SpaceX is now advertising Starlink Aviation, promising 350Mbps broadband with unlimited data for each airplane it's installed in.
"Starlink can deliver up to 350Mbps to each plane, enabling all passengers to access streaming-capable Internet at the same time," the company said. "With latency as low as 20 ms, passengers can engage in activities previously not functional in flight, including video calls, online gaming, virtual private networks and other high data rate activities."
Starlink said the airplane service will use a "low-profile Aero Terminal" with "an electronically steered phased array antenna, which enables new levels of reliability, redundancy and performance." It has a "simplified design" that "enables installations during minimal downtime and combines well with other routine maintenance checks," Starlink says. The service hardware also includes two wireless access points.
There's a one-time hardware cost of $150,000, not including installation. "The installation can be performed by your current maintenance organization or Starlink can recommend experienced and qualified installers," Starlink says.
Musk: It’ll be like “accessing Internet at home”
Monthly service fees are $12,500 to $25,000. There are "no long-term contracts and all plans include unlimited data. Your hardware is under warranty for as long as you subscribe to the service," the Starlink Aviation webpage says. Buyers can reserve now and deliveries will begin in mid-2023, a Starlink FAQ says.
"Internet in airplanes will feel same as if you were accessing Internet at home," SpaceX CEO Elon Musk tweeted.
Starlink Aviation will have global coverage as "there are always satellites overhead or nearby to provide a strong signal at high latitudes and in polar regions," the FAQ says. "Service will be available in-flight over land and water and on the ground during taxi, takeoff, and landing. As long as the equipment is powered on and the Starlink has an unobstructed view of the sky, connection is possible."