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She’s the only girl he’s ever loved.

Zowen Archer has been in love with Aston Wheeler for as long as he can remember.

She’s perfect, except for the glaring fact that she fell in love with his best friend instead of him. For years, he loved her from afar with zero expectation. He told himself that as long as Aston was happy, his feelings for her didn’t matter.

However, Aston isn’t nearly as happy as she seems. And by the time Zowen figures things out, his life takes a drastic turn for the worse.

Now that Aston is single and laser-focused on making up for the lost time between the two of them, Zowen is doing everything in his power to avoid her. He’s convinced that if she never wanted him when he was at his very best, there is no chance in hell she could care about him now that he’s at his absolute worst.

He’s the only boy she’s willing to wait for.

Time has never been on Aston Wheeler’s side.

She spent too long pretending to be someone she was not. She lost herself in a first love that everyone, except her, thought was perfect. She wasted a lot of time trying to convince herself that she should be happy when she was anything but. She watched for years as the one person who made her feel like her true self drifted further and further away.

Finally, when she’s ready to reach out and grab the one-of-a-kind love that Zowen Archer has always silently promised her, it’s too late. Zowen is taken away, and when he reappears in her life, he makes it clear there’s no going back to whatever they might have been.

Good thing for Zowen that Aston is patient and doesn’t mind waiting for him to have a change of heart. It’s the least she can do after all the time he spent waiting for her.

318 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 18, 2024

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About the author

Jay Crownover

130 books14.4k followers
Jay Crownover is the International and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, The Point and Breaking Point Series, and the Loveless, Texas series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.
GUYS!!! I finally have a newsletter, so if you want to sign up for exclusive content and monthly giveaways you can do that right here:
You can email me at: JayCrownover@gmail.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews
Profile Image for Dali.
2,015 reviews579 followers
February 12, 2024
Lost chances, second glances, and a love that refuses to fade 💔💫 Dive into the world of 'Wayward Son' by Jay Crownover, where Zowen Archer and Aston Wheeler navigate through a maze of regrets and redemption.

Zowen, once the pillar of strength, finds himself adrift in a sea of guilt after a fateful mistake. Aston, finally breaking free from the shackles of expectation, realizes too late the depth of Zowen's feelings for her. Can they find their way back to each other amidst life's unpredictable twists? 📚✨

Crownover weaves a tale of resilience, growth, and the enduring power of love. From heart-wrenching mistakes to soul-stirring revelations, 'Wayward Son' keeps you hooked till the last page. 📖💕

I empathized with Zowen and Aston as they navigated through life's complexities, rooting for their love to triumph against all odds. Their journey is a reminder that sometimes, the greatest love stories are forged in the fires of adversity. 🔥❤️

#WaywardSon #JayCrownover #SecondChanceRomance #BookReview #Bookstagram #RomanceReads #BookLovers #LoveStory #Regrets #Redemption #EmotionalJourney #MustRead #Bookworms #BookishCommunity #LoveConquersAll #BookRecommendation #PageTurner #ReadingTime #Engagement #BookAddict #BookNerds"
Profile Image for Lisa Hill.
211 reviews17 followers
January 25, 2024
I always love getting to read more in this world Jay has created. I can't wait for the Marked Men movie so I can fully picture some of my favorite characters
Profile Image for Lisa Mandina.
2,191 reviews494 followers
January 19, 2024
I’m sad that this is going to be the final book in this series, but I totally understand why as the author explains at the beginning of the book. I have loved getting back with these favorite characters and their next generation, and this one was just as great. I love how Crownover is able to infuse her stories with so much emotion, yet also more than just dark dramatic situations. There are sweet bits, and steamy bits, and even the occasional banter that is what I love.

I feel like with Zowen and Aston’s story we got to see a little bit of almost all of the main characters from the original generations. Of course there have a been a few that have been absent, and honestly, there’s no way every single one of those people would have been around each other forever. Especially not as they began to have their own families, and would have moved on and not had the same amount of time or even been in the same places as everyone. And of course there are those that don’t have kids, such as one of my favorite couples of the series, Nash and Saint. As someone not married and with no kids, I know how quickly your friends who do get married and especially once they have kids, often move on and don’t keep you around as much as their friend group extends and changes to others with similar situations.

But that’s life. And this books is about where life goes after going to prison. For a crime that technically wasn’t one a lot of people would consider a crime or worth jail time for Zowen. The type of person Zowen was though, he couldn’t help the guilt that made him feel he deserved that punishment. His personal growth both from his time in prison to how things are after he gets out is shown perfectly in this story. Aston was a character that from her appearance in Ryier and Bowe’s story, I wasn’t sure how I would feel about her. Even if what she did moving on from Ry was the right thing and everyone knew it, that was a big part of that first story, and made me have some preconceived notions and feelings about her.

However her love for Zowen and how she was there for him was written in such a way that I soon had forgotten all of that and was rooting for the two of them. I don’t want to give away a little bit of the trope/twist of the story, you should read it to see where that goes, but I like it. And I like the parallel to one of their parents’ original stories.

After the story the author did even mention something I’d kind of wondered, if there would ever be a story for Cassio and Royce, as I loved the two and the way they had their moment at the end. So I’m so glad she touched on that, knowing her readers like me would probably be hoping for that, after she had done a similar book with Orlando and Dominic, Rule’s twin brother’s ex and his new love interest. It’s easy to understand why she can’t go on with these right now. I just wish the world could fall in love with her original series so they would be clamoring for these as well. All I can hope now is that when the movie for Rule finally is out there that it will get those other people involved and invested in this world, as well as my hope they do a good job with one of my all time favorite books!

Review first posted on Lisa Loves Literature.
Profile Image for Vanessa Gayle ⚔️ Fangirl Faction.
1,093 reviews832 followers
January 20, 2024
Disclaimer: I received this book at no cost from the publisher/author. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. I am leaving a voluntary review and all opinions are my own.

