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Vaughn Madden is hockey's hotshot who moves to a small town, only to learn that Isla Chase has kept a nine-month secret from him.

It was one night trapped with a hockey god due to a hurricane. We shared one bed too. I also ignored the little fact that Vaughn has always been my brother's rival on the ice. And when the storm cleared, so did Vaughn. Months later, he shows up in my hospital room in Lake Spark where it only takes one look at me and the man is counting back in his head, or maybe it’s my face that explains it all.

He's going to be a dad. And I didn’t tell him.

His eyes inform me that he won’t let me off easy. He wants answers to why I kept this a secret—and he quite possibly needs a scotch for his nerves too. Vaughn is soon adamant that he isn’t going anywhere, especially as he is the new General Manager of our hockey team that trains in town. He also has a list of demands that I owe him due to my secret keeping. Hence, why I move into his house. I’m not sure if developing feelings for a man with a wicked smirk is good for me or our child, but he’s becoming more than my baby daddy. And it turns out that Vaughn’s head has been working overtime, because the family image that I’ve dreamed about is the game that Vaughn seems to have been waiting to play...

Vaughn and Isla bring you a heartwarming and steamy secret- and accidental-baby romance in forced proximity setting. Waiting to Play can be read as a complete standalone and is the third book in the interconnected Lake Spark Off-Season series which is part of the Lake Spark world. For lovers of small-town romance with a touch of hockey.

280 pages, Kindle Edition

Published January 9, 2024

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About the author

Evey Lyon

34 books375 followers
Evey writes heartwarming romances with steamy moments, often in small-town settings with an element of sports. An American from the Midwest, she now lives in a tiny country in Europe where it rains a lot. That is probably why she occupies her days typing away on her laptop with music on repeat and slow-roast coffee nearby. Oh, and she vows to never break up with cake.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews
Profile Image for AJ.
3,152 reviews1,050 followers
December 28, 2023
3.5 stars

The third book in the Lake Spark Off-Season series, I was nervous going into this one. It’s a steamy sports romance with a secret pregnancy, which is usually a red flag for me, but I enjoyed this story, I loved the smitten hero, and the chemistry-filled romance stole my heart. It’s a really sweet read.

Isla and Vaughn meet at the wedding of Connor and Harlow (from the last book of the series, Waiting to Win). Isla is Harlow’s best friend, Vaughn is a close friend of Connor and a fellow NHL player. Though sparks fly between them, Vaughn is the sworn enemy of Isla’s hockey-playing brother, and they live on opposite sides of the country. But when they both wind up trapped indoors in Florida during a hurricane, all of the chemistry lets loose, and holy freaking damn, they are so, so hot together!

Their steamy night together leads to an unexpected pregnancy, and though she tries, due to her own insecurities, Isla doesn’t share the news with Vaughn. It’s not until he takes a job with the Spinners and moves to Lake Spark that he finds a nine-month pregnant Isla and learns the truth. Oops.

I love this world that Evey Lyon has created, and it was my love for her characters and the previous books that gave me the strength to read this one. Secret pregnancies are book death to me. When a woman intentionally hides a pregnancy from the expectant father for no good reason, I cannot deal. It’s something I try to avoid, and if it happens mid-read, I’ll usually DNF because I can’t get over my anger. However, in this case we know it’s coming, it’s in the blurb and, as it turns out, the story is more about the couple overcoming that horrible betrayal and coming together despite it. And honestly, the part of the story I was most looking forward to was watching Vaughn rage. My heart ached for him when he found out the truth, and I thought his reactions were honest and realistic, and gave me some vindication for all of my own rage, which was very gratifying.

“You kept the single most important news of my life from me, and I have every intention of rectifying that little judgement error, and you may or may not like what I have in store for you.”

And as angry as I was at Isla, I had to hand it to her. She knows she did wrong, and she’s willing to do anything she can to make it up to Vaughn, and she rightly does whatever he needs to make amends.

If I ever had a shot at something extraordinary, then maybe, just maybe, it’s with her.

There’s a nice build-up for Vaughn and Isla. I enjoyed their flirting and banter, and the sexy time absolutely sizzles! The secret-keeping part I’m just going to skip over, but watching them work through their issues and find their HEA was really beautiful. I generally love stories with pregnancy and babies, and it was gorgeous to watch them settle into their new life, allow themselves to fall for each other and find their way forward together.

They’ve both had difficult childhoods and very little family, and the emotional trauma from that does bring a little more drama. It’s frustrating, but thankfully it’s short-lived and resolved well, and paves the way for a passionate, beautifully sweet happy ending for these two.

“We can be something real, you and me.”

I enjoyed this book, there are just a few too many of my own personal red flags to really love it.

3.5 stars.

