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AnyDayNow #1

Like The Wind

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Prepare to laugh, cry, and fall in love with this enthralling new romance from J. Bengtsson

When a letter from his supposedly deceased mother finds its way into his hands, life changes in an instant for international pop star Bodhi Beckett.
Reeling from the deception of those closest to him, Bodhi spirals out of control and is sent to a secluded mansion in the coastal mountains of Southern California for some rest and relaxation. But the retreat proves to be anything but relaxing when a raging wildfire sets the landscape around him ablaze.
While escaping the flames, Bodhi rescues Breeze, a quirky, pet-loving woman, and together the two fight their way to safety.
In the aftermath of the fire, Bodhi and Breeze hit the road to uncover the truth about his family. What neither of them expected is to forge a powerful connection that will change their lives forever…but can it survive the real world, or will it disappear like the wind?

Kindle Edition

First published April 16, 2019

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About the author

J. Bengtsson

12 books1,548 followers

J. (Jill) Bengtsson is the bestselling author of the Cake Series. She writes contemporary novels focused on love, humor, passion, and family. Her heroines are strong, nurturing, and quirky while her heroes are what dreams are made of - gorgeous, committed, and in need of a little saving. A native Californian, Jill’s novels are set under the glittering lights of the West Coast entertainment industry.
They are for the dreamer in all of us.

Jill resides in Ventura County, California. She’s married to the Swedish boy she met as an exchange student her junior year in college and they have three children, a golden retriever, and two ragdoll cats.

Be sure not to miss new releases and sales by J. Bengtsson by signing up for her newsletter https://jbengtssonbooks.com/newsletter

For more Cake experiences, check out the audiobooks.

The audiobook series feature top narrators by Andi Arndt, Joe Arden and Zachary Webber.

*Cake A Love Story was nominated for an Audie Award for Best Romance of 2018.





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Displaying 1 - 30 of 324 reviews
Profile Image for Christy.
4,136 reviews34.8k followers
January 25, 2019
4 stars!

 photo IMG_2995_zpshlexmkql.png

Like the Wind is the first book I've read from J. Bengtsson and I really enjoyed it. I listened to the audio book and it was narrated by two of my absolute favorites, Callie Dalton and Zachary Webber. 

Breeze is a hairdresser who has horrible luck when it comes to love. Bodhi is famous musician who has found out some family news that shocks him to his core. One weekend while Bodhi is getting away and Breeze is house/animal sitting, they go through something together. This something puts them on a path. It turns into a bit of a road trip and a lot of fun for the two of them. They meet, become friends, and in a short time start to really fall for one another. 

Bohdi and Breeze go through something traumatic together and I think it makes their bond and connection even stronger than it would have been if they'd met under normal circumstances. I loved these two together. They complimented each other perfectly. Bodhi was amazing, but Breeze was actually my favorite character of the book. She had the biggest heart and I completely adored her. Her parents were hilarious as well! By the end, I even liked Bodhi's dad.

This was a quick listen that had some laughs, a bit of angst, and a lot of heart. I loved both of the main characters and this nice spin on rock start with an average girl. Like the Wind was definitely worth the listen and I'm sure I'll be checking out more from this author soon! 
Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews890 followers
April 15, 2019


First: Zachary Webber and Callie Dalton? What's not to love!? They are two of my favorite narrators because the way they narrate, their performance just feels natural.

Bodhi's world is falling to pieces when he realizes that he's been told lies by his dad all his life. A wildfire and a beautiful, quirky young woman make him look back and analyse his spiral down in the last months. Breeze is the girl who he saved from the fire. In return, she saves him. From a loveless life, a shallow life spent in the limelight.

Breeze was raised by hippy parents and it shows. Her easygoing, earthy and quirky disposition make her all kinds of endearing. If she were a real life person I'd want her as my best friend. A person like that would be smothered in the world of Bodhi Beckett, superstar and member of an internationally successful boyband.

