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BY 4.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter March 2, 2023

Multicenter study to compare the diagnostic performance of CLIA vs. FEIA transglutaminase IgA assays for the diagnosis of celiac disease

  • Daan A.R. Castelijn ORCID logo EMAIL logo , A.H. Leontine Mulder , Pieter van der Pol , Jolien C. Hollander , Tietie Kuiper , Caroline Bijnens , Jan Damoiseaux ORCID logo and Hetty J. Bontkes



Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy driven by gluten intake. Presence of tTG-IgA antibodies is important for the diagnosis. However, different tTG-IgA assays are used and test performance may vary. Therefore, a retrospective multicenter study was performed to compare the diagnostic performance of three assays.


The fluorescence enzyme-linked immunoassay (FEIA) EliA Celikey IgA (Phadia), the chemiluminescence immunoassays (CLIA) h-tTG IgA QUANTA Flash® (Inova Diagnostics) and the anti-tTG ChLIA IgA (Euroimmun) were compared. Diagnostic samples from CD cases (95 adults; 65 children) and controls (479 adults; 253 children) were included. Samples were blinded and reanalyzed on all platforms.


A high quantitative correlation between platforms was found (p<0.0001). Both CLIA were more sensitive (adults 100%; children 100%) compared to the FEIA (adults 88.4%; children 96.6%). Specificity of all assays was high (≥97.6%) with the FEIA having the highest specificity. A cut-off based on receiver operator characteristic analysis (6.5 U/mL) improved the sensitivity of the FEIA (adults 95.8%; children 100%) without affecting specificity. Cut-off values for the CLIA assays did not need further optimization. With the FEIA, 71% of pediatric cases had a tTG-IgA level ≥10× upper limit of normal compared to 91 and 92% with QUANTA Flash and ChLIA, respectively.


All platforms have high diagnostic accuracy. The CLIA assays are more sensitive compared to the FEIA assay. A lower cut-off for the FEIA improves diagnostic performance, particularly in adult cases that, as demonstrated in this study, present with lower tTG-IgA levels compared to pediatric cases.


Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy caused by gluten ingestion in genetically susceptible patients [1]. Dietary intake of gluten peptides induces an intestinal inflammatory response characterized by activation of gliadin specific CD4+ T-cells, and subsequent activation of CD8+ intra-epithelial lymphocytes [2]. These cytotoxic cells can cause apoptosis of enterocytes, which leads to villous atrophy. Accordingly, clinical symptoms of CD patients include malabsorption, wasting and diarrhea [3]. Improved symptom awareness has led to better disease recognition, but apart from this effect, the true incidence rate of CD is also increasing among all age groups. Both developments have contributed to the high global disease prevalence rate of approximately 1% [1, 4]. Currently, the only widely accepted treatment for CD is a gluten-free diet (GFD), which usually resolves symptoms and leads to mucosal recovery [5]. A lifelong GFD can, however, negatively impact quality-of-life and strict adherence is challenging. Therefore, correct diagnosis of patients with suspected CD is highly important.

In adult CD patients, the diagnosis is currently based on duodenal biopsies showing villous atrophy, crypt hyperplasia and intra-epithelial lymphocytosis in combination with positive CD-specific serology [6]. The presence of IgA-antibodies directed against transglutaminase-2, or tissue transglutaminase (tTG), is an important cornerstone in the diagnosis of both adult and pediatric patients. tTG deamidates glutamine in gluten peptides. In genetically predisposed CD patients, this can lead to the formation of epitopes with an increased affinity to the disease-associated human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules, i.e. DQ2 and DQ8. Through subsequent activation of B-cells, IgA autoantibodies against tTG (tTG-IgA) are produced [7]. Other serological findings in CD patients include antibodies against endomysium (EMA) that are also directed against tTG and are highly specific for the disease. EMA is often used to confirm tTG-IgA antibodies, especially in patients with low tTG-IgA levels. Currently, the first step in the diagnostic process is testing for tTG-IgA antibodies [5, 6].

