When my parents took me to a hockey camp as a kid, they never dreamed it would take me off the path of becoming a doctor, like everyone else in the family. Unfortunately for them, the moment I stepped into that arena and onto that ice, there was no going back.
Fast-forward to my junior year at Brooks University, and I’ve got one shot to make it to the pros. It’s now or never. Because if I don’t? Hello, medical school. Good-bye, skates.
The season gets even harder when the hockey team is forced to work with the dance team for a fundraiser, and I’m paired with the daughter of my family’s sworn enemy. As much as I hate to admit it, Sutton Savage is hard not to notice with her dark hair, big blue eyes, and angelic face to go along with those mouthy lips. Soon, it’s damn near impossible for me to hate her. And before I know it, I’m striking up a deal with her for her to be my girlfriend.
My fake girlfriend.
Since we were kids, I’ve found Sutton to be an entitled brat, someone I couldn’t stand, but suddenly, I’m looking at her differently. And when no one is around, I still want to kiss her … and I realize things are becoming a lot more complicated than I ever imagined they would.
Romeo and Juliet were forbidden to be together, and look how well that turned out for them. The thing is, I’m beginning to see Sutton is worth drinking the poison for.
She might not be the one I’ve always wanted. But now, she’s the only one I see.
Hannah Gray spends her days in vacationland, living in a small, quaint town on the coast of Maine. She is an avid reader of contemporary romance and is always in competition with herself to read more books every year.
During the day, she loves on her three perfect-to-her daughters and tries to be the best mom she can be. But once she tucks them in at night--okay, scratch that. Once they fall asleep next to her in her bed--because their bedrooms apparently have monsters in them--she dives into her own fantasy world, staying awake well into the late-night hours, typing away stories about her characters. As much as she loves being a wife and mom--and she certainly does love it--reading and writing are her outlet, giving her a place to travel far away while still physically being with her family.
She married her better half in 2013, and he's been putting up with her craziness every day since. As her anchor, he's her one constant in this insane, forever-changing world.
The way they talk is just weird af. It's super childish. The plot is good but the way it's written is just not it. So many things are so cringe and seem like something a 12y/o would say.
Exotic dancer might sound nice, but at the end of the day, it’s the same damn thing. And stripper just rolls off the tongue much easier than taking the time to say exotic dancer.
I rarely give half-star ratings in GR (for obvious reasons) but this was one of the times it just was not possible to round up the rating to the closest full star, even though I ended up rounding down for the star rating.
Honestly, I felt like I was writing two different books if I compare the beginning and the end of this book with each other. In the beginning, I just got a weird vibe from the book. I wasn't really feeling the writing or the MC's. Even though the book is written in double POV, I couldn't get a grasp of the characters either. The book felt superficial and the changes in the characters' feelings just occurred without me really understanding who cause it was not communicated clearly through the writing.
I might hate her because of her last name. But there’s no denying that she’s a beautiful, fascinating creature. Even if she is a spoiled brat.
After I had read one third of the book, I feel like my whole reading experience changed. Maybe I got more into the story or maybe I just started getting a better hang of the characters but, in any case, the book was more pleasant to read and the events made more sense. Mind you, this was already the part in which the MC's feelings had changed.
No one should have the audacity to walk through a room like they know every female—and probably a number of males—is ogling them. But he does. And it’s obnoxious.
I realle liked that the MCs already knew each other beforehand but were really not friendly with each other. Actually, this book kind of flirts with some of the tropes that I like without fully having those tropes: enemies to lovers and best friend's brother. They also both came from rich families but Sutton was cut off by her family due to her asthma hindering her ballet dancing so much that she couldn't make it in Juilliard's competitive environment anymore. Hunter played hockey and had NHL aspirations but his family wanted him to continue their family's legacy as a doctor.
I felt his eyes on every inch of my body. I’ll never say it out loud … but I didn’t hate it. But I do hate that I didn’t.
The fake dating aspect felt a bit forced to me since there was no real or believable readon behind it, instead it was more for making Hunter's ex jealous and pissing off Sutton's family. The aforementioned reasons didn't really hit me which might also be due to fake dating being one of my favorite tropes and I feel like this book didn't give it the justice it deserved.