Bodhi is enarmored by Breeze from the first moment. Her big heart, her lively personality, her sense of humor, everything about her makes him fall in love with her fast. Bodhi is surprisingly normal for somebody who has thousands of screaming girls at his feet. He and Breeze forge a very strong connection from the moment they meet, surviving a catastrophe together that could have easily cost their lives, made it so. But it's their banter and sweetness that made them magical and put a perma-smile on my face.

Like The Wind was waaayyy less angsty than I expected and so much fun, I had a blast. It was a cute, feel-good rockstar story that I couldn't stop listening to. A shout out to the stellar editing that made this story "unpluggable." There were action-filled parts, when Breeze and Bodhi tried to escape the fire, that made me hold my breath because I was on edge, others made me swoon and laugh, only a few made me hurt just the tiniest bit. This was my first book by J. Bengtsson and I am impressed by the wonderful storytelling and crisp writing style, so I'll come back for more!

Teasers courtesy of the author

Profile Image for Diana.
584 reviews18 followers
October 3, 2019
4 “I see you stars!”

Famous boy band member, Bodhi Becket is on the run, not only from the wildfire that is threatening his life, but he is also running to find out the truth about his past. Along the way, he may lose his heart to the sweet, quirky woman and her array of animals he saves from the fire.

This was all kinds of sweet with lots of “awww” moments and I really did like both Bodhi and Breeze together. Of course, there was a little angst, but nothing over the top. I had a few minor niggles, especially how the story started off with a bang, but dragged in the middle for me. Although listening to Zachary Weber’s voice, it wasn’t a hardship.
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,141 followers
January 19, 2019
WOW!! I'm so impressed...

****4.5 Stars****

I have had the best bloody day today. For Christmas, hubby bought me an outdoor setting for beside the pool. For years, I've had dreams of reading/listening and lounging beside the pool with a glass of champagne in my hand. My dreams have been answered and that day has finally arrived. With an audio to listen to, a bloody hot day, a clear schedule and a bottle of champers calling my name, I was one happy camper. Like the Wind was perfect for my dream day, and I smiled, sighed and squirmed in my very happy place.

J. Bengtsson is a new author to me and I absolutely loved my introduction. I was completely sucked into this story and hated every time I had to pause my listening experience. My heart was pumping in the beginning and then all the fluttery, smiley parts came next. Of course, the journey can't be complete without the clutching my pearls...how will they sort it out...angsty bits of the story. I needed to see Bodhi and Breeze survive the bushfire, get explanations as to the lies he was told and for her to find happiness after betrayal. The journey to see all these things play out was awesome and I loved every moment.

Honestly, and I don't say this very often, I would have preferred this one to be narrated by Zachary Webber alone. I looked forward to his parts and felt that he carried the story well for both the male and female characters. His voice is easy to listen to and I never once struggled. Unfortunately, Callie Dalton sounded too young for the character she portrayed and gave Breeze an immaturity that I don't think suited. It wasn't bad, I just think it could have been better.

An awesome story that took me on an emotional journey. My heart was pumping as they escaped the fire. I laughed out loud numerous times and listened to most of it with a smile on my face. There were times that I was a little sadder, but it was more about sympathising with Bodhi and the chances he missed out on for the fame he learned to hate. Breeze is such a happy person that it almost seemed out of place that she let her ex's betrayal upset her for so long. This story was a lot about moving on from the past and finding happiness in new love and life.

I finished with a big goofy smile on my face and convinced that Like the Wind is one of my new favourite Rockstar...if you can call a boyband, rockstars...Romances. I will definitely be reading/listening to more from this author in the future.

No photos of my happy place, unfortunately, because...

1. I'm in my togs and there is noooooo way in hell you want to see that.
2. I am shocking at taking photos.
3. I can't do the instagrammy thing...just a photo of my tanned legs, pedicured toes and beautiful swimming pool because my darling boy ran up to hug me with his school shoes on and banged up my second toes (toes, because he does this to me all the time and both my toes wear the scars) and they are weird and purple and blue. You do NOT want to see my toes.


