This is book 2 in the SAVAGE KINGS OF BRADWYN U series. Don't be alarmed by the date. I always push those out just in case, but you'll have a copy in your hands before you know it! Final blurb and cover coming soon... *** More about COLD AS ICE The male characters in this series proudly wave all 99+ of their red flags. In other words, this dark bully romance contains graphic content and questionable behavior not suitable for or enjoyed by all readers. If you’re sensitive to certain themes and scenarios, check the full CW inside the book. Read responsibly and at your own risk. Also, this is the second installment in a trilogy, so Stevie won’t get her HEA until the end.
The first thing I thought after finishing this book: are you shitting me 🙃
Bc I have never been so disappointed with such an anticipated release 😔😔
BTG was far from perfect, but it was 👏🏻drama 👏🏻 drama 👏🏻 DRAMA and Cold as Ice FLATLINED 🤧 NOTHING happens. Wtf happened to the conflict?
It was SO FAR from what I expected 💀 Like how you gunna write a why choose and NOT HAVE A SINGLE GROUP SCENE 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I feel robbed.
I thought Stevie would be kidnapped for at least 25% of the book. I thought they’d rescue her, and the focus would be on developing this fiveway as a THING but perhaps Stevie doesn’t trust anyone (cus trauma and still doesn’t trust the guys) is reluctant to explore a five way relationship but after ✌🏻GROUP THERAPY✌🏻🤣 realises this could work, she has feelings for them and needs them to help her find out what happened to her & her sister.
This book was basically about Stevie having 4 separate boyfriends 😵💫 and finding out random facts relating to her family. The RH fell apart to give way to the sister/Stevies attack which was dry and lacking.
And the interactions she did have with the guys, oh god where do I start!!!!!
Tate: bc why is this man even relevant? He’s totally unnecessary, and feels like an afterthought, like the authors wanted to chuck in a stepbrother trope 🙄 the scene where they stay AT SOME STRANGERS HOUSE after trying to get to the boys hockey game, sleep and HAVE SEX on their couch 👀 WTF?!?! Stevies just been attacked mind. But there was no acknowledgment of how she’d feel about staying at some strangers house. It was random and felt like filler!!!
Micah: NO bc what girl is begging to be fucked harder on DAY ONE of her period? 💀💀💀💀💀💀 it’s not happening. Did a man write this scene? Get in the bin. Unrealistic and also ‘whenever you bleed this pussy belongs to me’ 🫢🫢🫢 ummmmmm stfu.
Micah: Yeah we fucked, I took your virginity, you were kidnapped and beaten, I then ghosted you for weeks. Stevie: idec you hurt me Micah: but I’m sorry Stevie Stevie: yeah ok fine *they bang again* 😟😟😟 sorry, did I miss a few pages bc WHERE WAA THE GROVEL?!?!
Being in a relationship with five men is not THE NORM and yet there is no discussion which acknowledges that between the 5 of them. This girl was a virgin 5 minutes ago. Now you’re trying to tell me after being beaten and kidnapped and then left, she’s taken to this arrangement like a duck to water with ZERO conversation 🤣🤣🤣🤣 behave!!! She rocks up to a hockey game is and kissing them all ??? People are staring and she doesn’t care BUT WHERE IS THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT 🤣
She gives in to them so god damn easily, they shit all over her, remember they BRANDED HER IN BOOK ONE 🤣🤣🤣 and yet no grovel, no consequences for their actions?? No further development.
It also wasn’t even dark ??? Can we call it a dark romance lol.
It was so bad, I never give 2⭐️, usually I DNF but I kept going with hopes it would turn around and as it’s the second book in the series I’m already invested.
In the beginning, my memory did not work in my favor and I totally had to go back and re-read the last chapter of the previous book. Once I read that and started reading Cold As Ice, I started remembering everything from the previous book.
I loved that this book showed the hockey aspect a bit more and loved watching the relationships between the characters grow even more. I also really enjoyed the mystery aspects that we discovered in this book. Some I totally guessed and others I wasn't really expecting but I loved everything we found out.
Also... Vince and Stevie 😍 Loved that scene with them IYKYK.