“You son of a bitch. What the fuck was that about?” “He’s a creep. Everyone knows that.” “And you’re a psychopath, apparently. Careful, Thompson. It almost seems like you care.” “Maybe I do care, Little Bird. What if I do?”
After reading the book, I really liked Hunter and Sutton. Especially Hunter because I really love the whole possessive MMC vibe that he was doling out in heaps. The scene at Sutton's workplace when he recognized her? Hot damn 🔥 With Sutton, I liked how she was not your typical spoiled rich girl, instead she showed she actually had a backbone when she decided to follow her instincts and transfer schools.
Again, the beginning of the book was confusing for me when it came to the MCs and the development of their relationship but when I got into the book past the confusing part, I actually really liked how the development took place from thereon out.
“You’re so beautiful, Sutton. And strong. And smart. Bold. Funny. Everything anyone could ever want.” “Even you?” “Especially me.”
At the end of the book, I was here for the drama. Goddamn, the scene at the charity dinner when Sutton confronted her parents? PRICELESS. Also, I loved how she was being tied in to the first books. I was especially happy about the end when it came to Sutton and Hunter's relationships with their family!
All in all, after I got past the awkward beginning, this book was a pleasant read and I will be giving this series (and the author) another try in the future. She has a lot of potential which I can see leading to better books in the future!
I received an ARC of Chosen Boy in exchange for an honest review
Tropes: - Fake Dating - Sports Romance🏒 - Enemies to Lovers - Forced Proximity - Hockey Player x Dancer - Possessive Hero
Hannah Gray KILLED IT AGAIN!! I am obsessed with this series and if you haven’t read this yet, what are you doing?! I will always recommend this, especially if you’re a hockey fan like me. Hannah can do no wrong. She covered all my favorite tropes wonderfully with this story. I was not surprised that I couldn’t put this down.
Chosen Boy is the 4th book in the Puck Boys of Brooks University series following Hunter Thompson & Sutton Savage. We met Hunter in Puck Boy and I honestly have been waiting for his story. He caught my eye. Hunter & Sutton are from the same hometown & their families used to be very close. But after something happens between their families, they end up becoming enemies. When Sutton shows up at Brooks University where Hunter plays hockey. He isn’t happy about it. Sutton is part of the dance team & when they partnered up to perform a dance routine for charity, they have no choice but to play nice even though they hate each other.
BUT HANNAH GRAY!! You had my jaw on the floor. The plot twists in this, I DID NOT SEE COMING!! I was so emotional towards the end. THEN YOU ADDED ANOTHER PLOT TWIST. Ugh I LOVED IT SO MUCH.
I am so ready for Cade & Haley’s book. A damaged MMC? I am SOLD. I CAN’T WAIT.
This story seemed very Romeo and Juliet to me, but only in the part about the enemy families, because this story has a happy ending and what an ending!
The story follows Hunter and Sutton and their journey from enemies to friends until they come together, and let me tell you, the story grabs you from the first chapter.
Sutton is transferred to Brooks University after leaving the Juilliard School (prestigious school in New York) and because of this her parents have cut off all kinds of support (monetary and sentimental). She just wants to live her life to the fullest and dance quietly, but in this university Hunter studies and he is nothing more and nothing less than one of the best players of the hockey team and he always had a dislike for her because he thinks she is a spoiled child, which is the opposite and the more you read the more you realize that not everything is rosy. As they interact because of things in life they have to work on a project together, they get to know each other and help each other, Hunter realizes that not everything is as it seems as far as she is concerned.
The relationship between these two grows little by little, little by little you see how Hunter wants to know more about her and take care of her, now without coming and saying spoilers there are many events that left me in shock and I did not see this huge plot twist that caught me completely off guard and I love when a story does that.
One thing that I didn't like and I think that's why I didn't give it a full rating is because there were some phrases that made me a little crazy but otherwise it was a good and engaging read.
