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Call for grants to attend the international hybrid conference 6th Water Resources

and Wetlands in Tulcea (Romania) (13-17 September 2023)

Call opening: 17/02/2023

The Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL) offer 2 grants for students and 1 grant for early-careers to attend and

present a communication at the international hybrid conference 6th Water Resources and Wetlands in Tulcea

(Romania) (13-17 September 2023) (, a meeting supported by

AIL. In addition, the meeting organizers offer an extra grant for another student o early-career. All these 4 grants will

cover the early registration fee for students (220€ each) and the early registration fee for regular participants in the

case of early-career researchers (260€ each).


• The students grant is open to members of the Young AIL group (J-AIL) or student members of SIBECOL that

have their AIL or SIBECOL fees updated when this call opens.

• The early-career grant is open to ordinary members of AIL and SIBECOL that defended their PhD up to 6

years before the opening of this call and that have their AIL or SIBECOL fees updated when this call opens.

• The candidate must be the first author and the presenter of the communication at the meeting.

• This grant cannot be accumulated with any other grants covering the registration fee to the same meeting.

• This grant will be awarded only if the candidate’s institution does not grant him/her with the registration fee,

which needs to be testified in a written declaration to be signed by the candidate.


The application form and associated documents need to be sent by e-mail, in a single PDF file, to the AIL secretary

( before the 6th of March.


The evaluation commission will consist of the AIL and SIBECOL secretaries, the AIL and SIBECOL treasurers and the

members representing the Young AIL group in the AIL board, except in case of conflict of interest. In this situation, the

affected evaluator will be replaced by another board member from either AIL or SIBECOL. The decision of the

evaluation commission will be a final judgment without appeal.

The selection of candidates will be based on the following criteria, ranked by importance:

1. Candidates who have not benefited from AIL or SIBECOL grants to attend meetings or courses, up to 5 years

before this call opens (thesis or communication prizes will not be considered).

2. Candidates who are planning to applied for an oral communication.

3. Candidates who have never attended a scientific meeting.

4. Candidates who are unemployed at the time of the application (a document certifying this condition needs to

be submitted together with the application).

5. Candidates with longer membership to AIL and SIBECOL.

6. Candidates with children under 3 years at the time this call opens. Priority will be given to women (following

an AIL study, Sánchez-Montoya et al. 2016), men having benefitted from paternity leave of at least 2 months,

and other situations.

7. Candidates from research groups whose members have not benefited from AIL or SIBECOL grants to attend

meetings or courses, up to 2 years before this call opens (thesis or communication prizes will not be

considered). Research groups will be defined by the Principal Investigator.

8. In case there is a tie, the abstracts will be selected based on their topic (marine, terrestrial or freshwater) to

increase the diversity of selected abstracts.

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Information referring to criteria 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 will be asked for in the application form. In case a candidate does

not provide all the required information, the least favorable criteria will be applied.

No more than one grant will be given to the same institution if there are candidates from other institutions that are

not receiving the grant. In this case, and if the candidates from the same institution are tied, their abstracts will be

evaluated based on criteria number 8.


Before the meeting:

• Inform the AIL secretary about the acceptance of the communication.

• Send to the AIL secretary an invoice of the registration fee in name of AIL so that the grant can be paid to the

candidates (early registration to the meeting closes on 15 th March 2023). Selected candidates should ask the

meeting organization WRW for an invoice with the description (including the beneficiary name) and as the

payer the “Asociación Ibérica de Limnología”, with CIF number G-80028186 and address C/ Porche, 2-1, 46920


• In case these documents are not sent, the grant will be transferred to the next candidate in the waiting list

that fulfils all the criteria, to whom the same documents will be requested.

• Inform the AIL secretary about other financial support obtained to cover the meeting registration fee, in which

case the grant would be transferred to the next candidate in the waiting list that fulfils all the criteria. However,

the AIL-SIBECOL grant is compatible with other funding covering the travel and accommodation expenses

related to the meeting attendance.

• Inform the AIL secretary in case of impossibility to attend the meeting so that the grant can be transferred to

the next candidate in the waiting list that fulfils all the criteria.

During the meeting:

• Acknowledge the grant in the communication (oral or poster) by showing the AIL and SIBECOL logo and

mentioning this call.

• Represent the AIL and SIBECOL in the stand, in case there is one, on the established schedule.


• The decision on this call will be taken before 10th March 2023. The AIL secretary will send a ranked list of pre- selected candidates to all AIL and SIBECOL members.

• Until the meeting, the selected candidates will notify the AIL secretary if other grants incompatible with the

AILSIBECOL grant have been received.

• The grant will be paid as a reimbursement to the selected candidates when the document testifying the

acceptance of the abstract and the invoice have been received by the AIL secretary. For the reimbursement,

the beneficiary should contact the AIL secretary ( and provide the necessary bank

information to allow the reimbursement of the registration fee. The reimbursement will be paid to the

beneficiary only if he/she has paid the registration fee, not his/her institution. Thus, the payment of the fee

needs to be made individually by the beneficiary, and both AIL and his/her names must be in the invoice.

Romina Álvarez Troncoso

Secretary of the Iberian Association of Limnology

Barcelona, 17th February 2023