I have wanted to read something from this author for the longest time and I finally have. I know this book is the finale of a series and that this series is a next-generation series but I still really enjoyed it. I definitely plan on going back and reading all the books that I've missed.

I was impressed with the author's writing style. It was easy to connect with and had a great flow. The plot was really compelling and I had a hard time putting the book down to do anything else I needed to do. The world-building was great and it was easy to place myself in the characters' shoes.

These characters were so vibrant and had remarkable character growth. I was able to easily connect with these characters and I loved how distinct they were. The cast of secondary characters were great and added a lot of depth to the story. I always love a story with many secondary characters that affect the story.

I don't want to drop any spoilers concerning the romance so I will just say that Zowen and Aston had undeniable chemistry. I really loved them as a couple.

Overall, this was a very involved and emotional story that really delivered. This was a brilliant story with unforgettable characters and a storyline that keeps you wanting more. I can't wait to read more from this author!


My bookshelves can sometimes be spoilers.
Profile Image for Deanna.
3,516 reviews56 followers
January 15, 2024
Note: This review is for an ARC provided by Wordsmith Publicity and is my unbiased opinion.

4.5 Stars
I'm not going to be able to do Wayward Son justice in this review. I'm too emotional about this being the end of The Second Generation of Marked Men series. I've loved this series. It's been so much fun to see the offspring of my favorite Jay Crownover characters grow up and fall in love. The real-life struggles Crownover has thrown at these characters have had my heart breaking, warming, and beating hard. I have loved every minute with them. Okay, let's get to it. Let's talk about why I loved Wayward Son

* Zowen Archer was a stand up dude. He was super smart and an adrenaline junky. He took consequences for his actions, even when I didn't necessarily agree with it. I enjoyed seeing how he adjusted to everything. He loved deep and wanted to do right by everyone. His love for Aston was everything. 
* Aston Wheeler ran from everything to create the space and life that she needed. She was quiet and kind, but also had developed into a strong woman. I loved that she wasn't willing to let Zowen walk away from her or a chance together.
* Zowen and Aston together were as sweet as they were passionate. They had each other's backs. I loved that they finally got their chance.
* Crownover always throws in an interesting suspense angel. This one was the perfect amount of crazy.
* Zowen and Aston's families showed up to support them. I loved getting to see the Archers and Wheelers. It wouldn't have been a proper send off without them. I also loved Aston's relationship with her brother Royce and his friend. 

There's a lot of other stuff I'm sure I'm leaving out but can't put into words without spoiling something. I pretty much loved everything about it. I only had one moment, when the characters were drunk, that I was a little worried Aston was going to take things somewhere I couldn't imagine Crownover taking them. I'm still thinking over how I feel about that whole thing, but it worked out in the end. I think Crownover did a great job closing out this series. I'm sad to see it end, but happy there will be new Crownover books to read in the future.

You can find this review and others like it at A Novel Glimpse .
Profile Image for Jessica Morales.
725 reviews57 followers
February 10, 2024
Jay Crownover is one of must read authors. This book she came back as her old self and hit it out of the park. The previous ones in this series I found myself a bit disappointed. Oh no with this one I almost read it in one day. I just couldn't put it down. Warning there are some parts you might need some tissues. I wish everyone will read this one so I can get Royce book.

My heart broke for Zowen and his family. He made a decision that ended up changing his life forever. Yes some people might see him as a bad boy I don't. He is sexy yes with the tattoos and the eyes. Yes he has done some illegal stuff but to me he is still such a good guy. This is a second at love book. He has loved her from childhood about time Aston got on the same page. I absolutely love their story and so will you.

Arc read in a exchange for a honest review.
Profile Image for Anna.
167 reviews
November 3, 2024
It's kind of hard to rate this book. 3.5 stars, I'd say.
I don't know why, but I really didn't like Poppy(mother of the h) in this book. Although I loved and adored her book previously, since she had overcome so many tragedies in her life, for some reason, she didn't feel very supportive, unlike Zowen's family(again,just my opinion). Don't get me wrong, it's hard for me to imagine all the fears that run in her head,but she really needed to give her daughter some space to grow into her own and not push her away with her constant hovering. But alas, I liked Zowen and his side of family.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Soly's Books.
395 reviews5 followers
February 11, 2024
J'adore les romans de Jay Crownover mais j'avoue une préférence pour sa série des "Marked Men" : or, quand elle a décidé d'écrire les histoires des enfants, j'étais ravie parce que non seulement, on sait ce que deviennent nos héros mais on voit ce que leurs enfants ont hérité beaucoup de leurs parents et c'est un régal.
Cette fois, dans "Wayward Son", nous découvrons l'histoire du fils de Rome et Cora, Zowen, qui était amoureux depuis toujours de la fille de Poppy et Hudson Wheeler, les héros du tome 4 de la série Clash (The forever Marked Men mêle ces deux séries), Ashton qui était la première petite amie de son cousin Ry (le héros du tome 1) et elle l'avait quitté, permettant son histoire avec son amour de toujours.
À la fin du tome 3, on apprend que Zowen a été arrêté parce qu'il a participé à une course de motos illégales et malheureusement, son concourent est mort : alors qu'au final, ce n'était qu'un accident, comme il se sent coupable, il ne se défend pas et passe 5 ans en prison, se considérant comme un meurtrier. Il ne veut pas voir Ashton pendant ce temps, se sentant indigne d'elle mais à sa sortie, sa cousine, Daire (héroïne du tome précédent) vient le chercher et l'emmène dans une maison (il doit rester sur place, à Los Angeles) mais ce qu'il ne sait pas, c'est que c'est Ashton qui vit ici. Evidemment, il va tout faire pour l'éviter alors que celle-ci l'attend depuis toujours (mais lui ne le sait pas) Mais cette proximité rapprochée et la relation qu'ils ont toujours eue va modifier la donne : l'un comme l'autre ne sont plus ce qu'ils étaient quand la vie et la prison les ont séparés : Zowen est devenu plus dur et pense être indigne d'elle ; quant à Ashton, après avoir été protégée par ses parents et surtout sa mère, elle est venue vivre loin d'eux et excelle dans son travail : c'est une jeune femme plus sûre d'elle. Mais lorsque sa vie est menacée par une fan de son patron et ami, Cassio, Zowen va alors devoir affronter ses démons et lui qui avait décidé de rester dans le droit chemin, va devoir sans doute plonger dans les noirceurs qu'il a appris à côtoyer lors de ces 5 années en prison : pourront-ils se rejoindre et trouver enfin le bonheur qui leur échappe depuis si longtemps? eh bien, vous le saurez en lisant cet excellent roman de Jay Crownover qu'elle annonce malheureusement comme le dernier de la série (ils ne se vendent pas comme elle l'espérait) alors qu'on a envie de lire les histoires des autres enfants des divers couples originaux (enfin, pour ceux qui en ont et notamment, le frère d'Ashton, Royce qui va vivre une histoire douloureuse dans ce tome)