4. I'm shy....

Oh boy, the champagne has gone to my head...just try and picture my happy place. It's pretty, bloody awesome.

Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,385 reviews102 followers
February 15, 2019
the performance on the audio was great, and the story is good. I liked the building of the relationship between the hero and heroine. But, what I really enjoyed was the action packed fires.
Profile Image for Whitney.
330 reviews124 followers
December 9, 2019

Callie Dalton. Sound familiar? She has narrated every Mariana Zapata novel. I already knew she is wonderful and talented. I stan her. Zachary Webber was a nice surprise. I can't believe I haven't listened to more books by him as he has an impressive back-list. It looks like I am going to have to check out more book that are narrated by him because -

Bodhi Beckett is a boy band heartthrob that is spiraling out of control. He has been forced into the limelight by his manager - who has also been deceiving him for quite sometime. Having taken enough crap from everybody around him, he hides in a secluded mansion for some relaxation and reflection. However, he awakens to flames and smoke overtaking the house. He manages to flee the area, but not before rescuing a quirky woman and her herd of animals.

Breeze was like a breathe of fresh air for Bodhi. She didn't see him as the huge pop star like everybody else. She saw him as a friend - her rescuer. She gave him strength to tackle his demons head on and to quit hiding from his problems. She agreed to tag along for morale support and introduce him to some interesting characters along the way.

J. Bengsston was my favorite author find of 2018. Her Cake series sold me on her writing and storytelling. And Like the Wind is just as brilliant as her other works. Her novels are full of lighthearted relationships, angsty happenings, and comical relief. I highly recommend her to all of you that enjoy tamer romances as the steam levels are pretty low. But her stories always leaves a impression. Fans of Jessica Park will love J. Bengsston!

This review was originally posted on Sincerely, Whitney
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,180 reviews928 followers
June 24, 2019

From the blurp and about 50% of the book, I thought this book is more like about Mariana Zapata's book. Slow burns and heavy on character development. Heavy flirting. Cute banter. Broody hero. Especially Bodhi is suppose to be this famous rock star.

But I found the story is bit off. I do not get how Bodhi becomes so into Breeze in only a day after he rescues her form raging fire. I thought I miss something on the audio book. There is not much that flirty and heavy banter. It really puts me off. Not wanting to continue again. Its a shame because I thought this book is going to be explosive.

2 stars
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,158 reviews1,863 followers
February 17, 2020
I waited even longer to review this one than my normal neglect goes, so it's a bigger shame than usual. Bengtsson has a way with famous people having really big problems and that stands at the heart of this story, too. This one doesn't work out quite as well as Cake, and the events themselves are rather extreme (caught in a wildfire) but you know what? I didn't care. I was completely on board for the entire thing and it just worked.

Which is why it's such a shame I don't remember details because it would have been nice to pick apart why this worked for me when so many pieces would normally have left me cold. Part of it is that Breeze and Bohdi had some great chemistry and I loved their interactions. I loved that she pushed back when she needed to, but also extended understanding and the possibility of grace as they got to know one another. I liked how much he came to care for her and how he committed to figuring things out even though he was in a bad place for it to work and had lots he needed to figure out along the way.

And the heart of the story with his father touched me more than I expected at first as the nuance starts to show up later in the story.

I still wish I remembered more, though I can see that looks like enough on its own. It was a solid four stars with the downgrade due mostly to how wild the story was and how that compressed the emotional arc by quite a lot.

A note about Steamy: There are some explicit sex scenes and they're about the middle of my steam tolerance, though I don't recall details. I want to say it leaned NA but I that might be a memory hold-over from another story. Sigh.
Profile Image for Bonnie Shores.
Author 1 book373 followers
March 28, 2019

I'm still swooning over this book! I sooooooo didn't want it to end!!!

