiser vos besoins Le besoin de solutions d’accompagnement qui soient créatives et adaptatives est aussi urgent, dans le milieu des OSBL et organismes publics, que les programmes et les services au cœur de leur mission. Le coup d’œil externe d’un expert aidera votre équipe à revoir et améliorer ses processus. Ressourcez-vous ainsi que votre équipe en investissant dans la gestion durable et l’organisation communautaire pour donner un nouvel élan dans la poursuite de votre mission.

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
2-10 employees
Montreal, QC
consultation, non-profit organizations, board of directors, cooperatives, foundations, coalitions , trainings, policy-writing, strategic planning, fundraising, public sector, organizational development, management, capacity building , restructuring , succession planning, leadership training, program evaluation, human resources, and impact assessment


Employees at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social


  • Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social reposted this

    View profile for Marlo Turner Ritchie 🌈

    Founder and Principal Consultant / Fondatrice et Consultante Principale at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil Impact Social

    This is a shocking and devastating loss for the non-profit sector in Canada. Jenny was an extremely dedicated activist, supporting migrants in detention facilities, working on policy change, and mobilizing with colleagues across the country through Canadian Council for Refugees / Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés and in Montreal through Action Réfugiés Montréal. I had the pleasure of working with her at both of these organizations, and was impressed by her passion for justice and her work ethic. A bright light has gone out. May her spirit shine on through the work of her colleagues and all those in precarious situations with whom she brought deep compassion and a desire to do what was right. Il s'agit d'une perte choquante et dévastatrice pour le secteur à but non lucratif au Canada. Jenny était une militante extrêmement dévouée, qui soutenait les migrants dans les centres de détention, travaillait à la modification des politiques et se mobilisait avec ses collègues dans tout le pays par l'intermédiaire du Conseil canadien pour les réfugiés / Canadian Council for Refugees et à Montréal par l'intermédiaire d'Action Réfugiés Montréal. J'ai eu le plaisir de travailler avec elle dans ces deux organisations et j'ai été impressionné par sa passion pour la justice et son éthique de travail. Une lumière brillante s'est éteinte. Puisse son esprit rayonner à travers le travail de ses collègues et de tous ceux qui se trouvent dans des situations précaires et à qui elle a apporté une profonde compassion et le désir de faire ce qui est juste.

    It is with heaviest hearts that we write to tell you that Jenny Jeanes, our beloved Vice President, has died. Jenny was an ever-present life force at CCR. A kind, generous, brilliant friend to many of us, she offered unwavering support, strengthened our work and enriched our personal lives. Jenny’s passion and dedication to refugee and migrant rights, to accompaniment and advocacy for those facing the injustices of immigration detention, and to the well-being of the Council and our whole community knew no bounds. We have lost a member of our CCR family, and the country has lost one of its leading experts on migrant detention. Past and future detained migrants and refugees have lost a devoted advocate, and many of them a trusted friend. The loss is immeasurable. Gentle in her demeanour, but unrelenting in her fight for justice, Jenny spoke truth to power when meeting with government officials and never lost sight of who she was doing it for. She was the embodiment of leadership through service. She championed refugee leadership in CCR and was devoted to lifting up the voices of people with lived experience - never taking the lead, but first to step up to do the invisible work. The world was simply a better place with Jenny in it. Read our full dedication to Jenny at the link below:

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  • Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social reposted this

    View profile for Marlo Turner Ritchie 🌈

    Founder and Principal Consultant / Fondatrice et Consultante Principale at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil Impact Social

    I am excited and honoured to have been invited by @ayanna.alleyne of @_cdnbca to be a mentor for this cool project ! Pictured here with my mentee Oneisha P. Lewis of @littlebeanfoundation Are you passionate about women’s entrepreneurship ? Do you want to pay forward the help that you have gotten from others as an entrepreneur ? Est-ce que vous aimeriez briser les barrières linguistiques pour les femmes Noires et de diverses identités ? Check ça ! @the.uibe @_cdnbca

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  • Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social reposted this

    View profile for Marlo Turner Ritchie 🌈

    Founder and Principal Consultant / Fondatrice et Consultante Principale at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil Impact Social

    "If individuals feel the impact of a recession, it is likely to result in them donating less to charity and spending less at social enterprises. If Canadian businesses take a financial hit due to tariffs we may see a reduction in corporate giving. If the markets are down, then funding from philanthropic foundations may contract as well." Imagine Canada --------------------------- "Si les gens ressentent les effets d’une récession, ils feront probablement moins de dons aux organismes de bienfaisance et dépenseront sans doute moins dans les entreprises sociales. Si les entreprises canadiennes subissent des contrecoups financiers en raison des tarifs douaniers, les dons des entreprises risquent de diminuer. Si les marchés sont à la baisse, il se peut que l’on assiste également à une contraction du financement de la part des fondations philanthropiques." Imagine Canada

  • Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social reposted this

    View profile for Marlo Turner Ritchie 🌈

    Founder and Principal Consultant / Fondatrice et Consultante Principale at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil Impact Social

    Marlo is happy to be assisting the team at the Concordia Food Coalition with an important leadership transition and strategic planning process, pro bono, as they are a Concordia campus-based organization with a limited budget. They are also the home of Sheena, our Administrator Coordinator's other job! We recommend checking out this General Coordinator job offer at this dynamic organization and circulating in your networks. ----------------------- Marlo est heureuse d'aider l'équipe de Coalition alimentaire Concordia dans le cadre d'une importante transition de leadership et d'un processus de planification stratégique, à titre gracieux, étant donné qu'il s'agit d'une organisation basée sur le campus de Concordia et disposant d'un budget limité. C'est également là que se trouve l'autre emploi de Sheena, notre coordinatrice administrative ! Nous vous recommandons de consulter cette offre d'emploi de coordinateur général au sein de cette organisation dynamique et de la faire circuler dans vos réseaux.

