CRED-NB: What we stand for

The Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick (CRED-NB) is fighting for a nuclear-free renewable energy future. New Brunswick can meet its future energy needs with renewable energy and storage technologies.

CRED-NB envisions a New Brunswick which accepts the limits of a finite planet, by maximizing human and environmental health and minimizing its use of energy, using only clean renewable sources, supporting the sustainable mining of resources and maximizing the reuse and recycling of resources.

Our mission is to advocate for responsible energy development in New Brunswick to address the climate crisis using four guidelines:

  1. Reduce the demand for energy in New Brunswick by eliminating energy waste and maximizing energy efficiency.
  2. Increase the electricity generated in New Brunswick by low cost renewable energy with storage.
  3. Eliminate the development of fossil fuel energy and phase out nuclear energy in New Brunswick.  Dirty energy is not required now in our province given the availability of Canadian renewable sources. Dirty energy is not required in future because renewable energy with storage is ready now.
  4. Support solidarity actions with communities experiencing harmful impacts of our energy choices in New Brunswick, across Canada and globally.

Our coalition formed in response to the decision by the New Brunswick government and our public utility NB Power to promote and invest in false solutions to the climate crisis: next generation nukes (so-called “small modular nuclear reactors,” or “SMRs”) rather than sustainable renewable energy. Peer-reviewed research by experts not funded by the nuclear industry has found that SMRs are not climate crisis solutions.

CRED-NB is working across Canada and internationally with groups calling out next generation nukes as “dirty, dangerous distractions” from the work we all need to be doing to address the climate crisis. In March 2024, more than 600 groups across the world, including 130 in Canada signed a statement outlining that new nuclear power is too slow to tackle the climate emergency, much more expensive than renewables, and dangerous. This follows on from 2020 when more than 120 public interest, Indigenous and civil society groups across the country endorsed a statement opposing federal funding for more nuclear reactors.

Our website provides information about energy development in New Brunswick that is missing from the Government of New Brunswick and nuclear industry (NB Power) websites.

We invite New Brunswick residents to inform themselves about the drawbacks of polluting nuclear and fossil fuel energy and the advantages of the alternative: rigorous energy efficiency, renewable energy generation, and developing the smart grid and storage capacity using technologies that are less harmful to the earth and our health.

Our “ask” is to phase out energy generation from fossil fuels and nuclear fission and to invest in renewable energy, conservation and the smart grid. We want residents of New Brunswick to avoid being exposed to more nuclear waste, to avoid having our public funds wasted on developing prototype nuclear energy technology, and to stop burning fossil fuels to generate electricity thereby contributing to the climate crisis.

Instead, we want everyone in our province to reap the benefits of local employment, community prosperity, and the capacity to be players in the emerging global low-carbon nuclear-free renewable energy economy.

CRED-NB is a member of the New Brunswick Environmental Network.