I'm not sure how much more my poor heart or Kindle can take....because, whoa. This book picks up without missing a beat and just doesn't stop. So many questions get answered. And yet, there are so many more just out of reach. Stevie and her Savages are getting closer than ever. Surprise after surprise is revealed that will have going dang, ok. I need more. And then bam, you run out of pages. So grab your snacks and buckle up because you can't stop reading once you start
This was a good squeal! We are finally learning some more things and some of it I didn’t see coming. There’s also actually hockey in this one. Also Tate 😌 love that. I actually really like all the romantic developments. Stevie and Vince are so cute. I do think we need more of Stevie and Ash though.
i loved this! i’m a big why choose girlie (i fully believe women deserve to have 4 boyfriends) and this did not disappoint!!
dark romances are usually hit or miss with me but this definitely hit!! there was some good suspense and a nice mystery!
i’m gonna be honest, i haven’t read the first book yet (i will) but i was able to read this without being super confused about what was happening throughout the story & i very much loved that
thank you wordsmith publicity for the arc in exchange for my review!!
After the cliffhanger to the first one, i couldnt wait to get my hands on this one and it did not disappoint!! You really get an inside view into the boys heads and i love that. It gets deeper and deeper with them and their connection with Stevie just grows and grows. But the cliffhanger at the end!!! Whhhhhyyyy does she have to do us dirty like that 😂 but that just makes me want the 3rd even more!
Jumping right off the bat,Cold As Ice,the second book inSavage Kings of Bradwyn Useries by Rachel Jonas and Nikki Thorne picks up from the cliffhanger inBreak The Girl. Through the multiple perspectives, we delve right back into the continuation of Stevie, Ash, Micah, Vince and Tate’s story.
When starting off, it did take me a few minutes to make sense of everything and what was happening, having forgotten what occurred in the first bookBreak The Girl. But then once it all came rushing back, you best believe this book had me delving in deeper than ever before. Only to fall down the abyss that was all things Stevie, Ash, Micah, Vince and Tate again.
Cold As Icehad us continuing on the adventurous rollercoaster ride that was Stevie, Ash, Micah, Vince and Tate’s story. Only this time they upped the ante even more. From all the drama, continuous mystery, further building of suspense, whilst going through an emotionally charged ride that angsty filled. Was it any surprise Rachel and Nikki made this rollercoaster hectic and chaotic. With the many loops, to even more twists and turns, leading you through multiple ups and downs, you were gripped tightly, devouring each and every page. It was never ending, from the ever growing mysteries behind the kept secrets alluded too throughout. And although some questions may have led to the disclosure of receiving answers, others paved way to more popping out of the woodworks. Only to leave you with more questions than ever before alongside Stevie who had her work cut out for her. Raising the suspense level even higher in wonder, curiosity and intrigue.
Whilst the narrative heavily spotlighted on Stevie, which was understandably so. None the less, it didn’t take away from shining time to time on Ash, Micah, Vince and Tate. Though in this case it was more so Micah and Tate, but that was to be expected given what they were going through. Despite their different situations, their POV chapters opened them up to us even more than before, considering all that was revealed from the deeper unwinding of their layers that exposed them from the inside and what was being hidden away. Even more so in Micah’s case.
Simultaneously the spotlight shined thoroughly on the journeys of Stevie’s relationship with each of the guys. Even with the ups and downs, given the unevenness from rocky path travelled in some of the relationships. We were still able to see a lot growth between Stevie, Ash, Micah, Vince and Tate. Showcasing the progress that was had, considering how far they all had come. Building further upon the strengthening connections that Ash, Micah, Vince and Tate had with Stevie, which of course led to quite some Spicy Smexy time, once again bringing the Smokey Heat from the Blazing Fire that ignited between each of them!
Not gonna lie, the book did have me wishing for more chapters from Ash’s perspective, since there wasn't very much from him IMO. Is this because of my favouritism towards him? Yes and no. There just wasn't much insight into his character to see any growth from him, especially when you compare it to Micah and Tate. However that didn’t stop me from loving the book any less.
That cliffhanger though… Definitely guessed it way before and yet it was still surprising. Rachel Jonas and Nikki Thorne have done it again. Cold As Icewill leave you wanting more, despite being in a daze, whilst simultaneously gasping in surprise. The next book could not come fast enough, because already it has me dying in anticipation!
*I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Micah, Ash, Vince, Tate, and Stevie all return in the second book of this dark, why choose trilogy.
While the Savage Kings are trying to track down Stevie's attacker and keeping her safe, she is still invested in investigating her sister's death. Could it all be linked, there is still more story to uncover in the next book untilwe know for sure, but Stevie does dust off quite a bit of the mystery and discovers several twists and turns along the way.
