Lviv Media Forum

створює «help for Ukrainian journalists and media in the time of

  • $20.94/month
The greatest evil is afraid of being seen and heard — and therefore afraid of the media which brings it to light. Thanks to Ukrainian journalists who continue to work at the risk of their lives, the world will learn the truth about Russia's war crimes. And the plots taken by them, gigabytes of photos, videos, written texts will be the testimony of the international tribunal.

Lviv Media Forum is fighting to ensure that Ukrainian independent media do not remain silent, and that the voice of truth is louder than terror, propaganda and manipulation.
Ukrainian journalism faces not only with physical threats, but also with financial difficulties. Pre-war financial models of the media do not work and most sources of income are lost.

We financially support newsrooms, evacuate journalists and their families from regions where active hostilities are taking place, protect Ukrainian media sites from cyberattacks, provide equipment and help find personal protective equipment. The organization is also working on strategic solutions to prepare the Ukrainian media for the challenges of both wartime and postwar.

You can learn more about the media needs provided by Lviv Media Forum at the link:

With your support, we will have enough strength to free the world from a new era of terror.

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