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Updated 26/09/2023

Latest developments on groundbreaking AI-related projects

Here’s a recap of the most relevant and recent updates from the PRE-PAI and AI4Europe projects, in which EGI works respectively on the strategic engagement with the European AI Ecosystem and connected communities and on the architectural design and implementation of open distributed software to ensure the evolution into a distributed ecosystem. Pre-PAI has successfully released all deliverables defining requirements and concepts for the further development and deployment of the European AI-on-Demand (AIoD) platform. This effort also prioritised ensuring the industrialisation of the AIoD platform, focusing on aspects like scalability, operational efficiency, and software quality. Over nine months within the Digital Europe Programme, Pre-PAI project, comprising 22 partners, produced eight deliverables, now accessible in the AI4Europe project space. The central outcomes of this preparatory action are summarised in the key deliverable, D1.2 Final Roadmap and Plan. EGI mainly contributed to gathering requirements and conducting GAP analysis on cloud and HPC. We are delighted to have collaborated with such an efficient consortium of partners and extend our heartfelt thanks to all involved.
One year after the kick-off meeting, AI4Europe underwent its first project review and received positive feedback. EGI is honoured to have University College Cork as the project coordinator of this visionary project tasked to evolve the AI-on-demand (AIoD) platform and excited to participate in the AI-on-Demand (AIoD) Community Forum organised by the ICT-49 cluster project in collaboration with AI4Europe. Stay tuned as AI4Europe will soon release new features in the AIoD platform!