An Advanced Review Copy was generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Reading with 2 book lovers Sarah P -.
3,622 reviews42 followers
January 9, 2024
Ahh, vaughn and ilsa gave me all the surprise pregnancy feels. This was an amazing read with fantastic characters, I very much enjoyed how much we see the other books characters
Profile Image for Noëmie.
227 reviews3 followers
January 5, 2024
What I love most about an accidental pregnancy is when the father finds out. At first, it's a shock, but then he gets totally invested and involved in everything. That's how Vaughn was, determined to get involved even though he hadn't planned it at all. It was cute.

Isla hid her pregnancy from him, even though she wanted to tell him, and tried to. I'm not a huge fan of secret pregnancy, so I had a hard time understanding Isla's actions, but I felt involved in this book thanks to Hadley, her best friend. She was the perfect person to be by her side from the start. She understood and supported her, and I also loved all the people who helped her. Isla has trouble trusting people, so it's just her and her private circle all the time. I absolutely loved her friendship with Hadley, but also her bond with her brother. She wants her own family to be what she's always wanted it to be, not what she knew in her youth.

I enjoyed the family bon between Vaughn and his brother, the same with Isla and her brother. I also love how Briggs, Isla's brother reacted toward Vaughn even if he hates him, it was funny.

What I love in this books was Vaughn and Isla chemistry, and their special pull. They understood each other in their own way, sometimes they even don't have to talk and it was beautiful. They tried to fight back what they felt for one another.

If you want to know how about their story, go ahead.
Profile Image for Nicole  D'cruz (kiwinikilovesreading).
331 reviews24 followers
January 16, 2024
Waiting to Play is the final book in the Lake Sparks Off Season series by Evey Lyon!

This book was the perfect conclusion to the series and I loved Vaughn and Isla’s love story!!!

My Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🔥🔥🔥

If you love these tropes, you will enjoy reading this book
🏒One Night Stand
🏒Secret Baby
🏒Brother’s Enemy
🏒Forced Proximity
🏒Hockey Romance
🏒No Third Act Breakup
🏒Small Town Romance
🏒Lots of Steam
🏒Witty Banter

My Thoughts

This book was sooooo good!!!

When Vaughn and Isla meet their chemistry was off the charts and a hurricane is the start of something beautiful for the two of them!

There were up and downs to their relationship but the fact that they both wanted to make it work strengthened their relationship.

I found it hilarious how Briggs, Isla’s brother, and Vaughn were not each other’s biggest fans but I love how they both put aside their differences for Isla.

Evey has written another beautiful book and I cannot wait for the next one - Stone - Vaughn’s brothers love story!

Thank you to Evey and Wordsmith Publicity for kindly sending me the arc to read and review. This review is my own honest opinion on the book 💖
Profile Image for Rachel (Rrbookreviews).
557 reviews8 followers
December 12, 2023
This book was the perfect way to end the series. As someone who doesn’t love secret baby/ pregnancy, this one was done so well. I love Isla and Vaughn. Their chemistry was off the charts, but so was their banter. They understood each other in a special way from the beginning. Even though Isla kept the pregnancy from him, he stepped up and was what an amazing book boyfriend looks like. There’s low angst but real emotions and I loved it. Loved seeing former characters have a subtle but important role in this story. So excited for what’s next !
Profile Image for Samantha.
406 reviews14 followers
January 6, 2024
Lake spark is so homely. All of the characters you cant help but feel a connection with and adore. Because as the series have gone on we have learnt so much about them all. Isla and Vaughn were no different. If you love small town then this series (and the connected last one) is an amazing place to visit. They can all be read as standalones though, so start anywhere!

These two had an insane connection from the start. Their chemistry was off the charts. This shouldnt have been the case considering Isla is the little sister of Briggs.. whos on the ice rival is Vaughn. But hey! Makes for some great tension/twists.
Vaughn is completely enamored with Isla, he cannot keep his eyes off of her during a mutual friend’s wedding. After trying his luck and being shot down he doesnt give up and when she is in his hometown for a night, he takes that as a perfect opportunity to try again. Hurricane Nora hits and these two spend hours ‘riding’ out the storm.
One night. Thats all they allowed themselves.

This is an accidental pregnancy book, but the tropes surrounding that were just as important. These two characters both had parents that werent great examples and the fear they both have of following in those shoes is obvious. But the determination to be better was admirable. How he finds out though… not the best way! But it made for great reading.

The banter is this was amazing, I loved how much of a strong dmc Isla was. Vaughn was hilarious, his one lines and wit had me chuckling! The forced proximity in this made the steam extra fun, when feelings were added to the mix my heart did a little happy dance. They were so well suited. I loved how he fought for her, for being a dad, how they communicated (eventually), how in love they were despite every circumstance they were surrounded by. Overcoming fears, body positivity. The spice! Vaughns character growth. Everything!!