Yes, the plot may be cliché, but much like my beloved Hallmark movies, there is a reason for the tried-and-true classic — it works! 😍❤️

Breeze is a strong, sweet 20-something, still nursing a broken heart (her fiancé cheated on her with her cousin and got her pregnant). Bodhi is a disallusioned 20-something in the world's most popular boy band. While Breeze is petsitting/housesitting and Bodhi is on a much needed break at a rented house in Southern California, a huge fire breaks out and each of them barely makes it out alive. After a harrowing crash, Breeze, along with two dogs, a cat, two rats, and a goldfish, flags down the only vehicle still in the area — Bodhi's. Together, they navigate the blaze and somehow find their way to safety.


Bodhi takes Breeze up on her offer to stay at her apartment for the remainder of the night. Their banter is playful, and Bodhi realizes that Breeze isn't like the fangirls who normally fawn over him. When morning dawns, Bodhi isn't ready to return to his hectic, heavily scheduled life. He is relishing his new found freedom and the girl who has sparked something in him that he thought was dead.

This is a super sweet story of two people from unimaginably different worlds who discover the joy that comes from finding "the one" while dealing with the consequences—and choices—of fame.

Profile Image for Sarah.
1,760 reviews1,335 followers
February 7, 2019
***audiobook review***

5 Fateful CROWNS

I absolutely loved this book.

The characters are charming and funny. Bodhi is the leader of boy band who has an awful family life. He seeks reprieve from the fame and pressure, but this leads to him intertwining his life with Bris. There adventure of anonymity is healing for both of them. She gets the lift that is taken from her and has prevented her from moving forward, and Bodi gets the life he always wanted.

The story itself is funny and sexy, and I was entertained throughly from the first chapter until the end. I loved the idea of two people pushing past the things holding them back and accepting fate. It is just the epitome of a fun romance.

The narrators themselves were great! I loved their pacing and voice. They pulled me into the sorry!

This is a new to me author and I will be checking out more! Loved it all!
Profile Image for Tracy  C.
540 reviews38 followers
June 3, 2019
Loved Bodhi and Breeze. Breeze was so quirky and different than what Bodhi has seen in the past. I loved her sense of humor and heart and how accepting he was. He was so fascinated by her that he just rolled with the punches. A wonderful love story filled with heart (and also a little tidbit of Quinn McCallister to tantalize you!).
Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,415 reviews233 followers
April 16, 2019
Bodhi grew up as a child star after being talent spotted as a young child. His father became his manager and focused all his energy on making Bodhi a success. Now as an adult he is the lead singer in a famous rock band and very wealthy.

Bodhi hasn’t known any other life, this means he has missed out on the simple things that other people take for granted. Going to school, making friends with kids in the neighbourhood and the freedom of going places without being recognised. Trust does not come easy to him and he only has a select few people in his life that he can be himself around.

After receiving an unexpected letter and as a consequence, a bit of a meltdown he goes away to enjoy some solitary peace and recharge. However, he had no idea what was to come. After a few days of rest he is awoken one night by a fast spreading fire that is engulfing the land and houses around him, he manages to escape with his life and much loved guitar.

Breeze is pet sitting for someone when the fire comes too close for comfort and she manages to escape with her mini zoo of animals. However, she is on foot with her two dogs, cat, rats and goldfish, trying to outrun the impending fire. When she spots a car coming her way she madly waves it down, loads her into the car and is relieved to have been rescued. Her rescuer turns out to be none other than Bodhi Beckett.

Breeze, like the wind, is like no other girl Bodhi has ever met. In fact, he knows that if he they had met her outside of this situation he would never have looked twice at her. He is used to being guarded and keeping up with his public persona. However, with Breeze he finds himself opening up in a way he never has before. He is drawn to her quirky personality and finds her mad love of animals endearing.

‘This girl was like my truth serum, extracting from me my true, unfiltered self.’

