Famous Friends: Julius Caesar and Pompey

Caesar and Pompey, Roman statesmen and generals, were childhood friends who became rivals. Their power struggle led to civil war. Pompey was assassinated in 48 B.C.E. and Caesar, the Empire’s self-appointed dictator, was assassinated in 44 B.C.E. Read The Sister Knot about two resilient women, orphaned in WW2, who defy fate to sustain a lifelong friendship. A compelling novel about the power of sisterhood. Learn more about the book in NOVELS.

Caesar and Pompey: Roman generals and friends whose rivalry ended in two assassinations

Two resilient women, two separate journeys, one lasting friendship


Submission form: Our journal is committed to publishing under-represented voices. Are you a member of a marginalized community?

Admission reply: Consider me intersectional. First, I am old. Submission readers skew young. Elders like me are shunted aside. Second, I am blind in one eye, ergo a virtual cyclops. Our kind have hovered on the edge of extinction since the ancient Greeks persecuted us. Third, I am short. Not “Little People” short (as in dwarfism) but, like Dr. Ruth, I stand several inches below five feet. Much of the world, most notably supermarket shelves, lies beyond my reach. Fourth, I am a certified end-of-life doula. The number of people comfortable talking about death is distressingly small and so-called “polite society” shoulders us to the margins. Fifth, having come in contact with a noxious plant or insect while weeding the garden, I have a 3″ x 2″ itchy rash on my right shin. I trust this affliction is temporary, but it renders me a member of a limited demographic at the time of this submission. (Proof-of-rash photo furnished upon request). Sixth, I love Brussels sprouts. Even broccoli fans do not acknowledge me at vegan social gatherings. Seventh, I hate cilantro. Unlike a certain genetic subgroup, I do not claim it tastes like soap. (CONTENT WARNING) It tastes the way underarm sweat smells. This condition, likely genetic too, goes unremarked in print. Eighth, my guilty pleasure is Coffeemate. I am part of the mainstream who imbibes this artificial creamer, but among a smaller cohort who, like me, otherwise consumes only “real” food, I’m an outcast. A marginalized marginal. Ninth, I use WordPerfect (albeit converting files to MS Word to share them with others, such as this journal’s editors). While the legal profession recognizes the superiority of WordPerfect, Ann Patchett and I are its sole standard bearers among the literati. Considering that “I’m with her,” I respectfully request that you accord my manuscript more than a cursory reading of the first paragraph. The tenth strand in my intersectional braid comprises 1 ⅔ missing toenails,. My left pinky toenail was surgically excised; two-thirds of my right big toenail spontaneously fell off a year ago and has not grown back. This combination of deformities is not even relegated to the margins of Podiatry Today. In conclusion, I hasten to add that my reply is not intended to make light of initiatives to provide a platform to traditionally ignored writers. I applaud those efforts. However, despite surviving other significant challenges, I am not BIPOC or LGBTQ+, a refugee or an immigrant, an unhoused or incarcerated parent, or the owner of a physical or emotional support animal. I am a writer trying to make sense of the human condition with openness and empathy. I willingly remain silent so I can listen to those with different life experiences, but at some point, I want to join the conversation. As an advocate of creative writing, I thereby propose you create a broader definition of “marginalized.

How do you determine your margin(alization)?

Why writers write: “Only in the relationship between what is unique, even eccentric, and what is universal, is there a true subject, worthy of hours of work.” – Joyce Carol Oates

What I’m Reading: Absolution by Alice McDermott

My Goodreads and Amazon review of Absolution by Alice McDermott (Rating 5) – Don’t Look Away. Absolution by Alice McDermott turns a female lens on America’s early intervention in Vietnam. The novel is told from dual retrospectives: Patricia, now an elderly widow, and Rainey, now a middle-aged daughter, both members of military-industrial families posted to Saigon in 1963. A third woman — Charlene — Patricia’s dynamic friend and Rainey’s domineering mother, draws them together. While the book reflects on American hubris, it looks more critically at the role of women on the cusp of the women’s liberation movement. Patricia, a shy newlywed, is defined by others — her husband, her friend, the Church — to the point of accepting the nicknames they assign her. Rainey is the obedient daughter, silently emulating her mother’s stoicism. Charlene’s friend and daughter are equally enamored of, and alarmed by, this whirlwind of a woman, whose “white savior” guilt drives her to help the poor and ailing Vietnamese. Like America itself, her altruism is feeble and often misguided, but she’s adamant that looking away is worse. As a fellow writer (see my Amazon author page and Goodreads author page), I admire McDermott’s fluid writing, deft characterizations, and immersive storytelling. The novel, like the war, presents no victors, only a quagmire that demands confession and defies absolution. Don’t look away from this superb book.

The Vietnam war seen through the eyes of women

Why writers read: “No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.” – Confucius

Raves for The Sister Knot

The Sister Knot is garnering five-star reviews from readers. Here are some excerpts from their posted reviews:

  • “A historical fiction novel that’s all heart; intensely real.”
  • “An intriguing addition to World War II historical fiction.”
  • “Kudos to Epstein for pulling off a splendid oxymoron: an uplifting novel about hardship.”
  • “A master tale of sisterhood.”
  • “Passionate, illuminating, and reflective.”
  • “An extraordinary saga!”
  • “From page one to the end, one is captivated by the story.”