Then going on the Briggs’ Novella was perfection. I loved him in Waiting to Play. He is fiercely protective, loyal to a fault and persistant AF! Everything you want for a book boyfriend! I would love to see more from him & Ivy.
Profile Image for M A R I I A.
1,125 reviews13 followers
May 21, 2024
Друга книга хокейного марафону завершена. Це найкраща частина у серії. Я взагалі здогадувалась, що так і буде. І мабуть, це найкраща взагалі книга з такими тропами:

-хокейний спортивний роман
-маленьке містечко
-незапланована вагітність

Я хочу перейти до плюсів:

✅Ісла і Вон. Найкраща пара у таких обставинах. Мені дуже сподобалась їхня хімія, розуміння одне одного з пів слова, цей сімейний комфорт. 🥰

✅Троп незапланована вагітність. Це найбільш цікава історія з таким сюжетом. Бо зазвичай, в книгах з аналогічною лінією, більше показують емоційну складову, як дівчина дізнається про це випадково в кінці вже або на початку книги, як вона страждає, як страждає хлопець, але вони вирішують бути разом. Потім вони зіштовхуються з батьками із двох сторін - там багато емоцій. А в кінці всі порозумілись і народилась дитинка.

Тут же історія розповідає не просто про незаплановану вагітність, а як це випадково дізнатися, що ти станеш батьком через пару тижнів. Який це шоковий стан, які емоції. Як пробачити людину, яка тебе фактично обманювала, як взагалі адекватно оцінювати цю ситуацію і як правильно себе повести. Як це піти на УЗі, як це торкатися животика і там щось штовхається, як підготовити будинок для дитини. Як це прийти на пологи і побачити процес, який емоційний стан жінки, як живе подружжя після пологів, в особливості, коли ваші стосунки досить неоднозначні тощо. Це було дуже круто! Так моментами занадто ідеально, бо не все завжди ідеально в житті, такого просто не може бути, але це романтична книга, тут головне любов. І вона вдалася.

✅ Інші герої книги, які допомагали Іслі та Вону. Особливо старший брат Вона. Найкращій просто.


❌Немає, мені все сподобалось

Profile Image for BookAddict.
1,934 reviews187 followers
January 8, 2024
All the things you love in a good small-town, surprise baby, sports romance are here with the Spinners NHL team during their off season in Lake Spark IL.

Imagine taking a new job, moving to a new small town, and finding out you have a child with your one-night stand from your time together during a Florida hurricane. And to add insult to injury? She's the sister of the one hockey player in the league who despises you and you’re not so fond of either.

Isla Chase has some explaining to do, but Vaughn Madden isn’t going anywhere. And he plans to be involved every step of the way. Nothing like a strong, swoony hero who's all in when it comes to his baby and the baby’s mother.

I was a little disappointed that at one point Isla was meant be portrayed as vulnerable but came across as insecure and immature. This, for the sake of a conflict in the storyline. Unfortunate, since it weakened what had been a strong, independent woman throughout the story.

Otherwise, I love these characters, main and secondary alike. I love the camaraderie of the team environment, and I love the small-town setting. This series is so much fun, and I need more of the Spinners players and their ladies!
Profile Image for thebeespot72.
1,315 reviews148 followers
January 9, 2024
RATING: 4.5/5

I know lots of readers dislike the accidental pregnancy trope, but I’m not one of them. Evey Lyon’s third book in the Lake Spark Off-Season Series, “Waiting to Play,” is a hockey brother’s rival accidental/secret pregnancy trope—that’s a mouthful. However, those who do not like the third-act break-up should be thrilled to know there isn’t one.

Though there is angst, how can it not be? Isla and Vaughn hook up, and later, Isla finds out she’s pregnant. She does make attempts to tell Vaughn eventually, but he shows all signs of possibly not wanting children. This information deters Isla from sharing. In addition, both realize they don’t know each other well, having only been together for one night and never really dating.

I enjoyed the third installment. It certainly was spicier than the other two, I felt. It was an enjoyable read with humor, good banter, and some angst.

I received a copy of this book for free and am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for baked and booked.
46 reviews
December 23, 2023
Vaughn Madden is hockey's hotshot who moves to a small town, only to learn that Isla Chase has kept a nine-month secret from him. It was one night trapped with a hockey god due to a hurricane. We shared one bed too. I also ignored the little fact that Vaughn has always been my brother's rival on the ice. And when the storm cleared, so did Vaughn. Months later, he shows up in my hospital room in Lake Spark where it only takes one look at me and the man is counting back in his head, or maybe it's my face that explains it all. He's going to be a dad. And I didn't tell him. His eyes inform me that he won't let me off easy. He wants answers to why I kept this a secret—and he quite possibly needs a scotch for his nerves too. Vaughn is soon adamant that he isn't going anywhere, especially as he is the new General Manager of our hockey team that trains in town. He also has a list of demands that I owe him due to my secret keeping. Hence, why I move into his house. I'm not sure if developing feelings for a man with a
wicked smirk is good for me or our child, but he's becoming more than my baby daddy. And it turns out that Vaughn's head has been working overtime, because the family image that I've dreamed about is the game that Vaughn seems to have been waiting to play..