Comme à chaque fois, chaque roman peut se lire seul (vous pouvez trouver les chroniques des tomes précédents sur le blog) et l'on ne peut qu'espérer que Collection &H traduisent les tomes 3 et 4.

chronique complète ici : https://solysbooks.blogspot.com/2024/...
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,544 reviews27 followers
January 18, 2024
Zowen Archer has loved Aston Wheeler as long as he can remember. But she was always dating Ryan when they were younger, and by the time she was single, he was making a choice that would alter his future and leave him feeling undeserving of her.

Aston Wheeler separated herself from her family in order to find herself and make some decisions on her own. She doesn’t hesitate to offer a place for Zowen to stay because she has always known him and doesn’t believe he embodies the label he paints himself with. She has a career she loves and has created a home for herself in California.

Aston had solid reasons for starting her life over in California, and I loved a lot about her. But there were times I wanted to shake her based on her actions, in multiple parts of the book.I loved watching Zowen work to get back on his feet again. His need to take responsibility for his actions is a strong personality trait that leaves him with some pretty serious considerations.

The way these two took turns being the strong, solid one was fantastic. They are each dealing with their own challenges that over time have made it difficult for them to have a chance before. Now that they see the possibility, they have to sort through things that they may have let separate them in the past.

There was so much going on in this story, beyond the relationship building between Zowen and Aston. It had so many of the things that I look for when picking up a book, and in a second generation: great family ties, inter-relationship things to work through, an external source of tension, and a great story that connects them all.

Follow Me: Blog: Reviews by Tammy & Kim (Rachel and Jay) | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.8k reviews523 followers
January 22, 2024
I found this one interesting from the open. I felt for Zowen and what he was going through. It's easy to see how he thought it was all his fault, but it wasn't, it was a bit of everyone's fault, which we learn towards the end of the book. It sucked the price he paid. Of course life would be different for him after prison, he just needed to find his new normal. Even with the help of his family it was tough, he was still mired down in guilt. It took most of the book for Zowen to see things differently and it wasn't one thing that did it, but a lot of little things, but it seemed like Aston was there for the change. Things were awkward between them at the start, but once they started to talk about the past and why each did what they did it busted open something, that along with some booze and sex. But once they started talking it didn't stop and they ended up in a good place, so that when something came along they both were ok with things, even as it took them by surprise. It was nice to see where this couple was by the end of the book, their future looking bright with family and friends by their side.
Profile Image for Melissa (BookishMelissa).
269 reviews33 followers
January 20, 2024
I was so excited for Wayward Son only to be left feeling it was a bit anticlimactic. The romance was fantastic and a given from the start as the previous books kind of built up to it. BUT the overall character development and plot of this book felt full of holes and rushed, to me. I was left wanting more and some storylines seemed to suddenly drop off the map instead of being developed. Comparing Zowen's story to his father's, Rome's, there are some similarities in different ways but I've definitely come to feel like the original series and the Saints of Denver series were better and more developed. Rome's book is actually my favorite in the Marked Men series (it is a comfort reread) and I remember Rome going to therapy to help with his PTSD and I kept wondering why no character suggested that for Zowen, not even his parents.

Overall it was a quick read with a good romance but ultimately underdeveloped.
Profile Image for Jennifer  Hicks .
87 reviews5 followers
January 15, 2024
Jay has done it again! When I was selected to ARC read this, I was ecstatic! 🤗 I loved the author's previous work, so I knew she wouldn't disappoint with this one. And man was I right!

Zowen has loved Aston since they were kids, but she was always someone else's. His best friend's girl. By the time Aston figures things out, Zowen's future takes a turn for the worst.  Now after 5 years, Zowen returns a different person than Aston fell in love with. A person who is determined to push Aston out of his life. But she's determined to wait until the old Zowen returns to her. However long that may be.

This novel was a true friends turned lovers story. The progression of these two people slowly working their ways back to each other filled me with warm feelings. When Zowen returned he held a bit of resentment toward Aston because many years ago, she knew how he felt for her and did absolutely nothing about it. But Aston had her reasons, ones that she regretted now. Over the span of the book, the two inch their way back to each other.

There was also a strong family dynamic which is a given with the "Marked Men". Although Zowen held himself at such a low standard, believing he was "not a good person". The people around him did a beautiful job proving to him that regardless of his past, their opinion of him never altered.