In children with suspected CD, duodenal biopsy can be omitted if the tTG-IgA level is ≥10× upper limit of normal (ULN) and the presence of EMA is confirmed in a second diagnostic sample [8, 9]. In the previous ESPGHAN guideline positivity for HLA-DQ2 or DQ8 was necessary for diagnosis based on EMA confirmed high tTG-IgA levels without biopsy, however the 2020 guideline states that HLA-typing does not add to the certainty of diagnosis if the other two criteria for CD diagnosis are fulfilled [9, 10]. Therefore, HLA-typing is no longer required. The current guideline states that also asymptomatic children can be diagnosed accordingly, provided that the parents concur. Recent studies showed approximately 50% of diagnostic gastroduodenal biopsies can be avoided with the current diagnostic strategy [11, 12]. However, in adults this approach is not widely adopted in clinical practice, probably due to the lack of sufficient high-quality data across different populations [13].

Currently, in the Netherlands the most frequently used assay techniques to detect tTG-IgA antibodies are the fluorescence enzyme immunoassay (FEIA) and the chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA). With chemiluminescence, energy in the form of light is emitted as a result of a chemical reaction, whereas with fluorescence light is indirectly emitted as a result of previously absorbed energy [14]. In a recent study, a higher dynamic range has been reported for CLIA compared to FEIA in the measurement of tTG-antibodies [14]. Manufacturers of tTG assays utilize different strategies to define cut-off values, and as such, low tTG IgA levels may lead to discrepant outcomes in different assays.

Therefore, in this retrospective, multicenter study, we investigated the diagnostic performance of the FEIA and two CLIA tTG-IgA assays for the diagnosis of CD in both adult and pediatric patients. Furthermore, we assessed if the proportion of patients at diagnosis with a tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN was different between the three assays as this may impact the rate of duodenal biopsies in pediatric patients.

Materials and methods

Patients and samples

Diagnostic samples for tTG-IgA measurements were taken from adult or pediatric CD patients and consecutive disease controls between 2011 and 2021. A CD case was defined as tTG-IgA >1× ULN and a clinical CD diagnosis and/or a clinical response to GFD. Controls were defined as tTG-IgA ≤1× ULN with a normal IgA level, or Marsh 0/1 on duodenal histology, or negative for HLA-DQ2 and DQ8. The controls were matched for gender and for the year the diagnostic sample was taken. Exclusion criteria for this study were the absence of clinical symptoms for CD, e.g. subjects tested in the context of screening, IgA deficiency, or no available data on clinical diagnosis, age or gender.

Samples were provided from two laboratories using the EliA™ Celikey® IgA FEIA (Phadia AB, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Uppsala, Sweden) and two laboratories using the QUANTA Flash® h-tTG IgA CLIA (Werfen/Inova Diagnostics, San Diego, CA). An overview of the tTG-IgA sample selection process and the sample distribution between the laboratories and platforms is given in Supplemental Table 1. The laboratories using the tTG-IgA platforms are affiliated to two academic medical centers (Amsterdam University Medical Center and Maastricht University Medical Center) and two large teaching hospitals (Hospital Group Twente and Reinier de Graaf hospital). All samples were circulated blinded and reanalyzed on three different platforms. The study complied with all relevant national regulations, institutional policies and is in accordance with the tenets of the Helsinki Declaration.


All included samples were reanalyzed for the presence of tTG-IgA with three immunoassays: EliA™ Celikey® IgA FEIA (Phadia AB, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Uppsala, Sweden), QUANTA Flash® h-tTG IgA CLIA (Werfen/Inova Diagnostics) and Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase ChLIA (IgA) (EUROIMMUN Medizinische Labordiagnostika AG, Lübeck, Germany). Testing was performed according to the manufacturer’s instruction, and the recommended manufacturer cut-off was applied as a proxy for ULN; in case of an equivocal range the upper value was considered as the cut-off. Therefore, the ULN that was used in this study was 10 U/mL (FEIA), 20 CU (QUANTA Flash), and 10 CU/mL (Euroimmun ChLIA).

Statistical analysis

A Pearson’s correlation test was performed to determine the correlation between the three immunoassays. Descriptive statistics (e.g. median tTG-IgA levels) were determined. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) (IBM Corp. Released 2019. IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 26.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp).