Now speaking a little more personally, with this story I felt seen since Sutton suffers from asthma, an illness that I also suffer from, and to see this captured and treated so well in a romance book I really enjoyed it, so thank you to the author for that.
Thanks to the author & Wordsmith Publicity for the e-arc in exchange for my honest review!!
Esta historia me pareció muy Romeo y Julieta, pero solo en la parte de las familias enemigas porque esta historia tiene su final feliz y que final!!!
La historia sigue a Hunter y Sutton y su travesía de enemigos a amigos hasta llegar a estar juntos, y déjenme decirles que desde el primer capítulo la historia te atrapa..
Sutton es transferida a la universidad de Brooks luego de dejar The Juilliard School (escuela prestigiosa de new york) y por eso sus padres le cortan todo tipo de apoyo (monetario y sentimental) ella solo quiere vivir su vida al máximo y bailar tranquilamente pero en esta universidad estudia Hunter y él es nada más y nada menos que uno de los mejores jugadores del equipo de hockey y este siempre ha sentido aversión por ella porque cree que es una niña mimada, lo cual es todo lo contrario y mientras más lees más te vas dando cuenta que no todo es color de rosa. Mientras interactúan ya que por cosas de la vida tienen que trabajar juntos en un proyecto se van conociendo y ayudándose mutuamente, Hunter se da cuenta de que no todo es lo que parece en lo que a ella se refiere.
La relación de estos dos crece de a poco, de a poco vas viendo como Hunter quiere saber más de de ella y cuidarla, ahora sin venir y decir spoilers hay muchos acontecimientos que me dejaron en shock y este tremendo plot twist que tiene no lo vi venir en ningún momento,me agarró completamente desprevenida y amo cuando una historia hace eso.
Una cosilla que no me gusto y creo que por eso no le di una calificación completa es porque habían algunas frases que me sacaron un poco de onda pero de resto fue una buena y atrapante lectura.
Ahora hablando un poquito más personalmente, con esta historia me sentí vista ya que Sutton sufre de asma enfermedad que yo también sufro y ver esto plasmado y tratado tan bien en un libro de romance me gusto muchísimo así que gracias a la autora por eso.
Hockey romance x dancer Fake dating Enemies to lovers Forced proximity Possessive MMC
HANNAH BLEW ME AWAY ONCE AGAIN! did I start and finish this book in 1 sitting?! Yes! Loved every moment of this book! Not only did I fall in love with Sutton and Hunter but I loved the storyline and the twists! Did not see those coming! The fourth book in the series, following Sutton and Hunter who grew up acquainted with one another as their families used get together until they had a falling apart. Now finding their way back into the same circle attending the same college and working together for a charity event! I loved getting to know them more and how they had to put their differences aside to know one another & all the things they discovered about one another.
Hannah does a great job with incorporating the right amount of character time with the plot and also the sports aspect!! I was not ready for their story to be over and that ending had me a bit emotional!
Thank you so much wordsmith publicity and Hannah for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.
Apparently these books are just going to be several hundred pages of miscommunication, MMCs being unnecessarily mean to FMCs, and sexual assault that she's trying to disguise as consensual sex. Definitely done.
Suttons a fantastic ballerina but she's got a limitation holding her back. Asthma. So when she switches schools it puts her with Hunter. Hunter who's family used to be close to Suttons until a falling out made them enemies. Hunter never liked Sutton even when their families thought they'd be perfect.
Hunter wants his ex back and who better to help him than the girl she was always worried about? It gets complicated though when Hunter and Sutton get closer.
Welp Hannah has done it again. I am convinced that she can do no wrong. I absolutely fall in love with each and every one of her books! This is book 4 in her Puck Boys series (Thank you Hannah for writing more of them :-)) and can be read as a standalone. Although for the whole Puck Boy experience I would recommend reading in order.