If you love reading books of two people finding their ways back to each other, the Wayward Son is for you!
Profile Image for Hopelessly Addicted To Books .
3,561 reviews147 followers
January 18, 2024
This is such a bittersweet moment for me, this is the last book in the series but what a brilliant book to end on. The start of the story shocked me because the synopsis gave nothing away and I am so glad because the surprise was amazing. I loved Zowen and Aston as individuals,we do get little glimpses of their past which filled some of the blanks. Zowen's life went in a direction he never could have imagined, honestly I just wanted to hug him hard. Aston is the friend you need even when you are adamant you don't want it. They may have taken the hard road to be together but I adored them as a couple, strong supportive and loving. It really was them against the world. The author bled Zowen's emotions of guilt, shame and regret on the pages and I found his conversations with others and himself so immotive. They were two people who were meant to be together. I was so happy that lots of characters from previous books were included it meant that it felt like a goodbye to them all. A beautiful poignant and emotional love story.
Profile Image for Lindsey.
1,123 reviews2 followers
January 16, 2024
Zowen and Aston have been through the ringer.
Zowen went through something tragic. It was hard to see him put all the blame on himself and give himself a title I don’t think he deserved.
Aston was very patient with Zowen. She gave him time to adjust. She also suffers through a horrible experience related to one of her clients.
It’s evident that both characters have a lot of family and friends that are there for them and will come whenever they need help.
This story throws a lot at these characters, but together they are able to defeat the challenges and come out happier then they were before.
Profile Image for Kenz.reads21.
8 reviews2 followers
January 13, 2024
I received this book as an advanced copy to review and let me tell ya... it was a wonderful way to tie up the second generation. I have always been a HUGE Jay Crownover fan since I read Rule what feels like a million years ago.
Zowen and Aston's story was beautifully told. Zowen reminded me a lot of Rome, so that was fun to revisit. You also almost forget that Aston is Poppy's daughter because of how different they truly are. Aston also grew up a lot from when we met her in Fortunate Son. 10/10 definitely recommend. READ ALL OF JAY'S BOOKS IF YOU HAVEN'T. Let me know if you need help with what order you should read them in 🥰
Profile Image for Katie Koziczkowski.
1,295 reviews1 follower
December 17, 2024
Wayward Son was another great and enjoyable book in the Forever Marked series! Zowen and Aston are both interesting and likable characters. I was surprised right from the start by Zowen's storyline, I wasn't expecting that! Despite what he's done and been through, he is a good guy with a big heart. He may put on a tough exterior for a bit, but that only can last for so long. Aston is a sweet girl who is coming out of her shell. She's doing more things that she wants to do, not things that she thinks will make her family happy. I love Aston and Zowen's relationship! They're a super cute couple, and they're definitely meant to be together. They have such a strong connection no matter what, and I am very happy that they finally get to be together after all this time. The storyline of this book was very intriguing, it kept me sucked in. There were a few twists and turns along the way that also kept it exciting. I just love this group of characters and will never get enough of them, so I'm very sad that this is the last book. I loved the first generation, and I love the second generation as well!
Profile Image for mysticalblaise.
73 reviews2 followers
January 18, 2024
4-4.25 stars

Wayward Son is the fourth and final book in Jay Crownover’s Forever Marked series. This series follows the trials and tribulations of the second generation from the Marked Men and Saints of Denver series, which are two of my all-time favorites. And, like Son of a Gun, this one also crosses over with The Point and The Breaking Point series, which, as someone who has read all of Jay’s series, I absolutely loved to see.

Wayward Son follows the shocking revelation regarding Zowen Archer at the end of Son of a Gun. When I tell you I gasped when I read what happened to Zowen. Outloud, wake-the-dog-type-of-gasp. So when I knew his story was next, I was so excited, not only to get the who, why, and what of it, but also because it was clear who his love interest was going to be—Aston Wheeler. I’ve been literally champing at the bit to get this story and I was not disappointed.

Zowen Archer was so interesting from jump. The reliable, techy Archer cousin, who was also into risky motorcycle racing. He was different from the rest—and he’d been secretly in love with his cousin’s first girl since they were kids. He’s a fun character; steady yet a bit of an adrenaline junky. And it’s that last part, combined with a major bit of frustration, that leads to him finding himself in dire straits that changes him. That’s where his story begins.

Aston Wheeler is the youngest child and only daughter of two of my absolute favorites, Wheeler and Poppy. Those two are right up there, tied with Rule and Shaw for me. She’d lived under her mother’s protective wing her entire life and didn’t take any risks. That is until Fortunate Son. Since then, she'd spread her wings—all the while taking what she wanted while waiting and hoping for a certain someone to finally come to her.

It’s at this moment that their paths cross again into delicious forced proximity, tiptoe-around each other in a delicate dance, friends-to-lovers land. Their chemistry and the spice were, of course, 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. But I absolutely loved their patience and outright care for each other. It’s those little tender, thoughtful moments that get me. Zowen Archer is considerate AF.

I also loved how the healing journey was such a parallel to both sets of their parents' books and several parallel moments made me squeal with glee. One of these moments that I really loved that Jay touched on was Zowen’s trauma with the help of his father. It’s important moments like this that made my heart squeeze with fondness and nostalgia. And there were moments with Aston and her mom that worked in the same full-circle way that was really poignant. Although I wouldn't have complained to have selfishly seen more Wheeler, but I get it; Hudson had A LOT going on in the background.

And there was a lot going on in the plot, both white-knuckling and heart-wrenching.

Also, can we talk about my poor, sweet Royce Wheeler? First off, how dare you. But also, m’am!

Honestly, there are only one or two points, one that is far spoiler to discuss here, that made me drop the ranking down. And it’s nothing on the story as much as the trope. However, there was one thing that really left me wanting was mentioned in previous books, and, again selfishly, really wanted to know what it was and the details.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It’s another Crownover novel I couldn’t put down and read in one sitting, even though I sat with this one a bit longer than I normally would. It’s always bittersweet to come to the end of a series and have to leave beloved characters. But knowing their happy endings, knowing their parents and families are good, made it a little easier. I know I’ve said it before, but this series really was the ultimate love letter and thank you to the die-hard Crownover fans. So, thank you, Jay, for the wild rides, the good cries, and the happily ever afters.