Diagnostic performance

In this study, we included diagnostic samples of 95 adult and 65 pediatric CD patients. Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. Predominantly females were diagnosed with CD, especially in the pediatric cohort. According to the ESPGHAN guidelines first published in 2012, a no-biopsy diagnostic strategy was chosen for pediatric patients with an original tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN [10]. However, in adults the majority of cases was diagnosed with duodenal biopsies (Table 1). Consecutive control samples in this study comprised 479 adult and 253 pediatric patients. This resulted in a case-control ratio of 5.04 and 3.89 in adult and pediatric samples, respectively.

Table 1:

CD patient characteristics.

Adults (n=95) Children (n=65)
Mean age, years (range) 44 (18–85) 7 (0–16)
Sex, n (%) Male 41 (43) Male 19 (29)
Female 54 (57) Female 46 (71)
Marsh classification, n
 No biopsy 7 49
 Marsh 0a 3 0
 Marsh 1a 1 1
 Marsh 2 4 1
 Marsh 3A-C 80 14
DQ2/DQ8 status, n
 Unknown 65 10
 DQ2 positive 27 47
 DQ2 DQ8 positive 2 4
 DQ8 positive 1 4
EMA titer at diagnosis, n
 Unknown 23 4
 Negative 2 0
 Weakly positive 5 1
 Positive 32 31
 Strongly positive 33 29
Original tTG level, n (%)
 > 10× ULN 61 (64) 51 (78)
 > 3 and ≤ 10× ULN 20 (21) 9 (14)
 > 1 and ≤ 3× ULN 14 (15) 5 (8)
  1. aCD diagnosis based on a clinical diagnosis and/or a clinical response to GFD.

Each sample was measured with all three tTG-IgA assays. The data showed a high quantitative correlation between each of the three platforms (p<0.0001). The Pearson correlation coefficient between the FEIA and QUANTA Flash was 0.717, between FEIA and ChLIA 0.555, and between the two CLIA assays 0.838. The clinical performance characteristics for adult and pediatric patients are shown in Table 2. Sensitivity of the CLIA assays was higher compared to the FEIA assay, especially in adult patients. In adult patients, sensitivity of the FEIA assay was 88.4% compared to 100% in both CLIA assays. Specificity was high (≥97.6%) for all assays. The FEIA had the highest specificity (adults 99.8%; children 100%) when compared to the QUANTA Flash (adults 99.4%; children 98.0%) and ChLIA assay (adults 98.7%; children 97.6%). This was also reflected in a higher positive likelihood ratio (Table 2).

Table 2:

Diagnostic performance characteristics of three tTG-IgA assays.

EliA Celikey IgA QUANTA Flash® h-tTG IgA Euroimmun ChLIA
Adults Children Adults Children Adults Children
Sensitivity, % 88.4 96.6 100 100 100 100
Specificity, % 99.8 100 99.4 98.0 98.7 97.6
Positive likelihood ratio 442 167 50 77 42
Negative likelihood ratio 0.116 0.031 0 0 0 0

Subsequently, the discordant cases and controls were studied. Overlapping positivity for the different tTG-IgA assays is shown as Venn diagrams (Figure 1). A high rate of overlap for the two CLIA assays in the group of false-positive controls was observed, especially in pediatric patients. In children, 5/6 false positive controls were positive with both CLIA assays. In false positive adult control samples, concordance between the two CLIA assays was 3/6. In all discordant samples, EMA-IgA was determined to study the additional value of this assay in these discrepant cases and controls. The results varied highly among the different cases and controls, although EMA-IgA were exclusively detected in CD cases (data not shown).

Figure 1: 
Venn diagrams of overlapping positivity for three tTG-IgA assays tested in a cohort of CD patients and control patients.
Figure 1:

Venn diagrams of overlapping positivity for three tTG-IgA assays tested in a cohort of CD patients and control patients.

Next, a receiver operating characteristic (ROC)-curve analysis was performed to determine the optimal cut-off value for each assay (Figure 2). All assays demonstrated a high area under the curve (AUC). In adult patients, the FEIA showed an AUC of 0.998, slightly lower compared to the CLIA assays. ROC-analysis revealed an optimal cut-off level for the FEIA of 6.5 U/mL, close to the manufacturer’s lower value of the equivocal range of 7.0 U/mL. The use of this cut-off increases sensitivity, especially in adult patients, without a significant effect on specificity (Table 3). ROC-analysis for both CLIA did not reveal improved cut-off values.