This story follow Sutton and Hunter. Sutton ends up at Brooks University after dropping out of Juilliard. Therefore being cut off from her parents. Hunter is at Brooks playing for the hockey in hopes of one day playing in NHL. They both come from the same area and their families were even friends at one point. Though they hung out quite often growing up in the same social circle, they do not like each other and once their families start a feud…this only solidifies their feelings. However when they get paired up to dance together for charity, they strike up a deal. Sutton will pretend to be Hunter’s girlfriend to make his ex jealous and in return he will help Sutton find out more information on her mother. But the more time they spend together, the more they realize that they actually have a lot more in common than they initially thought.
This book was amazing. I love the layers and depth Hannah goes into for each of these books. And holy emotional…AND the TWISTS!!! Hunter was such a possessive caveman and I absolutely loved it. Truly could not get enough of him and loved how much he cared for Sutton. He was PERFECTION.
I am so obsessed with this series and if you haven’t read this yet, I mean what are you even doing?! If you want sports romance that has hate, angst, possessiveness, humor, spice, and emotion then you need to read Hannah’s series but it’s seriously amazing. I will never stop recommending or talking about.
Overall: 5 Spice: 3
Tropes: - Sports Romance - Fake Dating - Enemies to Lovers - Forced Proximity - Hockey Player x Dancer - Possessive Hero
Oh. My. Gosh. Can we take a second to actually let how good Hunter & Suttons story is sink in…? I can’t set here and tell all of you that my favorite trope is enemies to lovers, because…. It’s really not… but Hannah writes the banter and pulls you in like nobody else.
I can tell you I’m a sucker for Fake Dating though.. 😉
Hunter has been struggling with his feelings for Sutton for a long time… for which he has good reason and you’ll find out when you read it!! and you can’t blame Sutton for her actions when she is just reactive to how he treats her… but after being paired to dance for charity and basically forced to get along… Hunter turns a little caveman for her and she doesn’t hate it.
I loved how protective he is of her, fake/real dating or not.. and I loved falling with them in their fake and real relationship.
The plot twists were 👩🍳🤌🏻- I really never seen either of them coming and the set up for Cages book has me on edge until I get my hands on it!!!
5 stars babe. Your a GODDESS & I’m obsessed with all “ The Boys” 😜
Y’all know I loved Brody’s story, so I had to jump in here. This was a quick read for me! It follows Sutton, a ballerina who is also a family rival, and Hunter, a college hockey player. I struggled a smidge at the beginning of this one connecting to either character, but I truly loved the character arcs of both characters. And I mean, who doesn’t love a fake dating romance?! Hunter’s caveman and protective side coming out was one of my favorite shifts in this story. Sutton’s story line with her parents was a bit of a wild one, but it was really enjoyable to watch her pave her way. At the beginning, Hunter said she saw Sutton as a little bird in a cage, but we definitely got to see her spread her wings. I know there was a found family trope, but I wish she got a better foundation for friendships in this one. For Hunter, it was easy to take on his emotions and consolations with not only his ex but also his family. For him, I wish we got to see his parents come around. I think one of the most enjoyable parts of this story were their little dates. It was fun to see a switch up and such wholesome dates (I don’t want to tell you what they did!). I did enjoy the Brody cameos, literally ate those up. Def recommended for those who love hockey romance and fake dating tropes! I’m excited for Cade’s book, so many have told me that it’ll be my new fav.
Spice: 🌶️🌶️
Slide for quotes!
Tropes you’ll find: enemies to lovers, sports romance (hockey), she’s a dancer, found family, fake dating, forced proximity, secret identity, he falls harder, banter
Chosen Boy” is the fourth book in the Puck Boys of Brooks University series! This is a fake dating, enemies to lovers, a little forced proximity and a whole lot of sweet and spice!
Hunter and Sutton have known each other for a lot of their lives as their families social circles run together. They’ve never liked each other and they are eventually forced to dance together for a charity fundraiser. Turns out there’s a fine line between love and hate!
Despite this book not being as angsty as the previous books in the series, it still highlighted some heavy issues and I loved how both the characters dealt with the pressures they found themselves under and the strength they showed in doing things for their happiness, and not anyone else’s.
This book had the perfect amount of banter that we love sports romance, sweet moments where Hunter was sooo swoony (excellent advice you gave, Grandpa Thompson) and spicy moments. Like where did that MOUTH come from? 🫠
I really enjoyed this book, I loved the cameos from our other favourite Brooks boys and the set up for Cage’s book!