Along with the uncovering mystery, the relationships between all four of the men continue to grow at different paces. This book focuses more on each couple individually, which was nice for Stevie to get to know them more on a personal level, but hands down Vince is my fav!!😍 His progression from where he began in the last book is over the top fantastic. He's majorly hot while still being super sweet and don't even get me started with his vulnerability cause that is just icing on his yumminess scale.💗🥰
If there was anything not to like it was the fact that Stevie now has the attention of four guys and she never had them all together, and I'm not just talking in a smexy way. While I liked that she was building individual relationships, which are all hot 🔥, I think I would have liked seeing the guys in a situation where it was just them together bonding and getting grounded. I missed their bond and friendship, but I also realize this is a big book and packed with a lot of story, so don't mistake my opinion for lack of content. It was good and I loved all of the revelations and time spent with each guy, again...super hot 🥵
This is the middle book in a trilogy. The build up to the final who-done-it revel is coming and how their relationship will work sustainably outside their bubble. Stevie despartly wants it to work and each guy has laid their claim, but will it all crash and burn or can they make it work in the real world? I know I'm excited to see how it all works out and I can't wait for the next book cause these cliffhangers are killing me!
Again, this book completely consumed me from start to finish. 🩷🩷🩷
It was great to learn more about the boys' background and what really happened to them as children. It was utterly heartbreaking what they went through, and I really felt for them. Poor Micah, really went through it in this book. It was beautiful to see that Stevie was able to pull him out of it before he was truly lost.
Stevie, she is something else, the way she handled herself through everything was amazing, bomb after bomb was dropped, and she is one step closer to her finding answers but also so far away. There are so many questions left unanswered.
I loved that Stevie and her men grew closer and are now on the same page, and they all know where each other stands in this strange relationship they have begun.
Also, let's not forget to mention Tate... ahhhh!!!!
The spicy scenes were f****** spicy, and I ate that s*** up 😊
This ends on another cliffhanger, and I hope we don't have to wait too long for book 3 to finally find out the answers that I seek.
Thank you so much to Rachel, Nikki, and the beautiful team at Wordsmith Publicity for giving me the chance to ARC read this book. I truly appreciate it. All opinions are my own 😊
🔪 Dark Themes 🔪 found family 🔪 multiple pov 🔪 enemies to lovers 🔪 Hockey/Sports Romance 🔪 Why Choose 🔪 Plus-size heroine 🔪 New Adult/College Romance 🔪 KINGS OF CYPRESS POINTE crossover (absolutely no need to read that series first)
Well, this book did not disappoint after the cliffhanger from the first book i was desperate to jump into this one. Stevie is one lucky girl. Those boys of hers are OBSESSED. I love how they are all different but all damaged in their own way, but all have the same goal when it comes to Stevie.
This book has so many twists, and the mystery continues with what happened to Stevie's sister and whonis now after Stevie, for which I have my suspicions but won't reveal them yet cause #spoileralert 🤣
This book is HOT. We dont get any group scenes, but Stevie has one on one time with all the boys and DAMN 🙌. The scene between vince and stevie is off the charts hot it was utter perfection.
This book brings more questions for every answer we discover, and I can't wait for the third book to get all the answers and, of course, the HEA Stevie and the boys deserve.
Storyline is pretty much Stevie having sex with four guys (not together in this book). They have all fallen in love with her.
She likes to keep it in the family with Tate, loses Vince’s virginity on camera, has sex with Ash during her period (that time of the month is his time) and with Micah she seems to have a real connection.
The boom starts with her recovery from her attack (we still don’t know who caused that by the end of the book - but find out her old roommate and Whitlock have been working together).
Her dad isn’t her real dad and goes some way to explain the emotional damage he inflicted. Her real dad owns the diner she visited.
We still don’t know the real story behind Mels suicide but Stevie’s bff had secretly been her boyfriend and had gotten her pregnant.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This book was just amazing! Here we are picking up after book 1 and can I say freaking finally to the turn around from Ash, Micah and Vince. But let’s face it, we always knew they’d turn around. What we needed to see was the hard work they put into making sure Stevie is aware, they’ve changed, they want her, they need her. Oh and Tate, my love. It’s good to see you in all your glory, my man. This book hits you with some punches. Stevie gets answers but we are still left with some questions. I am absolutely feeling everything as we navigate Stevie’s feelings. It’s not unwarranted, what she went through was a lot. Having Micah’s POV in that moment made me tear up a bit. I can see how Stevie can ground him and I hope there’s more healing and love. But I have an inkling that there’s so much more to come.
COLD AS ICE takes place where book one, BREAK THE GIRL, left off. Stevie Heron (Bird) went missing. Micah Locke, Vince Ricci, Ashton (Ash) Blaine, and Tate Ford set out to find her.
Rachel Jonas and Nikki Thorne do an amazing job with this story. I like how all the characters relate to each other because they are broken in some way. They are protective and loyal to each other. They deal with their various issues. Steve discovers things about her past. She is still investigating her sister’s murder. She and the guys become closer. I like the detail of the hockey scenes.
