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Event Series:
PPFF (Virtual) Book Club
Education, Entertainment, Presentations
Join PPFF President Marci Mowery (and other staff – you never know) for a virtual book club on the last Wednesday of the month beginning on August 30 through the end of the year.
The Book Club will meet virtually the last Wednesday of the month from noon until 1. Grab your lunch and your book and join others in taking a deeper dive in both classic and new writings about nature, the outdoors, and adventure/travel writing.
The line-up:
- August 30: The Language of Trees by Katie Holten
- September 27: Brave the Wild River by Melissa L. Sevigny
- October 25: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
- November 29: The Nature Fix by Florence Williams
- December 27: A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold
Click to join by Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 812 6954 1177
Passcode: Fjm6R0