🖤Will this hurt your feels? This was seriously so sweet and cute! Secret baby trope gets me everytime. Their banter was fantastic and I was rooting so hard for them! It gives a great example of the lasting effects of childhood trauma too
🖤 Spice: We get it in snippets. But their passion can be felt through the page! They are celebate while apart, minimal OW that's pretty quickly cleared up.
🖤 Category: Brother's Rival, Hockey, Forced Proximity,
Secret Baby
🖤would I recommend: if you are a pregnancy babe! Isla is pregnant for majority of the book! This was a sweet small town feel!

⚠️⚠️As always check triggers warnings to have the safest reading experience for you.
Profile Image for Angelic.
263 reviews
December 22, 2024
Oh man this story was really cute!! A one night stand where the two couldn’t resist the connection they had! I absolutely adored the way they were with each other and how they reassured each other when it was needed. I was tossing around whether this would be a 3 or 4 star read but the banter definitely won me over. 🥹
Profile Image for Patricia (Spellbound Stories Trish) .
2,576 reviews112 followers
February 26, 2025
Vaughn and Isla have such a cute story! From how they met to how things came about I loved it all. This book was so enjoyable. I have to say though that Isla did frustrate me some. Though I understood her reasoning for how she felt it was a little much when she cave to some of Vaughns “demands”!

Overall though I loved the small town, characters and storyline!
Profile Image for Tracy Schober.
23 reviews
March 8, 2025
Read on Kindle Unlimited

Good sports romance. Loved the character development. Some parts felt fast but overall good.
Profile Image for Maria.
116 reviews3 followers
April 3, 2024

I feel incredibly fortunate to have been given the opportunity to read an ARC of Waiting to Play, and I had so much fun reading about Isla and Vaughn. Thank you to Evey for this chance!

Without giving away too much, I enjoyed immersing myself in Isla and Vaughn's story. Their playful flirting and witty banter added an extra layer of charm to the narrative. The connection between Isla and Vaughn was undeniable, making it so obvious that they were meant for each other. And can we talk about baby Nora? Too cute for words. Just wish we got more of her in the story.

Hockey romance
One night stand
Brother's rival
Forced proximity
Small town romance
Secret baby
Profile Image for Erin Under_Covers_Smut_Lover.
300 reviews30 followers
January 12, 2024
Raiting 4.5⭐️
Spice 2.5🌶

I thought this book was pretty good if you want a sweet romance with some spice and surprise. I enjoyed the tropes
- Hockey 🏒
- Surprise pregnancy
- Forced Proximity
- Brother's Enemy
- One-bed
- Found Family
- Steamy

Vaughn is a mutual friend of a couple getting married at the beginning of the book. He is in town for their wedding. He also plays hockey for a team in Florida where everyone at this wedding plays for another team, The Spinners. There, he meets his enemy of the Ice, Briggs sister, Isla (pronounced like the first half of island).
Vaughn and Isla flirt the weekend of the wedding, but nothing happens because her brother is there. He finds out she'll be in his state in a few weeks for business. When that weekend comes, there also happens to be a bad hurricane happening. Vaughn shows up at the hotel to check on Isla. They end up having an all-night marathon of s3x. They both agree it's just one night, and Vaughn is 6 gone the next morning.
Fast forward 6 weeks, and Isla is finding out she is pregnant. Even though she is happy about having the baby, she's not so sure how/if she should tell Vaughn. It's just been her and her brother growing up. She never knew her father. Vaughn and his brother Stone also knew what it was like to not have a father. Isla knew this because they both had discussed their father situations the night of their hookup. Everyone keeps telling Isla she needs to tell the father so he can make up his own mind instead of her making it up for him. Every time Isla does go to two, Vaughn she always comes up with an excuse of not telling him. Even sleeping with him again in his car when she is halfway through the pregnancy. But because she was in a dress, he didn't notice her little belly. She takes in a bad situation and runs with it, saying that's her reasoning for not telling him.
Vaughn ends up taking a new job as GM for the Spinners and moves to the town where Isla lives. The day he shows up, he is with the Owner Declan. Who also happens to be found family to Isla. His wife is Isla best friend. So when he gets the phone call from his wife that Isla was rushed to the hospital because of the baby, he takes off there with Vaughn in tow. They all walk into Isla room where she could literally see Vaughn counting back the pregnancy in his mind. He finds out in front of everyone that the baby is his. Naturally, Vaughn is upset about this. Her keeping this from him, and he pretty much makes her move into his new home so he doesn't miss any more time away from the pregnancy nor the babies life once it comes.
They end up sharing more spicy times together in his bed. He almost missed the delivery due to him being in a flight home from the hockey drafts. He let's Isla name their baby, which she does after the hurricane that brought them together. This book is about then working together as parents for their baby, but that line also blurring. Their scared they won't be enough for their child since their parents weren't around. They also don't know the first thing about being a couple and scared about relationships as well. They have to work through all this together but keep wanting to put their child first and only work on parenting. They have to work on their own insecurities about everything and put that aside if they want this to work. Will it work out, though? Or will Vaughn end up being too scared and walk away like his own father did?