Figure 2: 
Receiver operator characteristic (ROC)-curve for three tTG-IgA assays. (A) ROC-curve for adult patients. (B) ROC-curve for pediatric patients; the EliA Celikey IgA and QUANTA Flash h-tTG IgA ROC curves are overlapping.
Figure 2:

Receiver operator characteristic (ROC)-curve for three tTG-IgA assays. (A) ROC-curve for adult patients. (B) ROC-curve for pediatric patients; the EliA Celikey IgA and QUANTA Flash h-tTG IgA ROC curves are overlapping.

Table 3:

Diagnostic performance characteristics of the tTG-IgA assay EliA Celikey IgA (Phadia) for different cut-off values.

6.5 U/mL 7.0 U/mL 10 U/mL
Adults Children Adults Children Adults Children
Sensitivity, % 95.8 100 93.7 100 88.4 96.6
Specificity, % 99.6 100 99.6 100 99.8 100
Positive likelihood ratio 240 234 442
Negative likelihood ratio 0.042 0 0.063 0 0.116 0.031

tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN

If tested with the FEIA, 41/95 (43%) adult cases had a diagnostic tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN (Table 4). In pediatric patients, this was 46/65 (71%). No adult or pediatric control patients demonstrated a tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN. Consequently, if a no-biopsy diagnostic strategy based on tTG-IgA ≥10× ULN was chosen, 43% of adult and 71% of pediatric patients tested in this cohort based on FEIA results would not have needed to undergo a duodenal biopsy. If a cut-off of 6.5 U/mL was chosen, these percentages increased to 59 and 74% for adult and pediatric patients, respectively. No control samples tested positive for a tTG-IgA value ≥10× ULN if 6.5 U/mL was selected as the cut-off value.

Table 4:

The percentage of diagnostic cases with a tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN.

Threshold EliA Celikey IgA

10 U/mL
EliA Celikey IgA

7.0 U/mL
EliA Celikey IgA

6.5 U/mL
QUANTA Flash® h-tTG IgA

20 CU
Euroimmun ChLIA

10 CU/mL
Adults Children Adults Children Adults Children Adults Children Adults Children
tTG-IgA level ≥10× threshold, % 43 71 59 72 59 74 82 91 81 92

For the CLIA assays the percentage of adult and pediatric diagnostic samples with a diagnostic tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN was significantly higher (Table 4). In adult patients this was 82 and 81% for the QUANTA Flash and ChLIA platform, respectively. In pediatric patients the percentages were 91 and 92% for the CLIA assays. No control samples tested positive with a level ≥10× ULN. Taken together, a higher proportion of patients in this cohort had ≥10× ULN when tested with a CLIA compared to the FEIA, and pediatric patients more often present with levels ≥10× ULN as compared to adult patients.

In accordance with a higher proportion of levels ≥10× ULN in pediatric patients, the median tTG-IgA value in pediatric patients was higher compared to adult patients for all tTG-IgA assays. For the FEIA, the median tTG-IgA level was 2.85× higher in children with CD compared to adults. This was 2.62× and 1.01× for the QUANTA Flash and ChLIA, respectively. Thus, the mean level difference between adult and pediatric patients is smaller for the CLIA assays as compared to the FEIA assay. Indeed, relatively more low-positive tTG-IgA levels were observed in adult patients tested with FEIA (Figure 3). For example, 12/95 adult cases had a tTG-IgA level 1–3× ULN with the FEIA assay compared to 5/95 measured by both CLIA assays. A scatter plot of tTG IgA levels in individual samples illustrates the difference in tTG-IgA level distribution of the FEIA assay as opposed to the CLIA assays as well (Supplemental Figure 1). The tTG-IgA levels were lower in relation to the cut-off in samples analyzed with FEIA as compared with CLIA, especially in adults.