🗸Forced Proximity
🗸Opposites Attract
🗸Friends like Family
🗸Second Chance
🗸Happy Ever After

Thank you to WordSmith Publicity for a copy of this ARC.
Profile Image for Kim.
2,759 reviews172 followers
January 18, 2024
Zowen Archer was always the responsible, reliable, intelligent, steady one of the group who could fix anything and always wanted to help fix people's problems. But one prideful mistake changed the course of his life and now he’s still living with the repercussions. He’s now a stranger in his life and not sure what the future is going to bring and he doesn’t feel like he deserves much anyway.

Aston Wheeler used to be stuck living a safe life that her parents wanted. She dated the boy that she thought she should date and did what she was told, but she also knew that Zowen always had a crush on her and just ignored it until it was too late.

Just when she was finding her own way and decided that she was going to admit her feelings, he was taken away. He used to be her protector, but now she might just be his savior. She’s determined to help him in his new life and to get him to see what their potential could finally be. But now he’s closed off, distant, guilt-ridden, and doesn’t feel like he deserves her. So she’s going to have her work cut out for her.

I felt bad for both of them. There were mistakes and missed opportunities throughout their lives, and they never really had a chance to explore their unresolved feelings. They both waited at various times and were not on the same page at the same time. But there was this connection and this hope and yearning between them.

In the beginning of this one, Zowen is really just not in a good place and is more cynical, jaded, and lost. But Aston has gained confidence and a backbone and she’s willing to put in the work to do what she needs to do. But he always wanted to be her protector, even if that means protecting her from himself and his bad choices.

But as things progress there are situations where they both need help, support, and maybe someone to protect them. And together they have opportunities for growth and to prove themselves not only to each other and their families, but to themselves as well. I enjoyed seeing them face challenges and start to come into their own.

Several dramatic and intense situations are going on in this story coming from external situations and personal ones. There were some times that I was shaking my head because for some smart people, they sometimes were ruled by emotions and did not always make the best choices.

This is a story about change, self-discovery, living life on your own terms, and the importance of family and home. It is fun to visit with all of the other family members and friends, and it’s supposed to be the final book in the second generation series. But even though one final couple teased is now living life together in my head, I would love to see her brother, Royce get a novella or short story.

Follow Me: Blog: Reviews by Tammy & Kim (Rachel and Jay) | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram
Profile Image for Books, Booze & Bon Voyage (Krista Webster) .
969 reviews30 followers
January 18, 2024
Wayward Son by Jay Crownover brings to a conclusion the fantastic Forever Marked series. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about the next generation and seeing some of my favourite characters as parents. The kids have all faced real issues and we got the chance to see how their parents helped them through everything. The biggest things that stands out in these books is how strong their family bonds are and the support they give each other unconditionally.

“It didn’t matter if we were wayward or exactly where we were supposed to be; at the end of the day, we loved and cherished each other.”

This time we have Rome and Cora’s son Zowen Archer and his romance with Hudson and Poppy’s daughter Aston Wheeler. His best friend is Ry Archer and if you have read Fortunate Son, then you will know the history between these three. Zowen is very smart, reliable and good with computers but his passion is racing motorbikes. He is excited by an invitation to race in LA because it gives him a chance to see Aston. He has loved her since he was seven years old and even though it was unrequited, he didn’t know how to love anyone else and still didn’t. The race leads to a challenge that ruins his life but he accepts the consequences of his actions.

Aston moved to California for college so she would be able to live her life and not the one her mother wanted for her. She was also escaping her complicated love life. Just when she had finally sorted her life out and was ready to admit her feelings for Zowen, a tragic incident takes him away from her. Five years later they are like strangers and have to build up a friendship before exploring the deep feelings they still hold for each other. She’d made him wait for her so now she’d wait for him. Could they finally have what they’ve always wanted after loving each other for years?

“She isn’t hung up on the wrong Archer anymore.”

Zowen is a very proud young man and struggles with the guilt he puts on himself. His future has been taken away from him so could she be the motivation he needs to conquer his fear and find his way back to where he was supposed to be. Could he rely on her and let her take care of him. I loved how understanding and patient Aston was, giving him the opportunity to adjust. While they figure their relationship out, they also have to cope with dangerous problems linked to one of her famous clients and family situations back home.

The secondary characters add so much to the story. Koons is a little star. It was great seeing Daire and Campbell from Son Of A Gun, she is hilarious and he is extremely supportive to Zowen. Aston’s brother Royce will pull at your heartstrings and I was engrossed in his story. Tragic events change him but I was very satisfied with what happened at the end. Her client Cassio was so empathetic and a real friend to the couple. I liked the happy updates for Ry and Remy.

I adored the Marked Men series so have loved being back with the Archers and all their friends. I fully recommend these books as each couple is as interesting as the next. The kids show us their vulnerabilities but also how they can love as fiercely as their parents. My heart went out to Zowen and all he’d been through. I am so happy he finally got the girl and the love he totally deserved.
Profile Image for MJLovestoRead.
2,162 reviews56 followers
January 22, 2024
I have really enjoyed getting this peek into the second generation of Marked Men and Saints of Denver. Jay Crownover hasn’t lost her touch when it comes to both of those two worlds and the care she continues to show for her characters is evident with every turn of the page. This time around we get Zowen Archer’s story which is a recap of the tough breaks he suffered 5 years prior sprinkled throughout this book and the struggle to find redemption both within himself and from those around him. His love for Aston Wheeler was evident to everyone they grew up with, including their parents, siblings and cousins. Although it seemed to be an unrequited kind of love, we’re shown that Aston adored Zowen just as much even when he thought that his careless actions would keep them apart forever.

I loved both characters very much and hoped, of course, that they would find a way to be together despite Zowen’s continuing stubbornness that he wasn’t worthy. I appreciated how Aston looked at him, not as the convicted felon, but as a man who deserved the best out of life even when he couldn’t see a future for himself. And I was thrilled when they took the leap from reestablished friends to probable lovers one very passionate night.