I received this as an ARC and really thought this was a cute and sweet book. I enjoyed reading this book, and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Christina Sturgill.
1,105 reviews69 followers
December 29, 2023
3.5 / 5 Stars
2.5 / 5 Steam

This follows Vaughn and Isla. I have adored this series, the previous series, and all of the characters that Evey has created.
I will admit that I honestly struggled a bit with this book.

Isla and Vaughn hook up one night during a storm and then go their separate ways. Neither of them is looking for more and they don’t live near each other. However, that night results in Isla getting pregnant. She never tells him about the pregnancy. Months later he retires from hockey to become GM and moves to her hometown for the team. He finds out she’s pregnant and one month from her due date by complete accident. Afterwards it’s a whirlwind of him moving her into the house he purchased and then trying to figure things out together.

I won’t say much more so I can avoid spoilers. But, I didn’t like Isla and I never warmed up to her. I cannot forgive a woman that knowingly keeps the pregnancy from the father like that. I get that she had fears because of her past but he wasn’t her father. He never did anything to suggest he was a bad guy and he had just as much of a right to know and be there for it all as she did. I’m a woman but I do not believe that just because we carry the baby that we have more rights to the choices of the child. Those pregnancy milestones can be just as big and important to the father and she completely stripped him of those. It was selfish. And then later on she flips out on him because of another fear. Once again, he did nothing wrong. He admitted to something that he thought for 2 seconds right when he found out about the pregnancy. Tell me what person wouldn’t have a moment of thinking about every single thing when they are blindsided with an 8 month pregnancy?! Her past and her fears were the driving force between their issues. Maybe neither of them wanted a relationship or a child at that moment. Maybe she was overjoyed when she found out about the baby. But not everyone is 100% stoked the minute they hear they are going to be a parent. He obviously didn’t act on that 2 second thought and did more than enough to prove he was all in with her and the daughter.

Anyway, aside from Isla’s character…I loved the other characters and familiar faces. I adored Vaughn, even though he was a bit heavy handed at times. The writing is good, easy to read. And the world that’s been built is fantastic.

I love this author and have given most of her books 4 or 5 stars. This one was still good and enjoyable, even though it wasn’t quite for me.
There are a lot of cute moments throughout once the baby is born. Some definite swoony moments and some good steam.

I’m looking forward to the next book by Evey!
Profile Image for Amanda Brown.
140 reviews
January 3, 2024
Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️.5

🏒 brother rival
🍼 surprise/secret pregnancy
🏒 hockey romance
🍼 forced proximity
🏒 dual POV
🍼 one night stand
🏒 banter
🍼 small town romance

Waiting to Play is the third and final book in the Lake Spark Off Season series. It’s my third book by Evey Lyon, first was Waiting to Win, same series, and I fell in love immediately with her writing, her characters and knew I needed more. I can’t wait to dive into her Lake Spark series. Her characters are relatable and the love, compassion, and even the trials they go through or have gone through are real. You can feel it as you read her books.

Vaughn and Isla have a connection and sparks before they even know it. They meet at a wedding (MCs from Waiting to Win), Isla is Harlowe’s best friend and Vaughn is a friend of Connor, who is a pro-hockey player. Their banter from their first meeting to the very last page is phenomenal. Vaughn is a pro hockey player that is nearing retirement, Isla works for the marketing department for a different hockey team (Spinners), and the one her brother plays for. And instead of it being a brother’s best friend scenario, it’s a brother’s arch nemesis trope. Even though they are across the country from each other, an event brings Isla to Florida, where Vaughn lives and plays hockey, and a hurricane has them stranded. Their one night of amazing spark, spice and chemistry turns into a surprise pregnancy.

It was never meant to be a secret, but every attempt at revealing the pregnancy, Isla’s insecurities and worries about her own childhood and father creep up. Vaughn doesn’t find out until he takes a job with the Spinners and accidentally finds out. Isla does everything she can to make it up to Vaughn. This story is about the couple overcoming this betrayal and their own insecurities together. I love how Evey portrayed Vaughn’s rage, she did it in such a way it was believable, he didn’t get over it right away, didn’t forgive her, but was going to do everything in his power to be there for her and the baby. It was real, it was raw and it was one of the best parts of this book.

Their chemistry was off the charts, their flirting and banter were to die for, and their steamy, spicy love was exactly what I want and need in a book. I also love the sense of family of the Spinners, whether you’ve been part of the team for years or brand new, you are one of them, you are their family and they treat you like so. This book had me all in my feels throughout the entirety of it. I loved watching them both find their happily ever after, were there bumps along the way, of course but it made it that much more sweeter in the end. I can’t wait to start her next series coming out, Lake Spark Inn!
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,093 reviews832 followers
January 14, 2024
Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost from the publisher/author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. I am leaving a voluntary review and all opinions are my own.

I am such a sucker for the accidental pregnancy and secret pregnancy tropes. I just love all of the emotion involved and how it impacts the story and the characters.

Evey Lyon has a great writing voice that captured me from the start. This story was plotted well and was compelling from start to finish. I felt very drawn into the story with the vibrant world-building.

