Summary Information Video.
You can watch a short video summarising key information about the online interactive survey, what we will do with the information you provide, and how we will ask the questions.
Further Research Information.
You are invited to share your thoughts in an accessible online survey tool.
The questions and the survey tool have been co-designed with disabled people.
It is set up so you can tell us stories – not just tick boxes!
You can take part if:
You experience disability.
You are family or whānau of someone who experiences disability.
You are at least 16 years old.
The survey will be closing on 15 June 2024.
You can read and download the research information sheets below.
Currently, these are available in standard English and Easy Read formats, and in Te Reo Māori.
We are working on NZSL version and will add this as its become available [expected early April 2024].

A video overview of the information sheet in Te Reo Māori is available HERE

NZSL Video
This material is currently being prepared.
Who to Contact for Help or Information.
If you need help to complete the survey, Susan would be a great person to contact.
If you are experiencing issues with the Accessible Survey Tool, then Jasjot will be a great person to contact.
Contact Rachelle if you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this study.
Cell: 022 672 0230
Cell: 021 22 333 62
How was the survey for you?
We would like to talk to some people about their experiences using this online survey tool.
Because this is a new way of gathering disabled people's stories, we would like you to tell us more about what worked and what didn’t work. We want to know what was helpful and what could be improved about this approach.
We are thinking that we will talk to people in online (e.g., via Zoom) - either in groups or individually. But we are also happy to chat in a way that works best for you!
If this is something you are interested in, please click on the following link to express your interest.