Figure 3: 
The distribution of diagnostic tTG levels of CD patients amongst different ULN categories measured by three tTG-IgA assays.
Figure 3:

The distribution of diagnostic tTG levels of CD patients amongst different ULN categories measured by three tTG-IgA assays.


tTG-IgA serology is highly important in the diagnosis of CD, and in pediatric cases a diagnostic duodenal biopsy can be omitted if the level is ≥10× ULN [9]. However, tTG-IgA assays are based on different techniques, standardization is lacking and test performance may vary [15, 16]. Therefore, the aim of this retrospective multicenter study was to compare the diagnostic performance of two commonly used assays and one recently launched tTG-IgA assay for the diagnosis of CD. All cases and controls, especially the false positives and false negatives, were carefully reviewed to establish a correct classification of disease vs. control patient.

Previously, a retrospective study comparing the diagnostic performance of the FEIA and the QUANTA Flash in adult patients concluded that the sensitivity of the FEIA was lower than the CLIA if the upper value of the equivocal range (10 U/mL) was used as cut-off. If the lower value of the equivocal range (7.0 U/mL) was used, the sensitivity was similar for both assays [17]. Vermeersch et al. demonstrated that the FEIA had a slightly lower sensitivity and a higher specificity compared to the QUANTA Flash if a cut-off of 7.0 U/mL was used in an adult population [18]. In pediatric patients, a recent retrospective study showed no difference in sensitivity between the FEIA and the QUANTA Flash assays if the lower value of the equivocal range (7.0 U/mL) was selected as cut-off for the FEIA [19]. Specificity was ≥98% for both assays, similar to our pediatric cohort. Others showed high specificity (100%) and sensitivity (97.7%) of the FEIA in a retrospective pediatric cohort study, at the 10 U/mL cut-off [20]. Recent data showed a lower sensitivity of the FEIA in adults compared to children [21]. All these data support our findings that the FEIA has less diagnostic accuracy in adults as opposed to pediatric patients, but that assays are better aligned if a lower cut-off is used. The difference in performance characteristics between the three assays especially become manifest if the 10 U/mL cut-off is used for the FEIA. On the other hand, at both the 10 U/mL and 7.0 U/mL cut-offs the positive likelihood ratio of the FEIA is higher compared to the CLIA assays, exemplifying the higher specificity. These assay characteristics should be taken into account by the requesting physician. Limitations of previous studies include that these were performed in specific populations (e.g. children or adults) and samples were included from one center, possibly increasing selection bias [17, 18]. Furthermore, some studies predominantly included healthy controls instead of disease controls. Novel aspects of our study include the multicenter study design, inclusion of CD patients across all age groups, using relevant disease controls and the inclusion of two distinct CLIA assays.

Taken together, our data show in accordance with previous studies that lowering the cut-off of the FEIA improves diagnostic characteristics especially in adult patients who more often present with lower levels of tTG-IgA in comparison to pediatric cases [17]. Furthermore, concordance between both CLIA assays was higher than concordance between FEIA and either of the CLIA assays, suggesting that assay techniques affect tTG-IgA test results.

In our study, a tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN was only observed in CD patients and not in the disease control group. A recent study showed a positive predictive value (PPV) >99.5% for a tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN for 10 different tTG-IgA assays in pediatric patients; in this study an ULN of 7.0 U/mL was used for the FEIA [11]. In pediatric patients tested with the QUANTA Flash similar diagnostic performance results were obtained [22]. In this study, a higher cut-off value than 10× ULN was advised to increase the PPV regarding the presence of CD-associated mucosal damage. For diagnostic purposes this is less relevant as CD diagnosis was established based on other parameters, but for follow-up this is relevant considering the tTG-IgA level was positively correlated to the degree of mucosal damage [22]. Our data demonstrated that depending on the tTG-IgA platform used between 71 and 92% of children did not need to undergo a duodenal biopsy for CD diagnosis, which is higher than the approximately 60% reported by Riznik et al. [23] This lower percentage may be caused by a small subset of patients in this study that had IgA-deficiency, which was an exclusion criterion for our study or the assay used to test for tTG-IgA. Other studies, which also included asymptomatic patients, showed percentages of 77 and 69% of newly diagnosed pediatric CD patients with a tTG-IgA ≥10× ULN [12, 24]. Using two tTG-IgA platforms simultaneously to determine if at least one test shows a level ≥10× ULN may even decrease the need for duodenal biopsy to <11%, as was previously shown [25].