These characters were fantastic. There was such great character development and growth. This story touches on insecurities due to having less-than-stellar role models growing up. I like how that played into Vaughn and Isla's fears about having their own child. Both main characters were quite relatable and it was easy to form a connection with them.

Vaughn and Isla had an undeniable connection from the very beginning. These two were so clearly meant to be. I loved the banter between them and the tension at the beginning. They have to work through a lot of things on their romantic journey.

Overall, this was a sweet story packed with emotion and warm fuzzies. This is one of those stories that packs an emotional punch but still has humor and isn't too heavy. If you love stories with excellent characters, riveting storytelling, and a sweet and spicy romance then you'll want to pick this one up. I especially recommend this one to those who love the accidental pregnancy and secret pregnancy tropes.


My bookshelves can sometimes be spoilers.
Profile Image for Tsundoku is Forever.
45 reviews
December 18, 2023
Isla is a Hockey sister who-when at her best friend's wedding- gets propositioned by her brothers Worst Hockey Enemy. Everything she wants but can't have is outlined by him.

Vaughn comes to his friends wedding and is drawn in by her worst enemies sister. She's stunning and is everything he wants, just for one night.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
Darkness: N/A
Heat: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️/5
Range Of Emotions:🔥💗🌶️🥰🥵😢🥹😭Ending: 💗 {HEA}

🗂️ Genre: Romance

✨ Tropes: One Night Stand, Secret Baby, Brother’s Enemy, Forced Proximity, Hockey Romance, No Third Act Breakup, Small Town Romance, Lots of Steam, Witty Banter

💋 Kinks: N/A

⚠️ Warning: This is spicyyyyy , but also you will cry at the sweetness

📣 Type: Lake Spark Off-Season is Book 3 of the series but can be read as a standalone

Yes, Yes, Yes. a million times YESSS. This was a great book. Their chemistry is explosive and in the beginning all the way through to the end. She is not prepared for the feelings she will face. They overcome a range of challenges. They are originally trapped in a hotel with a hurricane and against all better judgment it turns into a one night stand that can't be more than one night turns into something much worse when Isla finds out she's pregnant. She keeps trying to tell him but it's a struggle, she dodges different challenges with their baby which he doesn't even know about. Their relationship overcomes challenges and comes with past traumas but what if... What is it only works because of a child? What if it only works physically? What is he leaves? BUT What if it works? That is everything that is both wrong but so so right.
Profile Image for Misty (Reds Romance Reviews).
3,289 reviews6 followers
January 2, 2024
They meet at a wedding, it's an instant connection, but their is also the realization that he is the sworn enemy of her brother... and that alone should make him off limits. But you add in a few drinks, being trapped indoors together due to a hurricane, and some hard to ignore chemistry and one thing leads to another... a night neither will ever be able to forget.

Especially when two little pink lines make an appearance a few weeks later...

Waiting to Play is a romantic and sweet sports romance that is destined to touch your heart. These two meet one another at a friends wedding and find sparks instantly, but there are a lot of reasons they shouldn't act on those feelings. But it that moment all reason is lost and it's only temptation and spur of the moment feelings that make sense. They agreed on one night of no strings fun, but little did they know that one night would join them together forever.

I absolutely loved watching these two find their happily ever after, they hit a few bumps along the way, but nothing that couldn't be fixed by a little compromise and love. It was such a wonderful escape, once I started it I couldn't stop reading, I had to see how it would all end, and it ended quite beautifully. My heart is so full and happy and I'm excited to see what Ms. Lyon pens next! Highly recommend this series, it's brimming with all the feels your heart can handle and wonderful characters that will feel like old friends by the time the last page comes!!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving my honest and unbiased opinion.
505 reviews4 followers
December 19, 2023
Waiting to Play: A Small Town Secret Pregnancy Hockey Romance (Lake Spark Off-Season Book 3) by Evey Lyon is a beautiful read about Vaughn, a retired hockey player turned GM for the Spinners, the same team Isla works for. Vaughn met Isla at a mutual friend’s wedding, where they felt sparks arc. Still, no opportunity presented itself, and the fact that Isla’s brother hated Vaughn as they were hockey rivals interfered with spending time together. Later, when Isla visited Florida for a conference, Conner, their mutual friend, texted Vaughn about where Isla would be staying and asked him to watch over Isla since hurricane Nora was due to arrive. Vaughn took this open door since he could spend time with Isla and explore their nighttime opportunities. A test with two pink lines changes Isla’s life forever. Due to circumstances and words, Vaughn says, Isla keeps quiet about her little bundle of joy. Several months later, when Vaughn accepts a new job as GM for the Spinners in the same town as Isla for the hockey team’s off-season, he finds himself at a hospital face to face with a pregnant Isla. Their encounters are heated with barbs until the forced proximity of living together opens other possibilities. Evey Lyon’s Waiting to Play is a fantastic read that tugs on the heartstrings with emotional depth and realism through her lively characters. I can’t wait to read her next book, a new series set in the Lake Spark world.