Bodhi is on a mission to solve the mystery that was revealed in that letter he received several months ago and Breeze turns out to be the perfect road trip companion. She has yet another ‘family occasion’ she is desperate to avoid – trust when you discover what happened with her ex you will understand why!

As Bodhi makes headway on discovering his past he feels like his life has been a lie. He is left wondering who he can trust? Right now it feels like Breeze is the only person who truly gets him. However, being with someone famous has it’s downfalls and Breeze doesn’t know if his fame is something she wants in her quiet life. Bodhi just needs to convince her that being with him is the right choice for both of them.

I read the e-book and also listened to the audio version. I love how an audio book can bring a completely different experience with great narration. Overall I really enjoyed this story, famous guy meets the girls next door is a trope that provides the perfect reading escapism.
Profile Image for Lilpurplepearl.
212 reviews23 followers
May 8, 2019
Normally when I tag a book with "contains children, pregnancy or pets" it's because I want to warn fellow readers who, like myself, don't like reading stories with those three things in it. But this book truly did surprise me.

Breeze and Brodhi's witty personalities draw you in and before you know it, you're thinking of committing twinkiecide, reliving declarations of love, running gauntlets of fire and facing down a mini hound from hell.
Profile Image for Melissa.
1,381 reviews78 followers
January 20, 2020
This book is completely formulaic ... nothing groundbreaking here. But sometimes I'm just in the mood for a trusted formula where I know exactly what's going to happen and how things are going to end up. And when I am in the mood for a sweet, swoony, and heart-warming celebrity romance I have come to see that J. Bengtsson will deliver just what I am looking for. I loved her Cake series, and this is remarkably similar ... rock star celebrity, regular girl next door who grounds him and helps him to find normality in a not-so-normal life. In this case the rock star is actually part of a boy band in the same vein as something like One Direction ... so I wouldn't technically call Brodhi a "rock star," but it's close enough. Brodhi and Breeze are thrown into each other's path when they face a life and death situation trying to escape a monster wild fire in California, and soon they realize that they have an amazing connection, and after all the mandatory swoons and tingles and heart-to-heart conversations, love is all they need. That's it. That's the story. There's a small issue involving Brodhi's true identity and his discovery of a mother he never knew. There's the obvious drama that comes about when an ordinary human being is thrown into the life of a mega-celebrity who is constantly fighting off overenthusiastic pre-teen girls. But ultimately this is just a wish fulfillment story for all of us ladies who had secret dreams that our celebrity crushes would fall into our paths and fall madly in love with us. Surely I'm not the only one. Maybe it's because I remember being a young teen and dreaming about Tom Cruise (don't judge me ... it was the 80s) visiting my home town and seeing how awesome I was, taking me away and beginning a HEA with me, but I just get all the smiles when I read a story like this. It helps that the two main characters are kind and funny and interesting. It helps that there wasn't much angst. And in this audio version it helps that both narrators do a great job. If you are looking for something unique, this isn't the book for you, but if you are looking for something predictable where the fictional Harry Styles gets a haircut and a nice girl, grab this one. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Four stars.
Profile Image for Shabby  -BookBistroBlog.
1,612 reviews872 followers
February 23, 2023
It is narrated so well, I felt ooey-gooey in my heart. Bodhi Beckett is made with love, and Breeze becomes his breath of fresh air that literally blows in his life just to give him new life, New perspective. He takes time to understand his rockstar life which is akin to goldfish in a bowl syndrome.
It's light, it's frothy and it's magic
4 stars for animal brigade
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Profile Image for Karen.
5,386 reviews73 followers
April 19, 2019
I love all the books by this author and this one was no exception.

We all wonder what it would be like to meet a celebrity but can you imagine a scenario where there is a raging wildfire heading towards you and you've just smashed your car leaving the gated driveway and you have a car load of pets? Breeze encounters Brodhi, one member of a popular boy band, as he's heading down the mountain with fire chasing him and he's dressed only in shorts, driving the nanny's LandRover. Breeze waves him down and they load the animals in the Landrover and go down the harrowing mountain road as trees fall in around them burning and blocking the road.

