Household Support Fund

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The Household Support Fund has been provided by the Department for Work and Pensions to support those most in need in the Borough of Swindon. The funding can help households with the cost of food, energy and wider essentials. This funding covers the period 1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024.

Some of this funding is allocated directly to eligible households while some will be distributed to local partners to help people using their services. Some examples of what the funding in Swindon is being used for are:

  • food vouchers for eligible families during school holidays
  • funding for local organisations to help residents with food and energy bill support

You do not need to apply to the council for much of this support as recipients are either automatically identified or will access the support through specific partners. If you have not received support through these routes, there may be help available through our application fund.

How do I qualify for the Household Support Fund?

If you have experienced an unexpected expense which affects your ability to meet the cost of energy, food or other essential bills, or are struggling to afford to run your home, you may be eligible for assistance through our application fund. Please use the application form to apply.

If your application is accepted you will receive a one-off payment for the period up to 30 September 2024.

Household Support Fund application form

If you have any difficulty completing this application online, contact our Customer Services team on 01793 445500, and they will be able to assist you to complete the form. Alternatively you can get face-to-face help at any of our core libraries.

Please note: This is not an emergency response fund. Applications will take some time to consider. If you’re struggling to afford enough food, call Citizens Advice on 0808 278 7813 between 10.00am and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday to discuss options based on your circumstances. this could include a referral to the food bank in Swindon.

If you are in crisis and in urgent need of food, heat or other essential items, you should consider applying for our Emergency Assistance Fund if you are eligible under the criteria shown.

There is also further advice if you are struggling with the cost of living

The Government Cost of Living Hub also has a lot of useful information on help with your energy bills.

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