Profile Image for Destany.
381 reviews14 followers
December 28, 2023
I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book, provided by WordSmith PR. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I want to live in Lake Spark. Off season or in season. I love the quirky little town and all of its inhabitants. I have loved all the books in this series so far, and this one fell right in line with a great storyline, a delicious hero and a kickass heroine who don't need no man. But boy, does she want him hahahaha

After their growing attraction leads to them trapped in a hotel room in a hurricane, Isla and her brother's enemy, Vaughn, go their separate ways. That positive pregnancy test wasn't in the cards, and Isla doesn't know how to tell Vaughn. So..... she just doesn't. But when he finds out? Whoa, I laughed so hard I woke my husband up at 2 a.m. Hands down my favorite part of the book haha

Once Vaughn finds out about the baby, he's all in. And he gets a little bossy hahah He's got a list of things Isla has to do to repent for not telling him about the baby, and these two are as stubborn as they come. The HEA here is almost frustrating because I just wanted to smack them both upside the head! They love each other, and it was painfully obvious to everyone around them.

I enjoyed the banter - not just between the love interests! - the steam, the laughs and the hockey! This series i just great all around. So much fun to read. I have enjoyed all of the books, and I hope we get a few more series or books connected to Lake Spark!
Profile Image for TLynn.
1,467 reviews16 followers
January 9, 2024
“It’s like this, Isla. My whole life I’ve been playing a game. But it turns out the one game that I want is the family card with a woman that I love. I’ve been waiting for you, and I didn’t even know it. I’ve only ever played to win, and that’s the point. Once you win, it’s cemented as fact, and you can’t go back and change it. Which is perfectly fitting, because this family is the win for the game I’ve been waiting to play.”

Waiting to Play is the third book in the new Lake Spark Off-Season series by Evey Lyon. This was a new-to-me author until I started this series, and I am so glad I discovered her. Each book can be read as a standalone, but I feel to understand the connection between all the characters it is best to read them in order. I love small-town romances and Lake Spark has all the charm of a small town. The author has a way of writing where the characters are so life-like, and you feel like you are part of their story.
I couldn’t wait for Vaughn and Isla’s story after finishing the second book, Waiting to Win. They had such chemistry between them, and their banter was so witty. I loved watching them fall for each other and they made such a cute couple. This was such a beautiful and emotional book. I love how the team has made their own family and their camaraderie. I really enjoyed this book and wish I could give it more than 5 stars. It is the perfect book if you like small-town and sports troupes. I cannot wait for the next book.

I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Sharon Moritz-rosenthal.
2,256 reviews28 followers
January 9, 2024
I received a complimentary early release e-book prior to release and am voluntarily leaving a review.

This was one of the best secret baby type romances I have read. When Isla and Vaughn meet, they do not hook up, they form an attraction, and they are supposed to hate each other but they secretly like each other. When mother nature gets involved, they have a really awesome night, but her brother hates him and he hates her brother, so they can never be.

And then the positive pregnancy comes, and things get away from Isla and despite wanting to tell her baby daddy, she also fears doing it too. And then.... well, I am not spoiling it, how he finds out. It was one of the very best babies reveals I have ever read, and I have read about a lot of surprise baby reveals.

Vaughn and her brother really do NOT get along for a great many reasons. But the baby brings things more important out and I LOVED how into Isla he was. He was this awesome guy and I fell so hard for him. I loved watching Isla get a chance to know him and fall in love with this awesome guy's heart, despite how her brother felt for him.

If you love baby surprise romances, family enemies finding love and forbidden romances then you will absolutely adore this story. It was very well written, and I adored all the characters in this book. It is book 3 in the series but easily stands alone. Don't miss it, it really was a huge favorite!

Profile Image for Sarah Elyse.
1,499 reviews89 followers
January 14, 2024
This was Vaughn and Isla’s love story, and it was also the conclusion to Evey Lyon’s Lake Spark Off-Season series.

“Waiting to Play” was an accidental pregnancy romance that has all the angst, but it’s also filled with laugh out loud moments and swoony situations as well.

Vaughn is the last person Isla should be attracted to, considering he’s the one hockey player her brother really hates. But a single night together due to a hurricane becomes so much more once she realizes that she’s pregnant.

Vaughn was a little reserved, even in the chapters from his POV. But I thought he was a good person, and he definitely stepped up as soon as he realized what was going on with Isla.

Yes, he was angry about the way he found out, but I was glad he was able to work through it for the sake of both his relationship with Isla and their baby.

As for Isla, I really enjoyed the chapters from her POV because she was a very relatable character. She had genuine, realistic fears, and she was a good mom from the very beginning.

I thought she did make mistakes, especially when it came to telling Vaughn about the baby, but overall her heart was in the right space.

Vaughn and Isla were the kind of couple that shouldn’t work because of all the obstacles that were in their way, but they did.