Once they are safe Brodhi decides to take an opportunity to travel up the California coast. Breeze
can travel with Brodhi to leave the pets with her parents. The trip starts the adventure of these two. Breeze has no idea of celebrity and gets to experience how popular stars are limited to their safety in public and it frightens her.
Brodhi has plenty of his own issues to deal with in this adventure and your heart is really torn with his past.

It's fun, quirky, snarky, and little bit romance falls between our characters. Its all good.

Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,844 reviews1,460 followers
June 27, 2019

I was going to patiently wait for this to come out in ebook to review, but then noticed that the audio is narrated by two of my absolute favorite narrators, and so in the end, I had to listen!

And I was not disappointed! The story kicks off with a bang, and this author uses her gift of weaving tapestries with her stories by giving us one that is part mystery, part adventure, and part romance - all seamlessly tied together in a nearly flawless package.

I loved this story! As predicted, the narration was perfect for me and I fell into listening without a hitch. I haven’t been disappointed by this author yet, and this was another easy five star audio experience! ~ Shelly, 5 Stars
Profile Image for Kristi.
1,203 reviews2,900 followers
March 9, 2019
Narration was good, but the story was soooooo corny. And the insta love just didn’t work.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,039 reviews1,014 followers
November 6, 2022
5 stars!

Oh, what a gorgeous read! A rockstar/forced proximity new adult romance full of fantastic banter and chemistry, this is a heartfelt and entertaining read that made me laugh, and had me grinning from start to finish. It’s my first book by J. Bengtsson, and I’m now desperate to read more from her. I absolutely loved this one!

Bodhi Beckett is a massive celebrity. A former child star, he is now a member of the world’s biggest boy band, but at only 24, he’s feeling completely burned out. Under constant pressure from mad teenage fans and his demanding father/manager, and with the reveal of a potentially life-changing secret about his past, he’s reached breaking point. So he travels to a mansion in the mountains of Southern California to escape from everybody and everything.

Breeze is a quirky young woman who upended her life after a devastating betrayal and started fresh in Southern California. She’s a fixer, who is driven to help others whenever and however they need it, and it’s that nurturing spirit that has her pet-sitting a menagerie of animals in a mansion in the hills.

A firestorm brings Bodhi and Breeze together when they are both desperately trying to escape the flames. He rescues her and all of her furry charges, and she welcomes him into her home when he’s left with nothing. The intensity of their life-and-death situation forms a strong bond between them, but they quickly manage to overcome the seriousness of it all, and they are soon talking, bantering, teasing and joking like old friends, and exploring their mad chemistry in all the ways. When Bodhi opens up about what bought him to town, Breeze volunteers to help him search for answers, and they take off on a road trip together.

The easy and playful dynamic between these two is SO much fun! I loved their banter, their acceptance of each other, and the way they just ‘got’ each other. They are supportive and understanding of other as they open up about their lives and past pains, and they help each other sort through things and figure out what they want. I loved watching them fall for each other. What starts as lusty attraction and sexy time, naturally becomes more as they effortlessly fall for each other. Yes, it’s fast, but it felt so real. Hell, I fell hard for the both of them, so I could totally understand how it happened for them as well! The romance is beautiful and real, and I loved watching them give themselves over to it.

“Maybe we were meant to meet, meant to protect each other, meant to fall in love.”

But despite the happiness that they find together, the demands of the real world are never far away, and when they are forced to face up to the reality of their lives, their new-found love will be put to the test in ways that neither of them are ready for.

It’s a great set-up, and Bengtsson brings so much heart and humour to Bodhi and Breeze’s story. There is some drama along the way, most of it external to the relationship, and it’s all a part of them figuring out who they are and what they want, and I thought all of it was handled beautifully. I love these characters, unique but relatable, I so enjoyed getting to know them! Their thoughts, and the way they describe the world around them had me laughing out loud. We also get to meet the boys from Bodhi’s band, his family who bring a lot of emotion to the story, and I loved getting to meet Breeze’s family – God, her parents are hilarious!

