Hamas War Against Israel Is Part Of 300 Year Wahhabi War Against Civilization

Above Image:  In 1857, Wahhabi fighters murdered roughly 300 of unarmed British men, women and children after they surrendered in Kanpur (Cawnpore), India.  In 1802, Wahhabi fighters from Arabia murdered roughly 5,000 civilians in the Shia city of Karbala, Iraq in much the same way.  The Ottoman Turks brutally crushed the Wahhabi movement in Arabia in 1818. The British did the same in India in 1857. Years later, Ibn Saud revived the Wahhabi movement in Arabia by organizing his followers into a “Brotherhood”.  Soon Wahhabis organized  “Muslim Brotherhoods” throughout the Middle East. Hamas in Gaza began as part of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. 

Hamas is an acronym for the Arabic Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamat* al-Islāmiyyah (Movement for the Protracted War * for Islam). It is part of a worldwide radical Islamic movement that created both the Saudi regime in Arabia and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Members of that movement often call themselves “Unitarians” or “Salafis”. However, outsiders usually call them “Wahhabis”. *(Although “Muqawamat” is usually translated as “Resistance”, most experts agree that “Protracted War” better describes its true meaning. in this context.)

Al-Wahhab created that movement near Medina in Arabia in the 1700s, when Benjamin Franklin was flying kites in Philadelphia. Al-Wahhab taught that Islam was strong and on the verge of conquering the world a thousand years earlier when Muhammad and his companions were alive. Al-Wahhab taught that Islam had become weak when later Muslim leaders became corrupt and wanted peace with non-Muslim neighbors instead of Jihad.

According to al-Wahhab, that is why the “Nasrani” the Nazarenes or Christians dominated the world in the 1700s instead of Muslims. In 1740, Al-Wahhab teamed up with Muhammad Saud, the warrior leader of an Arabian tribe. Al-Wahhab’s daughter then married Muhammad Saud’s son. Their combined family has been leading a “protracted war” against the rest of the civilized world ever since.

At first, the Wahhabis attacked and killed Muslim Turks, Persians and other Arabs who disagreed with their version of Islam. Later, Wahhab’s followers in India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan fought Sikhs, Hindus, and the British there. The Wahhabis usually attacked without warning and with great brutality.

For example, in 1802, 12,000 Saudi Wahhabi fighters attacked the Shia Muslim city of Karbala in Iraq without warning. They murdered roughly 5,000 men, women and children.

In their 1857 rebellion against the British rule in India , Wahhabi fighters in Delhi and Kanpur (Cawnpore) India murdered hundreds of unarmed women and children.

The Hamas murders of more than a thousand men, women and children in Israel last October were typical Wahhabi attacks. So were the September 11, 2001 attacks by Al Qaida, another Wahhabi groups.

Most Muslims opposed this brutality.  Many also opposed many of the Wahhabi doctrines. The Wahhabis forced women to cover themselves and denied them education or any normal life outside of their homes.  The Wahhabis suppressed art, literature, and free speech.

However, many Muslims supported the Wahhabis anyway.  That is because the Wahhabis also brought honest government with fewer bribes and less corruption, little or no taxes for Muslims, and hardly any crime. And, of course,  the Wahhabis ruthlessly punished or killed anyone who opposed them.

The Wahhabis also won support by cleverly supporting locals against real or imagined threats from outsiders. Wahhabis in the Middle East defended local Arab tribes against oppressive Ottoman Turks in distant Cairo and Istanbul.  Wahhabis in India supported Muslims against Hindus, Sikhs and the British.

Some 200 years ago, both the British and the Ottoman Turks fought long and brutal wars against the Wahhabis.

In Arabia, the Ottoman Turks and Egyptians killed thousands of Wahhabi fighters, leaders and scholars. In some areas, the Turks rounded up and executed every male over the age of ten.  In 1818, they captured Wahhab’s grandson, Abdullah Saud put him in chains. They paraded him through the streets of Cairo and Istanbul. Then they publicly beheaded him and let a mob tear  his body to pieces.

In India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, British, Sikhs, Hindus, and other Muslims brutally killed and jailed  most Wahhabi leaders after destroying their armies in 1831 and 1857.

Above Image:  After suffering massive defeats in battle in 1857, surviving Wahhabi leaders in India set up this seminary in Deoband just north of Delhi. They have been peacefully training teachers in their doctrine there ever since.  Click Here For Link To Our Previous Post:  A Spirited Conversation At 2014 Richard Somers Event Ended Up Teaching Us How Wahhabi Extremism Came To Afghanistan 289 Years Ago. – Liberty and Prosperity

Click Here For Link To Previous Post:  “TALIBAN” MEANS “STUDENTS”. BUT OUR “ALLIES” WERE THEIR WAHABEE TEACHERS. – Liberty and Prosperity

In spite of this, the Wahhabis survived in both places. In India, they used public relations and the British legal system to win sympathy and political support throughout India and the British Empire. In 1866, they set up a school in Deoband to peacefully promote their doctrines. There “talibs” or students have been teaching the doctrines of Wahhab all over the world ever since.  Many of them inspired and organized the Taliban in Afghanistan.

For years, what was left of Wahhabis and the Saudi family in Arabia lived quietly in remote areas.  However, in 1901, they made a spectacular comeback. That was when 21 year old Ibn Saud took control of his family. Ibn Saud used modern methods, later used by Communists and fascists, to create a new Wahhabi “Ikhwan” or “Brotherhood”. He persuaded young Wahhabi men to give up their nomadic lifestyle and tribal loyalties. Ibn Saud won their loyalty and had them live in permanent military settlements he built for them. Ibn Saud educated them and their sons in the same Wahhabi schools. They all submitted to the strict discipline of Wahhabi sharia. There was little crime, corruption, or favoritism.

Ibn Saud and his successors generously shared their wealth with members of their brotherhood.  At first that wealth came from taxing or plundering other tribes. Since the 1930s most of that wealth came from oil.

This inspired Wahhabis to set up similar “brotherhoods” throughout the Islamic world.  A Muslim Brotherhood was set up in Egypt in 1928.  These Wahhabi brotherhoods worked closely together. They also shared new confidence that the thousand year era of Christian dominance was almost over. Years later, Al Qaida was a perfect example of how well these brotherhoods worked together. Osama Bin Laden was in the Saudi Brotherhood. Mohammed Atef and Ayman al-Zawahiri were in the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

Hamas in Gaza was founded by Ahmed Yassin of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood in the 1950s. At that time, Gaza was part of Egypt. Yassin formed a Palestinian branch of that Brotherhood only after Israel occupied Gaza in 1967.

Yassin also  promoted a new weapon of modern Jihad – babies. Yassin had eleven children. There were about 400,000 Arabs in Gaza when Israel first occupied the territory in 1967.  There are more than two million today.  Half of them are less than 18 years old.

Everything that Hamas is doing against Israel, is also being done by other Wahhabi groups in Europe, Africa and America.  Hamas is not fighting a war against Israel. The Wahhabi cult of Islam is fighting a worldwide modern Jihad against the entire civilized world.  They are prepared to win that war “by any means necessary”.  Are we?

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(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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