But perhaps for me, everything progressed a bit too quickly. Yes, one could say that Zowen was most definitely his father’s son, jumping headfirst into a relationship because of special circumstances that threw Aston and Zowen for a loop. But there were just a few too many instances where we weren’t privy to deep conversations both needed to get back to some semblance of affection towards one another. We’re only told they spoke at length, we didn’t get to witness it firsthand and I’m not afraid to say that bothered me since we got much more detail in prior books.
I simply needed more in terms of intense moments where everything is laid out on the line and getting to see that progression to more in a well-timed fashion. Not to mention the whole stalker part of the story that was almost too quick to be resolved.

In the end, however, it’s the family dynamic, the strong ties these characters have to each other and to those who support them that drive this storyline. No matter what occurred, both Zowen and Aston had a team around them from crazy cousin Daire to heartbroken brother Royce to the cowboy hat-wearing attorney to finally, the entire Archer crew who will always stick together. There is a huge amount of love that is obvious and beautiful and wonderful.

I was very happy with how everything turned out and despite Crownover’s thoughts about not giving us Royce and Cassio’s story (Cassio, btw, was a huge standout for me), I do hope she changes her mind in the future and will perhaps give us a bonus novella to make sure Royce found his way back to himself and to his former lover despite the loss he suffered through.

Although obviously not my favorite of the series, I’m always glad to be back with familiar characters and their offspring, knowing I’m lucky enough to get to be back with them again.
Jay Crownover is a great writer and I look forward to what she’ll give us next. Each book is uniquely hers which I appreciate more than ever with Wayward Son as a good way to say farewell for now.

3 stars.
Profile Image for Ptiteaurel.
3,588 reviews57 followers
January 19, 2024
Nous voici dans le 4ème et dernier tome de la saga Forever Marked et c'est avec tristesse que je les laisse. Ce roman nous offre une nouvelle fois une superbe histoire avec des héros forts et des intrigues poignantes. Revoir les parents, voir ce que sont devenus leurs enfants est un vrai plaisir

Zowen Archer est le fils de Cora et de Rome. Une nuit va faire basculer sa vie et le changer à jamais. Il a toujours aimé Aston mais cinq ans de prison, ça vous change un homme. Il ne la laissera pas venir le voir et il pensait ne plus la revoir car il ne la mérite pas. C'est sans compter Daire, sa cousine, qui va mettre son grain de sel et les mettre en colocation forcée. J'ai aimé la dynamique entourant ce héros qui va porter une culpabilité énorme. C'est un poids qu'il a voulu assumer seul alors qu'il aurait clairement pu prendre toutes les mains tendues. Il avait certainement besoin de passer par cela car il n'avait pas une vision globale des choses. Une nouvelle vie se profile devant lui et j'ai aimé que nos héros confrontent enfin leur désir et se parlent à coeur ouvert. Rien ne sera facile, des traumatismes devront être dépassés mais espérons que le bonheur ne soit jamais loin.

Aston Wheeler est la fille de Poppy et de Wheeler. Elle a toujours été surprotégé et a toujours fait ce qu'on lui a dit mais c'est fini et elle va montrer qu'elle aussi a changé. J'ai aimé la voir avec son frère Royce qui va lui aussi affronter une sacrée épreuve. Elle va tout mettre en oeuvre pour se rapprocher de Zowen et elle acceptera d'attendre comme lui l'a fait pendant si longtemps. Travailler en tant que PR pour Cassio entre autres sera très important pour elle et on sent qu'elle aime faire cela. Elle ne va pas reculer face à l'épreuve qui l'attend mais plus jamais elle fera ce qu'on attend d'elle. Elle va faire preuve d'autonomie mais devra aussi montrer à notre héros qu'elle l'a toujours aimé. J'ai aimé une des sous intrigues la concernant car cela ajoute clairement un petit plus à l'ensemble.

Bref, je ne vous en dis pas plus et j'espère une prochaine traduction des tomes 3 et 4 en France car j'ai adoré revoir les héros des Marked Men et des Saints of Denver, tout en prenant de leur nouvelle et en découvrant leur faille. Leur enfants nous ont offerts de beaux moments, de belles émotions et on croise les doigts pour d'autres aventures.
Profile Image for Cori.
60 reviews6 followers
January 17, 2024
I received an ARC of this book. All thoughts, opinions, and comments are my own.

4.5 stars (GR doesn’t allow half stars)

This story was so beautiful! I definitely wanna cry with this beautiful series coming to an end. I don’t wanna leave this world that Jay created. I LOVE the Marked Men Series and the Saints of Denver Series and to see their kids and the next generation all grown up was amazing! Plus getting to see some of my most favorite characters pop into this book and series makes it all the better. I recommend everyone read this book and the OG series as well! You will not be disappointed!

Zowen has loved Aston since he was seven years old. But one trip to LA, one raged filled decision, one horrific night, and one guilty sentence has Zowen pushing Aston away so she doesn’t get caught up in his mess. Now five years later and a different man, Zowen must find his way in a world he’s been shut away from for so long. Little did Zowen know, Aston was waiting for him while he was away. And unbeknownst to him, Aston has had her own traumas she’s been dealing with. Together they battle their demons to build a future and move on. Slowly through the story these two find their way back to each other and find their footing in this thing called life.

I loved this story. Both Zowen and Aston are beautiful characters that are so easily relatable and so easy to feel connected to. It was beautiful to see Zowen shed his layers of guilt and open up to Aston more and more. I loved getting to see Aston build up Zowen and allow him to have a safe place to let himself just be and grow from his past. I could not imagine two characters who deserve a happy ending more.

This series has been so much fun to read and I am so sad it’s over! I cannot recommend this series as well as the Marked Men Series and Saints of Denver Series enough. These stories are all so real in a way that let readers feel so connected to them. Jay writes in a way that shows readers it’s ok to be human and make mistakes and mess up. That we can grow from our pasta no matter what and become better versions of ourselves.

This is a must read and a read I know I will be coming back to often just to live in this world again! I miss them all so much already!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
809 reviews5 followers
January 18, 2024
Jay Crownover gives fans a cool mash up of characters from The Marked Men series along with The Saints of Denver to produce Wayward Son. I have been a fan of Jay since the beginning when I read "Rule."