Thank you to Hannah and the team at Wordsmith for the advance review copy of this book!
I’ve said it once & I’ll say it again: HANNAH CAN DO NO WRONG. 👏🏼 Per usual, I could not put this book down. I absolutely loved it. I quickly fell in love with Hunter & Sutton.
This is book 4 in the Puck Boys series following Hunter Thompson & Sutton Savage. Hunter & Sutton are from the same hometown & their families used to be very close, having run in the same social circle. But after something happens, their families quickly became enemies. So when Sutton suddenly shows up at Brooks University where Hunter plays hockey, let’s just say he’s less than thrilled. When they’re partnered up to perform a dance routine for charity, they have no choice but to play nice despite their hate for each other. But what happens when they agree to fake date in order to help each other out? How quickly can lines blur? They say there’s a very thin line between love & hate…
Was this book supposed to be an emotional read? I don’t think so. Did I still cry? 100%. I was not expecting all the plot twists in this book but I was SO HAPPY with the outcome. I love me a caveman MMC & Hunter was exactly that. I couldn’t get enough of him & how much he truly cared for Sutton 🥹 I already miss these two & wish I could read their story again for the first time. But I can’t wait to continue the series with Cade’s story next!
Tropes: - Sports Romance - Hockey Player x Dancer - Enemies to Lovers - Fake Dating - Forced Proximity - Possessive Hero - Lots of Banter
Horrid. I should have stopped reading when the author repeatedly used the word “bitch” to refer to the main female character or had other characters, ESPECIALLY her male love interest, refer to her/ her attitude as such. Seriously, that word was written twice on every page.
Don’t even get me started on the male lead. He was a bully, and there was NO redeeming qualities about his character. No groveling, no accountability. I find nothing hot about telling his girlfriend that she was a horrible and “bitchy” person in every conversation they had.
it wasn’t bad!! it wasn’t my favorite book i’ve ever read, but it also wasn’t the worst book i’ve ever read. the pacing just felt a little off to me and i couldn’t connect to sutton & hunter, even though i really wanted to
i do love an enemies to lovers x feuding family book and i liked that those were some of the tropes in this! i also liked how possessive hunter was. protective mmcs are always fun!
it was a really quick read which is great!! i also really loved the last 20 or so pages! SO good
Oof that was one of the hardest books for me to read. I don’t like to dnf that often so getting through this book was like putting myself through rounds of torture 🤮
The characters were completely unlikable, the plot was simultaneously all over the place and boring 🥱 too many troupes squeezed into 300 pages.
Chosen Boy is the fourth book in The Puck Boys of Brooks University Series by Hannah Gray, featuring an unforgettable enemies to lovers/fake dating romance for Hunter and Sutton that brings steam and all the feels! Two MCs from rival families fighting to follow their own path? Sign me up! Hunter and Sutton are supposed to hate each other because of drama between their parents, but when they are partnered together for a charity dance performance, they quickly begin to see each other in a new light. The connection, the sparks, the angst, and tension had me riveted to their evolving relationship that was supposed to be fake, but felt very real, very quickly! I was again swept away on a roller coaster of emotions that took me from laughter to tears to swooning and back again. The world building of this series is just phenomenal, and every character adds to the story. The plot twists shocked me, in some cases made me cry, and have me really impatient for the next book!! Although, in all honesty, I feel like my heart needs to prepare for Cade and Haley’s story, because I know that they both have backstories that will probably wreck me, but I need more of them anyway! I wholeheartedly recommend Hunter and Sutton’s story!! I loved that the last chapter was written like an epilogue with a time jump! It made my heart so happy!😍😍
I received an ARC for free, and am leaving this review voluntarily. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🌶🌶🌶
This was my favorite book of this series - thus far at least. Sutton and Hunter's story was just... it's hard to put words to. But from the start I was totally enthralled by it. Their life's challenges are interesting all on their own, then how those are intertwined to make them enemies, of sorts, was also engaging throughout. But I've found that in this series, that Hannah Gray isn't so much giving us a college sports romance (which yes, this still is), but she's more providing us with stories and characters that are facing adversity and life challenges of some sort. And some are god-awful! So these stories are tugging at your heart strings and making your emotions hurt for these characters. And this story was no different.