    Exciting news! We are hiring a General Coordinator at the Concordia Food Coalition. Scope of this Position The General Coordinator will ensure the growth, sustainability, and strategic direction of the organization, overseeing day-to-day operations and managing key functions such as finance, fundraising, HR, program oversight, and community relations. Full time. Wage range: starting at $50, 960 annual salary (after training & probation) Work schedule: averages 35 hours per week, some evening & weekend work Deadline to apply is March 3rd at 9:00 AM. Application link is in our bio and our Get Involved website page.

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  • Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social reposted this

    View profile for Marlo Turner Ritchie 🌈

    Founder and Principal Consultant / Fondatrice et Consultante Principale at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil Impact Social

    My Valentine's Day gift to the community, from Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social: an AMA "Ask Me Anything" session today at 1pm EST! Bring all of your gnarly, complicated, stressful questions related to community organizing, non-profits, foundations, grassroots activism and we can tackle them together! Mon cadeau de Saint-Valentin pour la communauté de Conseil impact social: une session "Demandez-moi n'importe quoi !" 13h aujourd'hui. Amenez toutes vos questions bizarres, compliquées, stressantes reliés au monde OBNL, militantisme, fondations etc et ensemble, on seraient plus fort.e.s !

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  • Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social reposted this

    View profile for Marlo Turner Ritchie 🌈

    Founder and Principal Consultant / Fondatrice et Consultante Principale at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil Impact Social

    NEW! 2024 Impact Report Last year, we worked with over 55 organizations, with an almost equal number of French and English clients across Quebec and beyond. Our Top consulting mandates for 2024 were: #1: Strategic planning #2: Leadership coaching #3 Fundraising (grant writing) tied with JEDI mandates (justice, equity, diversity and inclusion) Check out our Social Impact Report! Link is in the bio ---------------- 2024 Rapport d’impact L’année dernière, nous avons collaboré avec plus de 55 organisations, en travaillant avec presque autant de client·es francophones qu’anglophones, à travers le Québec et au-delà. Nos principaux mandats de conseil pour 2024 étaient les suivants : #1 : Planification stratégique #2 : Coaching en leadership #3 : Collectes de fonds (rédaction de demandes de subventions) liées aux mandats en JEDI (justice, équité, diversité et inclusion) Link dans le bio!

  • Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social reposted this

    View profile for Marlo Turner Ritchie 🌈

    Founder and Principal Consultant / Fondatrice et Consultante Principale at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil Impact Social

    We’re so honoured and excited to be working with Luca "Lazylegz" Patuelli and the #noexcusesnolimits team to build out their incredible non-profit organization. You can watch Luca perform at the The Invictus Games today with Nelly Furtado, Coldplay and other artists at 4pm EST! Nous sommes très honorées et excitées de travailler avec Luca LazyLegz Patuelli et l’équipe de #pasdexcusespasdelimites afin de construire leur organisme sans but lucratif. Vous pouvez visionner la performance de Luca aux Jeux Invictus aujourd’hui avec Nelly Furtado, Coldplay et d’autres artistes à 16hEST!

  • Social Impact Consulting / Conseil impact social reposted this

    View profile for Marlo Turner Ritchie 🌈

    Founder and Principal Consultant / Fondatrice et Consultante Principale at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil Impact Social

    Suicide Prevention Week 2025: February 2 to 8, 2025 On average, three Quebecers die by suicide every day. These individuals are our parents, our children, our brothers, our sisters, our friends, our colleagues. During this Suicide Prevention Week, let’s commit to breaking taboos, speaking openly about suicide, and using the many specialized support resources available. Together, we can make a difference. Every action counts: talking, listening, and guiding towards services. ------------------------- Semaine de prévention du suicide 2025: 2 au 8 février 2025 En moyenne, trois Québécois·es se suicident chaque jour. Ces personnes sont nos parents, nos enfants, nos frères, nos sœurs, nos amis, nos collègues. Pendant cette Semaine de prévention du suicide, engageons-nous à briser les tabous, à parler ouvertement du suicide et à utiliser les nombreuses ressources d’aide spécialisée. Ensemble, nous pouvons faire une différence. Chaque geste compte : parler, écouter et orienter vers less services.

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  • View profile for Marlo Turner Ritchie 🌈

    Founder and Principal Consultant / Fondatrice et Consultante Principale at Social Impact Consulting / Conseil Impact Social

    Trade wars. Here we go. Are you watching CBC News Network Live? Trudeau address is supposed to be at around 6pm and Legault is around 7pm EST. Impacts on the non-profit sector will be BAD (increased costs, decreased donations, decreased revenues for social enterprises, potential job loses, spike in demands for services to name a few). Guerres commerciales. Nous y voilà. Vous regardez Rad Can en directe ? Le discours de Trudeau est environs à 18 heures et celui de Legault est environs à 19h EST. Les impacts sur le secteur à but non lucratif seront MAUVAIS (augmentation des coûts, diminution des dons, diminuition des revenues pour des entreprises sociales, pertes d'emplois potentielles, augmentation de la demande de services pour résumer).

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