There is another cliff hanger ending. I cannot wait for book three. I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book.
“Cold as ice” is the second book in the “savage kings of Bradwyn u” series.
I’m fairly new to Rachel jonas and Nikki throne and I can’t wait to read more.
After stevie is attacked they savage kings are trying to track down who attacked her and to keep her safe while Stevie is still working to uncover who is responsible for her sisters death. This second part of the trilogy is fast paced full of twists and turns that will keep you glued to your kindle.
“Cold as ice” is a dark why choose romance that I know you will love just as much as I did. I cannot wait to read the final conclusion of Stevie’s story. I would however recommend that you read “break the girl” first.
Considering how much I LOVED the first book, this was a major let down.
I was disappointed that she was kidnapped at the end of the first book, to be found within the first 10% of the second book. Micah going off the rails seemed fine but then there was NO GROVELLINGGGGG👍🏻
I felt like the plot is now focusing more on what happened to Stevie’s sister, obvs found out that her dad isn’t her dad which kinds feels relevant but nothing else was mentioned about Dusty after the fact. Surely if you found out another man was actually your dad you would arrange to get to know each other 😕
And can we just talk about the whole scene with stevie and Tate when the car breaks down, like what in the fuck was that? It felt SO disconnected from the story, and also who has sex on a coach of a random old couple that let you stay the night because your car broke down???? 🤢 I’m not a square I promise
The plot with Stevie’s sister is increasing but to add in that Stevie is now being stalked (minimally apparently) by what appears to be the same man that stalked and graped her sister.
Bro I am just so confused how the first book was so good and this just fell flat. The relationships between Stevie and the boys is fine but it’s just samey now.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
This series just gets better and better!! I read this in a day I just couldn’t put it down.
Book 2 picks up straight after that cliff hanger in the first book.
The events that took place at the end of book 1 play a big part in the first half of this book as Stevie struggles with what happened. But we also see another side to Micah, and Stevie might be the one thing that can pull him back.
This book is also focused more on the relationships Stevie has with each of her boys and I love how protective they are of her.
More secrets are uncovered and twists along the way and again…. That cliff hanger?! i still feel like there’s more twists to come in book 3 and I can’t wait!!
Also that scene with Stevie and Vince in the hotel…. 🔥🌶️🔥🌶️
This was fantastic. Micah is my favorite and it makes me so sad that he gets into his head so badly. 🙁 Tate is a very very close second because duh, hot “teacher”. The complexity of this story is surprising, in a good way.
I KNEWWWWWWW IT. I KNEW HE HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH HER SISTER! Well, I guessed it tbh because he was creepy and I got a weird vibe from his character. I love being right.
I will be very impatiently waiting for the third book. 🖤👻
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Holy cow that ending wtaf!! I’m so happy Stevie got some answers but holy cow the smoking gun was right there the whole damn time and no once actually noticed. I’m actually so shocked. This was a great book started off slow but once it got going and Stevie and her boys got it together it was fantastic.
Non-stop, heart-stopping time with Stevie and her guys. These guys are getting deeper and deeper under my skin. I loved getting to know them better in this one and absolutely loved how the relationship(s) are growing.
I was on the edge of my seat with all the mystery and suspense. Some things getting answered while some not and some other crazy gets revealed. Can’t wait to see what happens next!
This ends on another cliffhanger but at least we are getting somewhere with the plot involving Stevie's sister. We also get more insight on the MMCs and that's the only thing pushing me to read the next book. Will there be more character development? Will Stevie be less annoying? Why did her sister die?
This is the SECOND cliffhanger I have been left on!! But for real, this book was good, it just wasn’t great. It failed to live up to my expectations. I figure as a reverse harem, there’d be more group scenes, but there was none. At the time, the book fell flat and felt slow. I’m glad certain things in Stevie’s life got resolved, but reading this compared to the first book, I felt a whole lot of nothing. Hoping the 3rd book seals some fates and ties a whole lot of ends up, because this book was a decent length for nothing.
Holy Moly...I thought book 1 was good...this one knocked it out of the park! Stevie and her guys...🔥🥵❤️🔥 Absolutely loved it and can't wait for book 3!
I am loving this series so much! The suspense the twist and turns and the steam! I can’t wait for more from this harem! Especially after that ending! Loved it!
Well this book took a turn and I found out I love Vince soo much. Also the ending I don’t want to believe it’s him cause wtf but it’s also making me wanting to read the final book asap
stevie & her guys are mending wounds but still breaking my heart with HEAAAATTT man!! they’re the cutest with her too really!! but this cliffy revelation is INSANE!!