But besides those emotion-filled parts of the story, the chemistry between Sutton and Hunter is amazing. It feels like it is bursting off the pages of this story, it's so explosive. I liked Sutton's way of putting him in his place, which counter-balanced Hunter's possessive side - which really was all that and a bag of chips! Grrrr. Wow, it was delicious.
But what stole the show for me in this book was the combination of their individual challenges, how life can be unfair at times - yet it is how we deal with those adversities that define us. And both Hunter and Sutton stayed true to themselves when it came to these moments, and we can't but take our hats off for them for their decisions and strength of character. But also, the attraction between them, the budding relationship, it was incredible. The sweet, tender moments between them were truly melting you. And then the twists and "surprise" plot twists were jaw-dropping!
I loved these two so much and their HEA? Ohhh my god! It was everything!
The fourth book in the puck boys series and I’m still as obsessed with these men as I was in the first book. Hannah keeps creating these men, and I keep changing my mind on who’s my favourite and at this point I can no longer pick.
Book 4 follows Hunter Thompson, one of Brooks University’s star hockey players. When the hockey team are signed up to do a charity show where they will have to dance with a partner from the ballet class. Hunter just hopes he’s not paired up with his childhood enemy, Sutton Savage. Fate has other plans and him and Sutton are forced to work together. When they both realise they’re not actually as bad as they thought each other were, and Hunter sees his ex-girlfriend become jealous, he proposes a fake relationship. But what happens when they begin to spend more time together?
I really enjoyed this book, the characters but particularly the plot. There were so many plot twists throughout the book which kept me up past 3am as I was so engrossed! Hunter and Sutton’s relationship was the perfect enemies to lovers turn fake relationship. Even before they started to pretend date, you could see the chemistry between them.
Overall, this series is becoming one of my favourite sports romances. Lost Boy, the next book, was plotted so well in this book and I just know I’m going to be an emotional mess, but I’m ready to dive in!
Tropes include: * Enemies to Lovers * Fake Relationship * Hockey Player x Dancer * Forced Proximity * Possessive MMC
With experience comes maturity. Hannah Gray strikes again, and let me tell you, this lady is captivating our hearts once more! She even dares to tantalize us with a gripping sneak peek of the next book in a heat broken scene near the end. I eagerly await this book as if it were the very breath of life.
In all honesty, I find it challenging to provide an unbiased assessment of HG's work because my adoration for this author knows no bounds.
If you're reading these lines in search of convincing opinions, then here it is – the fourth book in the Puck Boy series. While they can be read individually, experiencing the series in order will deepen your appreciation for this installment. By this point, the characters are practically like old friends, or perhaps even members of your personal circle. Sutton could easily become my best friend!
I sensed a subtle shift in Hannah's writing style, a certain 'je ne sais quoi' that's hard to put into words. What I can articulate, though, is that the element of surprise in the story is masterfully executed. That moment when you reluctantly close the book after an unexpected twist is akin to the sensation of being left hanging after a season finale of your favorite primetime show. You can't help but wonder how you'll endure the wait! Alright, I might be exaggerating a tad, but that's the exact sentiment that enveloped me after finishing Chapter 19.
So, here we embark on a journey with two individuals who've never quite found the time to engage in meaningful conversation or truly get to know one another, despite numerous opportunities. There's a touch of the caveman who takes his role as a fake boyfriend very seriously and a young woman who blossoms into a remarkable force.
The final chapter ties up this enchanting story beautifully. I'm already counting down the days until the next puck boy Cade!
Hunter and Sutton are teamed up for a charity dance event, only problem is they are sworn enemies as are their families. They strike a deal to fake date to help him win is girlfriend back. Will she agree?
Hunter brings the sexiness we know and love from our Puck Boys of Brooks University. And he delivers - he’s possessive, he’s obsessed, he’s swoon worthy, he’s sexy and he’s sweet. I mean what can’t this boy do.