This is such a fun, enjoyable read, and I honestly loved every moment of it. The ending is a bit abrupt, and I was left wanting more, but thankfully the author has an epilogue on her website which I absolutely devoured, and it provided the perfect ending for Bodhi and Breeze: https://jbengtssonbooks.com/ltw-epilogue

I read this as an audiobook, and it’s such a great one to listen to! Narrated by Zachary Webber (long-time fave) and Callie Dalton (new fave), they bring Bodhi and Breeze to life with so much humour, heart and emotion, and I definitely recommend listening to this one (though I’m going to need to actually read it at some point because there are SO many quotes I want to highlight!). It’s always a great sign when you actively search for housework to do so that you can keep listening to your audiobook, and that was me while reading this one. I finished this book with a clean house, no laundry, a fully-weeded garden and a massive smile on my face.

5 stars!

Profile Image for Topastro.
470 reviews
May 22, 2020
This was my first J. Bengtsoon book and most likely my last. I thought it was a interesting plot with well written characters but it soon went down hill. The first chapter was done really well and a fresh take on the tortured rock star hero but for me the story peak at about 35%.

On a day that almost becomes their last, Bodhi & Breeze meet fleeing a raging fire. Emotions are high and after finding safety they feel an instant connection and decide their time together is not done. Bodhi's celebrity status, overbearing father/manager & return of a mother he didn't know was alive obviously makes it difficult for Breeze to see a lasting relationship with him. Breeze is lacking self confidence after her fiance cheated on her with her cousin (I know, it's a lot.) Let's not forget that they have know each other for less than a week and just experience a major traumatic event.

I found it very strange that the first time they are intimate is skipped in the book but then in the very next chapter their next encounter is vividly written. The first time between MC's is what many romance readers are excited about but it's completely glossed over but then 2 pages later we are "treated" if you will, to the morning after. Bodhi's first chapter was perfection and I was truly excited to see the character growth there but he just turns in to a whiny baby. Breeze (which I love that name btw) was basic. We get it: she likes dogs and has pink hair. I did laugh quite a bit a the beginning but the humor became juvenile. It didn't feel like banter between lovers but middle school boys locker room talking about what they think sex is. Zachary Webber did a fantastic job narrating but I wasn't a fan of Callie Dalton's narration. I see why this is highly rated and how others will love it but it was a no for me.
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews852 followers
September 23, 2020
Trigger warning: The hero and heroine barely escape a raging wildfire in California, given how much of the U.S. seems to burn every summer, I felt this needed to be mentioned.

Being a huge fan of author J Bengtsson’s Cake series, I was happy to see this book up on Kindle Unlimited and I’m not sure how I missed its release last year. I loved Like The Wind! The meet in an unusual way, there was undeniable chemistry, an indescribable connection, and while they had some obstacles to overcome it was evident these two met for a reason.

Breeze is a hairdresser who is regularly proposed to by a local man who escapes from his Memory Care facility and thinks she is his late wife, she wonders if she’ll every find someone to love her like that and while she enjoys her new life she’s made in the L.A. area she misses her mother and step-dad she left behind near San Francisco. She hates dodging family events but seeing her ex -fiancé now married to her cousin he was cheating on her with keeps her away.

Bodhi has been in the public eye pretty much since age 2; his father has managed his career going from modeling, to acting, to now being part of a super successful boy band. He has a strained relationship with his father/manager and after receiving a note and picture two months ago from his mother he long thought dead, his life is spiraling out of control.

A tragic event brings Breeze and Bodhi together and together they survive along with two dogs, a cat, two mice and a fish and yes it is every bit as crazy as you can imagine. That’s what I loved about this story that there were many hilarious and unexpected moments in between the more serious ones.