I’m super picky about books with the accidental pregnancy trope, but Evey Lyon knocked this one out of the park! I highly recommend anything she writes.
Profile Image for Natalie.
594 reviews
December 18, 2023
At her best friends wedding, Isla get propositioned by her brothers enemy, hockey player Vaughn. The chemistry is hot but she doesn’t fall for his charms. When she’s in his home town, and a hurricane hits, he finds her at a hotel and things really heat up. It’s meant to be a one off thing. But what happens during a hurricane doesn’t always stay in a hurricane.

The chemistry and banter between Isla and Vaughn is fire, and that’s what really makes this book a page turner. The range of issues and emotions explored draws you in and plays with your heart. Vaughns possessive nature fits with his personality but it’s the way he steps up and continues to step up for Isla and the baby is what makes him great book boyfriend material.

This is the third book in the Lake Spark series, but can be truly read as a stand-alone. Previous characters return in this book which only adds more flavour and depth, but you can read it without knowing their history.

Thank you to @eveylyonbooks and @wordsmithpublicity for the advanced e-copy of this book. This is the second book I’ve read from this author, and her writing brings such a sense of peace and comfort, even though there is chaos with the characters. It is really beautiful.

This book is due for release early in the new year so make sure you add it to your TBR.
Profile Image for Donna.
1,230 reviews11 followers
December 21, 2023
Lake Spark Off-Season #3

While at his buddy's wedding and at the brunch the next morning Vaughn sees the maid of honor, the sister of his nemesis on the ice, Isla Chase. She's beautiful. They talked but didn't see each other till November when he was asked to check on her at the Florida hotel she's staying at during a hurricane. They end up hooking up.

Vaughn Madden is hockey's hotshot player until an AC joint injury and he's done early. Now he is signing on to be the Spinners new GM. Something the owner has been working on for a year. Of course that means moving from Florida to Lake Spark.

Isla Chase works in marketing at the Spinners training facility. With the news of Vaughn coming on as GM she's in a panic. She got pregnant when they hooked up during the hurricane. She has tried several times to tell him but it didn't happen.

When Vaughn hears she is in the hospital and shows up he finds out she's pregnant with his child. To say he's furious is an understatement.
He has her move into his house so he can be there for the baby and not miss anything else. They grow close and of course the sparks and chemistry has never gone away.

Both come from not so great childhoods and learning to trust and communicate is hard.
Can they get past everything and learn to trust each other?

4.5 stars

Profile Image for Hayley Giroux.
215 reviews9 followers
January 9, 2024

🏒 Hockey Romance
🍼 Secret Pregnancy
🏒 Small Town
🍼 Brother’s Rival
🏒 Forced Proximity

Just as she has with the rest of the Lake Spark Off Season Series, Evey Lyon, had me hooked from the first chapter again! The way Evey develops her characters has you immediately roped in, and connected. She also doesn’t make you wait long for the initial spicy scenes… and that’s always a bonus in my book!

Vaughn & Isla’s chemistry is truly magnetic! Try as they might, the pull between them is just too strong to ignore… so, they don’t…

The two sneak around initially, as Vaughn is Isla’s brother’s rival on the ice, but when they end up riding out a hurricane together (in more ways than one), they end up making a connection that’ll last must longer than one night.

Between Vaughn’s hockey playboy rep, and Isla’s spunk & sass, the witty banter will have you giggling your way through the book. Not only that though, you’ll be feeling all the feels as they deal with their emotional pasts and figuring out how to navigate their new dynamic, when two becomes three.

This was the perfect small town, accidental pregnancy romance, with a little hockey, and a lot of heart! A wonderful way to finish the Lake Spark Off Season Series.

Thank you to Evey Lyon & Wordsmith Publicity for the chance to read & review this ARC.
Profile Image for Book Nerdy 2020.
598 reviews7 followers
January 13, 2024

Vaughn Madden is hockey's hotshot who moves to a small town, only to learn that Isla Chase has kept a nine-month secret from him.
It was one night trapped with a hockey god due to a hurricane. We shared one bed too. I also ignored the little fact that Vaughn has always been my brother's rival on the ice. And when the storm cleared, so did Vaughn. Months later, he shows up in my hospital room in Lake Spark where it only takes one look at me and the man is counting back in his head, or maybe it’s my face that explains it all.
He's going to be a dad. And I didn’t tell him.

😊What i liked -

✔ Accidental Pregnancy/Small Town/One Night Stand/Sport/Forced Proximity/Found Family.
✔ Okay so I am not a fan of the accidental pregnancy trope but I did not mind this one.
✔ I loved Vaughan and Isla. Loved the easiness yet the sparks.
✔ This book really had me entertained and giggling and laughing.
✔ Loved all the characters (as usual). This book was cute, funny, bantery, emotional and swoony read.

🤔What could have been better -

✔ I wanted Vaughan for myself.

📚Who Should read :

💝Romance Lover
🫄Accidental Pregnancy Romance
💞Forced Proximity Romance

📈My Rating : 4/5

Thank you, Evey Lyon and Wordsmith Publicity, for a copy.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews

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