In adult CD patients, a recent study involving three cohorts with different pretest probabilities and using two tTG-IgA platforms including FEIA supported a no-biopsy strategy for all cohorts if the tTG-IgA level was ≥10× ULN [26]. A different study showed a PPV of 100% in different at-risk populations when the tTG-IgA level was ≥10× ULN in combination with the presence of EMA [27]. In conclusion, our data show that, similar to other studies, a tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN may lead to an accurate CD diagnosis in adults without the need for duodenal biopsies. The proportion of adult patients with a diagnostic tTG-IgA level ≥10× ULN was higher for both CLIA assays compared to the FEIA assay, which is in agreement with previous work [17]. Based on these findings, using a CLIA will result in less need for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in adult patients, hereby decreasing patient discomfort, potential procedural complications and healthcare costs.

In our study, the ULN selected to determine the need for an intestinal biopsy was defined as the recommended manufacturer’s cut-off, which is similar to previous studies investigating diagnostic characteristics of tTG-IgA assays [17, 19, 23]. However, manufacturers utilize various strategies to define the cut-off based on a cohort of patients and healthy and/or disease controls [28]. Moreover, in case of an equivocal range, both clinical laboratories as well as studies make different choices by selecting either the lower value or the higher value as the ULN. By definition, the ULN should be determined as a percentile of healthy, i.e. normal, controls. However, the original ESPGHAN 2012 guideline defined ULN as a ROC optimized cut-off obtained with CD patients and disease controls [10]. One should be aware of the discrepancy in the definition and use of ULN as this may impact clinical practice.

The main limitations of our study include the retrospective study design, which introduces a possible selection bias, and that no patient samples were selected by a laboratory using the tTG-IgA ChLIA (Euroimmun) assay. However, with our strategy a similar number of study patients were selected by a CLIA assay and FEIA assay.

A previous study showed predictive value of tTG-IgA levels for mucosal damage, although no comparison was made between the different tTG-IgA assays [22, 29]. Future studies comparing different tTG-IgA assays and their predictive value for villous atrophy, both at diagnosis and after introduction of GFD, may provide data to better predict response to GFD and reduce follow-up biopsies.

In conclusion, our study shows high diagnostic accuracy for three different tTG-IgA assays. CLIA assays have a higher sensitivity compared to the FEIA assay, particularly for adult patients. Specificity is high for all assays with the FEIA having the highest specificity. Both CLIA assays show a high level of concordance. Furthermore, a higher proportion of CD patients test ≥10× ULN with the CLIA assays compared to the FEIA assay and would thus not need to undergo duodenal biopsies.

Corresponding author: Daan A.R. Castelijn, Laboratory Medical Immunology, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Amsterdam UMC, Location VUMC, The Netherlands; and Amsterdam Institute for Infection and Immunity, Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism, PO box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, E-mail:

Funding source: JD reports consultancy

Funding source: Thermo Fisher Scientific, and Euroimmun

  1. Research funding: JD reports consultancy and/or speakers fees from Werfen/Inova, ThermoFisher Scientific, and Euroimmun.

  2. Author contributions: All authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript and approved its submission.

  3. Competing interests: Authors state no conflict of interest.

  4. Informed consent: Informed consent was not required for the patient samples included in this study due to the anonymous data and the opt-out option on the request forms which is in agreement with the Dutch “Ethical Guidelines for responsible handling of human tissue for scientific research”.

  5. Ethical approval: Because of the anonymous nature of the data and the opt-out option described on our institutions’ homepages and request forms the requirement for additional informed consent to participate in this study was deemed unnecessary according to the Dutch ‘‘Ethical Guidelines for responsible handling of human tissue for scientific research” The study complied with all relevant national regulations, institutional policies and is in accordance with the tenets of the Helsinki Declaration.


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Received: 2022-10-16
Accepted: 2023-02-16
Published Online: 2023-03-02
Published in Print: 2023-07-26

© 2023 the author(s), published by De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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