Wayward Son features Poppy & Hudson's daughter, Aston from Salvaged and Rome & Cora's son, Zowen, from Rome. It is a great ending for the Forever Marked series

Aston and Zowen's story unfolds with a sad circumstance which alters Zowen's life in ways that are unimaginable. Life throws him an incredible obstacle. The emotions are high right from the start. You can palpate every feeling of disappointment and despair.

Aston's life is also different. She spent many years living in a way that she thought would please her mom and leave her less anxious. But she should be living and doing things for herself. She has spent a lot of time coming into her own person. She is strong and patient and so giving. Zowen is incredibly smart, kind and a bit wild. Growing up loving Aston has him questioning his life as it is in the present. He has never stopped loving her, but the timing has never been right.

There is a fond recap of friends from previous stories. It felt so warm and comfy to read about them again.

Having read both The Marked Men series and The Saints of Denver gave me a bit of a leg up on Aston & Zowen's story. I knew all of the back stories and all of the previous characters. There is an amazing difference in writing with each book that was released but, I wouldn't change a thing. Not a sentence, not a character.

I wrote in my review a long time ago that Jay Crownover gave her all to Poppy and what we get is an amazing story of fear, mistrust, love and redemption! Poppy's story (Salvaged) reached down and grabbed you, punched you in the gut and then nursed you back to health. What can I say about the writing? It is amazing! Eloquent, thoughtful, optimistic, heart breaking…. Well, those feeling are still there while reading about Poppy's daughter, Aston.

A great ending to two terrific series. I look forward to seeing her first story, Rule, come to life on the big screen in 2024!

4 stars
Profile Image for Katie.
1,380 reviews3 followers
January 18, 2024
[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

Wayward Son by Jay Crownover is the fourth book in the Forever Marked series. Zowen Archer is the unexpected wildcard of the Archer children. It isn’t until his pride and need for speed get him into a situation that even his family and friends can’t help him out of. Getting out of prison after five years has changed Zowen and he is shocked to find that Aston Wheeler has been waiting for him. Aston has been building a life in LA with Zowen’s release in the back of her mind. The two have so much history and want for more but are struggling to find a new balance to their relationship. Aston has decided that Zowen is for her and she’s fine waiting for him to come into himself again before taking the ultimate chance on her.

Zowen Archer is not the loudest or most noticeable Archer but he has made a huge impact on the entire family when he goes to prison over a motorcycle race that went completely wrong. He is struggling to determine if he’s the same man as before the incident or if he even deserves any kind of forgiveness. Aston steps in and decides to show Zowen that although he may be different from before, that is not a bad thing. She takes control of their relationship which is out of character for her but helps them finally give in to each other. The two have so much chemistry and can’t manage to keep their hands to themselves once the barrier between them snaps. But with two complicated people with a lifetime of history and mistakes, it’s not going to be easy for these two.

All I could think, all I could feel, was Mine. I wanted - no, needed - Aston Wheeler to belong to me.

Zowen and Aston are a fabulous couple. The two manage to break each other out of shell while not trying to change each other. You are cheering for them the entire time and gasping as the world gets in the way. With this world you always get a great cast of supporting characters who help Zowen and Aston, especially Daire and Campbell. There are several underlying life changes impacting Zowen and Aston and the two must find their way to overcome everything together.

4.5 stars for Zowen and Aston finally getting their shot at happily ever after.
Profile Image for NICUnurse Stephanie .
912 reviews32 followers
January 18, 2024
It’s no secret that Jay Crownover is one of my favorite authors. She had me at Rule years ago, and I’ve never looked back. (If you haven’t read her Marked Men and Saints of Denver series, do yourself a favor and drop what you’re doing and read them all…like right now!) Needless to say, she’s also one of my automatic 1-click authors. For a long time, she swore there would be no return to the Marked Men and Saints of Denver series. But for whatever reason, she changed her mind. And I, for one, am positively giddy over that decision. It’s still a series I reread occasionally, so getting the next generation’s story was a surprise bonus. What I like most about Crownover is how she writes what she wants to write and only when she wants to. And when she does, her words never fail to suck me into the story immediately, and nine times out of 10, I refuse to put the book down until it’s all said and done. While it was disappointing to hear over and over how there wouldn’t be a 2nd generation series, she continued to produce books whose quality kept her on my automatic 1-click list. Her books are diverse and follow no patterns, but that in itself keeps them relevant and exciting.

OK. Wayward Son. First, you can read it as a stand-alone title, but why in the world would you?!?. I love the Marked Men and Saints of Denver series and will recommend them to my dying day. I suggest reading at least the first 3 Forever Marked books before diving into this one, as the secondary characters and their stories make navigating the ins and outs of the relationships and plot points in this one a bit tricky without a good bit of backstory. I promise you’ll thank me later!

This is a friends-to-enemies(ish)-to-lovers story that opens with a tragic twist. Zowen and Aston’s story is heartbreakingly beautiful as it spans many years, and the heartache is eventually worth the wait. I mean, would it be a true Archer story if she didn’t throw everything and the kitchen sink at them?? Watching this extended family navigate the authentic challenges they all face is what makes this story so dynamic. And I honestly think she couldn’t have sent this next-gen series off in a better way.

NICUnurse’s Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Lisa.
1,171 reviews3 followers
January 22, 2024
This was a great read and a great way to end this series, just I am now so sorry that this series has come to an end!

This installment mainly takes place 5 years in the future from the last book, Son of a Gun, in this series. It also picks up where the last book left off but with some horrific events that take place.

So when the story picks up Zowen has just been released from prison. He works hard with dealing with the guilt surrounding the accident that caused his incarceration. He also needs to come to terms with everyone that he was close with and has continued on with their life. He also needs to reaclimate to being free again and not having to live a life where he is always looking over his shoulder.

