Accessibility form (meeting)
The goal of this questionnaire is to help us make this upcoming meeting more accessible to the membership.
If you are planning/wanting to attend this meeting, but some barriers are preventing you from attending or participating fully, please let us know in the questionnaire below. We can't guarantee that every request for accommodation will be fulfilled, but knowing what members need will help us make the appropriate effort to meet the needs of our membership (and will help us plan better for upcoming meetings and events). We want to identify barriers to accessibility within the local and work to make our meetings fully-accessible to the membership.
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Are you planning on attending this meeting?
Would you require live captioning during this Zoom meeting in order to be able to fully participate?
Would you require American Sign Language interpretation in order to be fully able to participate in this meeting?
Would you need to hire childcare in order to participate in the meeting? If so, would you like us to send you more information about the CUPE 4600 Childcare reimbursement policy? (write your email below if you do)
Would you require any other accommodations (physical, cultural, religious, other...) not mentioned in order to fully participate in this meeting? If so, please describe
would you like us to follow up with you about any parts of this questionnaire? If so, please write your email below
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이 설문지는 CUPE 4600 내부에서 생성되었습니다. 악용사례 신고