Sutton, what a journey. The path she forged for herself, the strength and sass she brings is wonderful. She’s definitely not the broken little bird he thought she was. Wounded, yes but not broken.
This one will have you crying but it’s not as heartbreaking as previous books in this series. As Hannah says in the end it brings a balance of spicy and sweet.
It truly delivers what it promises, and gives you more to look forward to with the next two books in the series - which I can NOT wait for. All our favourite Brooks U people are featured throughout the book, and some new ones to love and hate are also introduced. This is a standalone book but you’ll love it more if you read the other three books in the series. Thank you Hannah for another amazing book. Highly highly recommend.
Ok- So- Hunter was my second favorite hero. Hands down. But this story was my #1 favorite because OMG. The twist!!!!
I really liked this story a lot. I loved Hunter, I loved how we saw him for 3 books not know what to do without Paige then BAM. In comes Sutton, saving the day and bringing the heat. I liked their whole childhood backstory with its twists and turns, and I like how she was a bit battered but strong coming to Brooks U. I also really like how Hunter realized quickly that this was going to be more for him and that Paige was, in fact, a brat.
I couldn't rate this higher than Filthy Boy even though I loved the plot so much. I didn't connect and fall for the characters as much this time, but I did feel like I'm more used to the writing style now which made the whole flow a lot better.
I did love Hunter's protectiveness over Sutton, though, because after being cut off she needed to see and feel someone in her corner the way he was. Usually I don't love when a MMC is so aggressive in his need to protect/control, but I think for Sutton it made sense. Her main theme was being alone and for her to see Hunter for who he was and what he was willing to do for her, he had to really put it all out there. It just made sense for me here and I liked it a lot.
Sutton has been cut off by her family because she left Juilliard because she just couldn’t keep up with her asthma. She runs into her nemesis Hunter Thompson, who has always been mean to her growing up.
Hunter is a hockey player whose parents want him to follow in their footsteps and become a doctor. He can’t stand Sutton and thinks she is a brat. He is in love with his ex, Paige, who keeps stringing him along.
Sutton and Hunter were paired to dance at a charity and then Hunter came up with the idea to fake date each other so he can win his ex back and she can throw in her parents face that she is dating the family enemy.
Oh I loved this book so much!!! I am a sucker for Fake Dating! This was like an enemies to lovers, loved the tension and banter between the two. Oh and the Jealousy and the Spice!!!!!
"A thousand times, I’ve danced. But this dance … it’s my favorite."
Let me start off by saying I love this series! Hannah Gray once again had me fully engrossed in this book and unable to put it down! This is the story of Hunter and Sutton. When the story begins Hunter and Sutton are enemies and hate each other. Their families have had a dispute and are rivals. Sutton is a ballet dancer and Hunter is the hotshot hockey playboy. They are paired together as a couple for a charity dance. I am a sucker for a nickname so of course I melted when Hunter calls her his Little Bird.
Of course there is lots of hate and steamy scenes! This book is fake dating and hockey which are some of my favorite things!
“Little Bird, there is nothing fake about this. I promise you that.”
“So sweet. And all mine.”
“You’re turning me into a monster, Little Bird. But I can’t walk away from you.”
I absolutely loved the cameos of previous characters. One of my favorite hockey boys has a big part in this book! The ending was perfect! I am very excited for Cade's story next!
Another great addition to The Puck Boys of Brook University series. I get sucked into these books right from the start, I couldn’t put it down.
This is book 4 of our beloved Puck Boys and follows Hunter and Sutton. These two have known each other for years and have hated each other for just as long.
But when Sutton transfers to Brooks University and gets paired to dance with Hunter for a charity function they soon find out they might not hate each other as much as they thought.
Obviously we have some unexpected twists along the way which I LOVED!
This is a fake dating, enemies to lovers and is 🔥🔥🔥🥵🥵, I love that we get to see some of our past puck boys too.
I look forward to Cade’s book next that’s gonna be a heartbreaker i can already tell.