See more review excerpts at REVIEWS. See the full reviews of The Sister Knot on Goodreads and Amazon. Please read, rate, and post your own review of The Sister Knot. I’d be most appreciative. Thanks!

Two resilient women, two separate journeys, one lasting friendship

What I’m Reading: Two for the Money

My Goodreads and Amazon review of Two for the Money by Steve Zettler (Rated 5) – Switcheroos Galore. Steve Zettler’s Two For the Money is a highly entertaining catch-the-bad-guys romp that induces whiplash as readers try to figure out just who the bad guys are. Multiple forces — American secret service and ex-military personnel, rogue CIA agents, South American gun runners and drug dealers — battle and/or collude as they attempt to recover millions lost during the 1989 U.S. invasion of Panama. The narrative is full of colorful characters; I was especially partial to a flashy Philly gangster and all the kick-ass women. Readers don’t know who to trust, except for the sure-handed author who delivers quick-witted dialogue and a fast-paced plot with more twists and turns than a dizzying amusement park ride. The ease with which Zettler skips from one plot complication to another belies his hard work diving into the minds of scoundrels, and unearthing the nefarious measures that the straight-arrow government employees devise to exert their will at home and abroad. As a writer myself (see my Amazon author page and Goodreads author page), I admire Zettler’s ability to deftly juggle and seamlessly integrate all these elements in this marvelously convoluted tale. Double your bet you’ll be entertained reading Two for the Money.

A cool romp in steamy Panama in search of lost millions

Why writers read: “Books are people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.” – E. B. White

Famous Friends: Elizabeth Bennet and Charlotte Lucas

These friends from Pride And Prejudice by Jane Austen are both intelligent, spirited women, but differ on matters of the heart. Elizabeth chides Charlotte when she marries for convenience, and Charlotte rebukes Elizabeth for her stubborn opinions. Still, their friendship outlasts the conflict and forces Elizabeth to acknowledge her own economic privilege. Read The Sister Knot about two resilient women, orphaned in WW2, who defy fate to sustain a lifelong friendship. A compelling novel about the power of sisterhood. Learn more about the book in NOVELS.

Elizabeth and Charlotte in Pride and Prejudice: Good friends despite social class differences

Two resilient women, two separate journeys, one lasting friendship

Famous Friends: Alexander Graham Bell and Helen Keller

Bell, a teacher of deaf children long before he invented the telephone, was responsible for getting Anne Sullivan to be Keller’s in-home teacher when Keller was six years old. Bell and Keller became good friends. He set up a trust fund so she could attend Radcliffe College; she dedicated her autobiography, The Story of My Life, to him. Read The Sister Knot about two resilient women, orphaned in WW2, who defy fate to sustain a lifelong friendship. A compelling novel about the power of sisterhood. Learn more about the book in NOVELS.

Graham and Keller belonged to a mutual admiration society

Two resilient women, two separate journeys, one lasting friendship

Book birthday: THE SISTER KNOT is out today!

Today is the book birthday for my latest novel, The Sister Knot. Two resilient women, orphaned in WW2, follow different paths, yet defy fate to sustain a lifelong friendship. A poignant, compelling, and unforgettable novel about the power of sisterhood.

What I’m Reading: Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinson

My Goodreads and Amazon review of Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinson (Rated 2) – Unconvinced. Having attended weekly Torah study at my temple for 34 years, I was eager to read the Christian interpretation offered by Marilynne Robinson in Reading Genesis. Seeking enlightenment, I was confounded by frustration. The Jewish tradition is to ask questions and entertain multiple, even conflicting, answers. From her Calvinist perspective, Robinson makes the unwavering case that God can do no wrong. Evil exists, but it is part of God’s plan for Creation, and thus inherently “good,” even when humans go awry. Thus, the story of Cain and Abel is not about murderous jealousy but about the mercy and kindness of God, who allows Cain to survive and procreate under His protection. Robinson’s God is irrefutably loving, patient, and tolerant whereas the God I’ve been inspired to create is flawed and learns on the job, just like humans. Instead of “turning, turning” the Genesis scroll to reveal its many lessons, Robinson’s agenda is single-minded. She simply ignores any text that contradicts her view. As a writer myself (see my Amazon author page and Goodreads author page, I lost patience with her rigidity and bias. I was not convinced by her version of an all-good, straight-marching God when scripture presents an imperfect, stumbling one. The one insight I did find true was that law, not patriarchy or monarchy, is the structure that underlies the creation of the Israelites as a people. Leaders come and go, but laws remain and are passed on. For me, that is the reason we continue to study Genesis and the rest of Torah.

A simplistic take on a complex narrative

Why writers read: “A classic is a book that has never finished saying what it has to say.” – Italo Calvino

Famous Friends: Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett

These two legendary comedians, who each ran their own television shows, also acted together. Ball, 22 years older, mentored Burnett, and threw her a black-tie baby shower which the younger comedian described as “one of the funniest evenings ever.” Ball died the day Burnett turned 56, but she had sent her friend flowers with the message, “Happy Birthday, Kid.” Read The Sister Knot about two resilient women, orphaned in WW2, who defy fate to sustain a lifelong friendship. A compelling novel about the power of sisterhood. Learn more about the book in NOVELS.

Lucy and Carol: Two funny women who shared a serious friendship

Two resilient women, two separate journeys, one lasting friendship