Kupu Tī and Kōrero with TKTM April 2024

We are inviting you to a celebration of our takiwātanga whānau. This hui is ideal for parents/caregivers of Takiwātanga whānau and service providers for our Takiwātanga whānau. We will korero, meet and share mātauranga by highlighting through a Te Ao Māori lens and lived experiences.

Date: Saturday 13th April 2024
Time: 10:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m
Venue: 33 Eastdale Road, Avondale, Auckland, New Zealand

If you need to get in touch please email kiaora.tktm@gmail.com

* Please note this event has limited spaces available. The maximum capacity is 50 people so registration is a must. 

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Will you be attending this event? *
Captionless Image
Ingoa | First name
Ingoa whānau | Surname
Kei hea koe e noho ana? | Where are you currently living? 
What ethnicity do you self-identify with? If other, please say 
If you are Māori, what iwi or iwis do you whakapapa too? *
How many people will be attending this hui?
Is there anything specific you are looking forward to in this hui? 
Do you have any special dietary requirements?  *
Do you have any questions you would like to ask about this event? *
Please be aware that photographs and footage will be taken throughout this event. The images collected will strictly be used by the TKTM for funding, marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website and in social media or in any third party publication. Please highlight below if you are agree or disagree with these terms. 

* TKTM - Takiwātanga Ki Tāmaki Makaurau
The main purpose of collecting your information is to assist in providing our Takiwātanga community with the best social outcomes, e.g. support, services, and to show there is a need when applying for funding. TKTM is kaitiaki of the information you provide, it will be kept confidential and will not reveal personal information publicly or to a third party (unless required or permitted to by law).  Lastly, as kaitiaki TKTM will take all reasonable steps to ensure the personal information it holds is protected against loss, access, use or modification by anyone. However, as no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit or receive through this site but we value kaitiakitanga (guardianship) and tino rangatiratanga (sovereignty) to protect your data.

* TKTM - Takiwātanga Ki Tāmaki Makaurau

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