In the meantime Ashton has been waiting for Zowen to be released. She has had feelings for Zowen for a while and is aware that he had feelings for her that he never acted upon when they were growing up. She is successful in her career and has opened her home to Zowen upon his release. While working with one of her clients she also grabs the attention of the client's stalker.

When Zowen and Ashton finally give into one another their relationship takes off and they end up with a surprise of their own. The chemistry between them however is off the charts and I had to applaud when they finally gave into one another.

So this book was heart breaking at times to read as you just have to feel for Zowen and all that he is going through. I could do nothing but cheer him on as he works at getting over his anxieties while putting his life back together again. Both characters were well written and their story moved along well. I enjoyed the return of some of the characters from the previous books in the series even if it was a brief appearance. The conflict surrounding the stalker was well written as well.

Overall, this was a great read that I enjoyed from start to finish. I would recommend this book to others.
Profile Image for Julie.
1,434 reviews31 followers
January 22, 2024
A single moment has the ability to transform a life. This is the reality Zowan Archer knows all too well. With his life upended, Zowan is trying to find a way to make the most of the hand he has been dealt in life. The light at the end of the tunnel comes in the form of Aston Wheeler.

Aston has spent most of her life trying to make others happy. The life she was leading was not authentic, and it took Aston time to understand she needed to reach for true happiness. Once her mind was made up, Aston reached out for the one person who she should have looked towards all along – Zowan. Time wasn’t on Aston’s side either, but this Wheeler is MORE than patient.

Now the duo is facing the reality that the life they ‘should’ have had is gone. Where do they go from here? Only time will tell if Aston and Zowan can find a way to navigate the curves in the road to find a happiness that they both deserve.

Oh my word…..where do I start?? Knowing that Wayward Son was the last book in the Forever Marked series was bitter sweet. I soaked up every morsel that Zowan and Aston laid out in the chapters of this book. From heartache to the roller coaster that we all call life, Zowan and Aston’s relationship was one that kept me engaged from beginning to end.

If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading the Marked Men, Welcome to the Point and Saints of Denver series by Jay Crownover, I encourage you to check them out. The Archer family is a welcome sight in all of Crownover’s series. The layers from each series will add more depth to the Forever Marked novels.

Everything about Crownover’s books screams ‘real life’. There is tragedy, heartache, romance and a love for every character the author pens to paper. I look forward to uncovering the next series that Crownover has in store for her loyal fans. I will be (im)patiently waiting to uncover the next great read from this author.
Profile Image for Sylviane BM.
258 reviews5 followers
January 19, 2024
e remercie Jay Crownover pour ce SP.

Et voilà le spin off des Marked Men c'est fini.
Clap de fin avec Zowen Archer.

Tout commence lorsque Zowen est envoyé en prison après la mort d'un jeune lors d'une course. Pour le tribunal, il est coupable. La fin de l'adolescence va se terminer pour lui derrière les barreaux. Lui qui était l'enfant prodige, différent de sa soeur.

5 ans de sa vie perdue, et maintenant il est libre mais que doit-il faire? Retourner vivre à Denver ou ailleurs.

Il va cohabiter avec la personne dont il a toujours été amoureux, celle qu'il l'a rejeté pendant ces 5 ans, Ashton.
Ashton a aussi changé de vie, elle a été mise dans une cage en verre par sa mère, trop protégée, elle ne faisait pas de vague, mais 5 ans plus tard, elle est devenue une jeune femme qui sait ce qu'elle veut, travaillant pour des "stars" et vivre avec Zowen est sa chance de lui montrer qu'elle l'a toujours aimé, qu'elle sera toujours là pour lui, qu'elle l'aime tout entier.

Ils se sont connus étant jeunes, ils ont changé.
Zowen se sent coupable de tout, lui qui a toujours été droit dans ses bottes, ne veut plus être un fardeau pour sa famille. Avoir tué quelqu'un par accident vous marque à jamais. Même si ce n'est pas sa faute, il se sent responsable.

Ce livre, même s'il parle de romance entre Zowen et Ashton est aussi l'occasion aux enfants de parler à coeur ouvert avec leurs parents qu'on connait. Etre parent n'est jamais facile, on a beau vouloir les proteger on ne peut pas, il faut qu'ils apprennent par eux même, ils feront des erreurs, la vie est faite d'embûche.

Je suis triste de les quitter car cela fait des années que j'ai lu les Marked Men. Ils étaient jeunes et sont devenus parents, même grands parents. Mais la famille Archer est restée soudée, et les enfants aussi.
Profile Image for Misty (Reds Romance Reviews).
3,289 reviews6 followers
January 21, 2024
Aston Wheeler is pure perfection and definitely too good for the likes of him, even though he'd love to claim her as his own. They have been friends for a long time and he's always held out hope that one day she'd share the same feelings, but she chose his best friend, so he chose to keep his feelings under wraps and moved on. Then things in her life changed and she was no longer attached and he thought just maybe... but then tragedy struck and changed everything.

The pages of Wayward Son will tear at your heartstrings. This young couple hasn't had an easy go at life and it all plays out on the pages torturing your heart every step of the way. As we meet these two they have been reunited after Zowen's release from prison and it's not necessarily a happy reunion, and it becomes even more tense when Zowen learns that they will be living together. Zowen pushed her away for a reason, a selfish one at that, but now she is trying to push her way back into his life and he is not having it. That ship has sailed.... or has it?

This series has been a pure joy to discover, it's characters have left an indelible mark on my heart and have really made me fall for Ms. Crownover's work. Each time there are mutterings of a new release the anticipation hits and I nearly die until the book lands on my tablet and each and every time this author has hit her mark with her well penned words. I am sad to see this series end, but I know Ms. Crownover will have something in her back pocket that will have the same effect on me as this series has and make me fall all over again. Highly recommend you take a chance on this one, it's characters will steal your heart and attention the moment wander onto the page.

I requested an advanced copy of this title from the publisher and I am voluntarily leaving my honest and unbiased opinion.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 137 reviews

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