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2023 DIY DiscoverE Registration
Sign up for our DIY DiscoverE Activity Guide.
You can still enjoy our DiscoverE program – now at your own pace! Sign up below to get a copy of our DiscoverE activity guide. DIY campers will have until Labor Day to complete the activities in the guide. Campers who complete the guide will become Junior Naturalists, receiving a certificate and a prize.
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Name of Camper
Your answer
Age of Camper
Your answer
Name of Parent or Guardian
Your answer
Phone Number
Your answer
Which of the following State Parks is closest to your home?
Kings Gap
Little Buffalo
Colonel Denning
Download the Guide!
Once you submit this form, a link to download the guide will appear.
If there is a problem, please contact
Thank you for your interest in DIY DiscoverE!
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