2023 DIY DiscoverE Registration
Sign up for our DIY DiscoverE Activity Guide.

You can still enjoy our DiscoverE program – now at your own pace! Sign up below to get a copy of our DiscoverE activity guide. DIY campers will have until Labor Day to complete the activities in the guide. Campers who complete the guide will become Junior Naturalists, receiving a certificate and a prize.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name of Camper *
Age of Camper *
Name of Parent or Guardian *
Phone Number *
Which of the following State Parks is closest to your home?
Download the Guide!
Once you submit this form, a link to download the guide will appear.

If there is a problem, please contact ra-nrspkingees@pa.gov

Thank you for your interest in DIY DiscoverE!
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