There was no doubt Breeze and Bodhi bonded because of their unusual situation, but they also got to know one another very well in a short time. Breeze saw more than the star in Bodhi and understood he was dealing with some issues that weighed heavily on him. Bodhi loved Breeze’s dedication to the animals in her care and her light and easy way, she made him feel happy something he hadn’t felt in a very long time.

Like the Wind was an engaging story that I found hard to put down, the characters were interesting, the plot filled with twists and turns, and the romance was both sweet and sexy…I loved it!

Kindle Unlimited
Profile Image for Monique.
1,120 reviews53 followers
April 23, 2019
This is a new standalone novel from J Bengtsson with a whole new set of characters and ones you are going to fall for just as strongly as her first series.

Bodhi is a lost young dude who within a few short days, turns into the man he was meant to be. Nothing like an near death experience to waken your senses. I feel the same could be said about Breeze. She was hiding in her own world existing with a small group of trusted friends and family. Running into Bodhi - or was it him that ran into her?!! - could possibly be the best thing to happen to her. And not because he was a rockstar and had a car to escape, it was more that he could help her open up to new possibilities.

I enjoyed this book for its humor and banter between the couple and even though at times their romance was a little too fluffy, I was happy with how it all played out. The audio, with these to performers was great although I am now preferring it when each character says their own lines in ever chapter. It’s gives the whole performance more authenticity.

EDITED: I loved the added addition of an epilogue with the release of the ebook. You could say it bought everything full circle as well as some nice surprises. I applaud this author’s work and look forward to read more.
Profile Image for Karen.
5,386 reviews73 followers
April 17, 2019
What a book!!! Loved the characters! I loved the humor....made notes on what made me laugh and had to stop to just enjoy the story. I don't read books twice but all of J. Bengtsson gets reread...

Cake is still the first and best book but all others fill your heart too.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tami.
653 reviews13 followers
July 26, 2019

Quick read about a boy band pop star and a girl who meet on the worst day of their lives.

I too wish there was an epilogue
Profile Image for Tanja ~ KT Book Reviews .
1,450 reviews208 followers
January 23, 2019
Really loving this! Both narrators are perfection.

No truer words have been spoken about a book. The first line in the blurb provided says it all...

“Prepare to laugh, cry, and fall in love with this enthralling new romance from J. Bengtsson!“

I went into the audible of Like the Wind not knowing the author or much else of the book. Just an eye-catching cover and a curiosity. Wow, I am I ever glad I did. From the very beginning, I was captured by the voice of Bodhi (Shane East). Side note, I love this narrator.

Within the first few hours of listening I’d laughed AND cried. It was a beautiful emotional read, yet at times it was a belly laugh. The kinship and banter between Breeze and Bodhi are contagious. I was always left wanting more. Feeling an irritation when I couldn't get back to my book fast enough. The story is imaginative and the outlying side characters, canine and human, add a flavor and texture that made listening an absolute dream. As I said before, I am left wanting more. I hope this standalone is just the beginning for a long-running series.

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Book Babblers
Profile Image for D.G..
1,366 reviews340 followers
February 9, 2019
**3.5 stars**

I liked many things about this premise:
☑ Wildfire setting
☑ Hero was in a boy band and I really liked his portrayal, seeing the price he had to pay for being in the limelight since he was a child.
☑ The plot with the supposed dead mother wasn't as straight forward as it seemed at first.

But I disliked almost as many things:
☒ There was almost no mention of the wildfire again! Given how famous he was, Bodhi should have done something to support the firefighters or help the people who lost their houses!
☒ The heroine - She was all over the place. First, this business of endangering somebody's life to save a fish was crazy. Second, that fake breakup at the end because she didn't want to deal with his fame was so lame. That was definitely a concern, but she should have put her big girl panties and at least given it a shot!
☒ The first love scene was fade to black! Even though there were several graphic sex scenes following. Why do authors do that?

Overall though, I still recommend it. The narration was great.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 324 reviews

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