Gaza, Airshow, Inflation, Boardwalks: Do You Approve Our Message?

Above Image: In 1962, 20 Cent Hot Dogs, 30 Cent Hamburgers On Atlantic City Boardwalk. Today they cost 27 times more. Inflation?  Did the prices go up? Or did the value of our dollar go down? In 1962, a silver dollar had an ounce of silver, which was then worth one dollar. Every paper dollar had a blue seal and said “Silver Certificate” on the front. Anybody could exchange any paper dollar for a silver dollar at any bank.  On April 10, 2024, an ounce of silver was worth $28.  Does an ounce of silver still buy five hot dogs or three hamburgers on the Atlantic City Boardwalk?

Every Saturday morning, we meet over breakfast in Somers Point. We talk about the most important issues of the week.  Some 300 years ago, Benjamin Franklin observed that ordinary Americans were better informed that the elites of Europe because we often had open and honest conversations with each other.

Every week, I bring the topics we discuss to several talk radio programs.  I appear with John DeMasi on WPG 95.4 FM and Steve DiOrio WVLT 92.1 FM Saturday mornings at 9:10AM and 9:30AM.  I also appear with Dan Klein on WOND 1400 AM 2:30 PM every Tuesday afternoon and with Barry Sable and Friends Sunday mornings at 10:30AM on WPHT 1210AM in Philadelphia.

We also run pre-recorded spots on these programs.  Do you approve our message?

Click Here Or Above For Link To Our Podcasts (Recordings Of Seth Grossman Radio Interviews and Pre-Recorded Spots):

We now post these radio messages on our website as either podcasts or YouTube videos.  If you cannot hear us on the radio, please listen by going to our home page and clicking a few of our “Liberty and Prosperity On-Air podcasts (recorded radio messages).

If you like them, please use the Facebook, Twitter, and Email Icons below each post to share them with your friends.  If not, please come to a Saturday breakfast and let us know how we can do a better job.  The only cost of our breakfasts is paying for what you order off the menu and to tip your server.

If you cannot meet us in person, please email us at or leave a voicemail for Seth Grossman at 609-927-7333.  Thanks.

Click here for the link to our latest pre-recorded spots:  Liberty and Prosperity Podcast – Liberty and Prosperity

Below are the scripts for our most recent pre-recorded radio spots.  Do you approve our messages?

New Radio Spot #1:  Whatever Israel Does Is Wrong.



Last October 7, a Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood group known as Hamas broke its peace treaty with Israel. Its terrorists murdered twelve hundred unarmed Jews and kidnapped hundreds of others. When Israeli soldiers fought back, they found the Hamas murderers hiding in schools, hospitals, and apartment buildings. When the Israeli army attacked and killed terrorists, nearby women and children were also killed. Although this happens in every war, Israel was accused of war crimes.

This caused Israeli soldiers changed their tactics. They now patiently wait for terrorists to get careless.  Israeli soldiers now attack and kill terrorists when they leave their hiding places without their weapons.

But instead of being praised, Israel is now being criticized for killing unarmed men. And for taking too long to finish the war.

Let’s talk about this over breakfast. Meet us at Sal’s Café at New Road and Groveland Avenue in Somers Point every Saturday morning at nine-thirty.  Learn more at Liberty and Prosperity dot com. Thanks.

New Radio Spot #2:  Atlantic City Airshow: Government Abuse and  Corruption At Every Level.


The Navy spends about fifty million dollars for its Blue Angels. That about a million dollars for each air show. The Air Force spends about the same on its Thunderbirds. Admiral Nimitz formed the Blue Angels in nineteen-forty-six.  He did it to lobby Congress for support and more money after President Truman cut the navy budget. Nimitz got what he wanted. A few years later, the Air Force formed the Thunderbirds to also win political support and more money.

Neither the Blue Angels of the U.S. Navy, nor the Thunderbirds of the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds will be in the Atlantic City air show this August. However, Governor Murphy ordered our South Jersey Transportation Authority to use Expressway tolls and airport parking fees to pay for substitutes.

Let’s talk about this over breakfast. . .


New Radio Spot #3: Everybody Talks About Inflation. But Not Three Things That Cause Most Of  It!

Very few people, especially politicians, talk about the three things that cause most inflation.

  1. Our federal government spends trillions more than it collects in taxes. To make up the difference, it pays people with paper money that has nothing of value to back it up. That means we need more paper dollars to buy things. However, an ounce of gold or silver usually buys the same as what it bought fifty years ago.
  2. We also have high prices because many federal, state, and local laws force businesses to waste lots of money on things that have nothing to do with health, safety, or producing their products.
  3. Finally, our government forces us to pay for expensive and mostly useless electricity from the sun and wind instead of cheap and reliable nuclear and natural gas power.

Let’s talk about this over breakfast. . .

New Radio Spot #4:  Paying For New Boardwalks Bails Out Bad Politicians.

By law, every condominium association must collect and save money for a reserve fund. It pays for new roofs, elevators, heating, and air conditioning systems every ten or twenty years when they break down.  In Florida, condo Board members can go to jail if they don’t do this.

We have no laws like that for politicians. They are not punished if they let our schools, streets, or Boardwalks run down and have no money to fix or replace them. Instead, they are often rewarded and praised.

During the past three years, the state gave more than a hundred million dollars for new boardwalks in towns like Atlantic City, the Wildwoods, Asbury Park and Ocean City.  That money came from federal coronavirus relief and state highway repair funds.

Let’s talk about this over breakfast. is a tax-exempt, non-political education organization of roughly 200 citizens who mostly live near Atlantic City, New Jersey.  We formed this group in 2003. We volunteer our time and money to maintain this website. We do our best to post accurate information. However, we admit we make mistakes from time to time.  If you see any mistakes or inaccurate, misleading, outdated, or incomplete information in this or any of our posts, please let us know. We will do our best to correct the problem as soon as possible. Please email us at or telephone (609) 927-7333.

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Seth Grossman, Executive Director

(609) 927-7333

  • Seth Grossman

    Seth Grossman is executive director of Liberty And Prosperity, which he co-founded in 2003. It promotes American liberty and limited constitutional government through weekly radio and in-person discussions, its website, email newsletters and various events. Seth Grossman is also a general practice lawyer.

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