After a devastating incident ended my dance career at twenty, I uprooted my life to teach at a studio for beginners in Sandcastle Cove. I find solace in building my dream home next to my parent's vacation house on the island. But my plans aren’t met with enthusiasm by their neighbor across the street, who seems perpetually annoyed by my presence.
The sexy contractor lives alone in his seaside mansion, and despite his grumpy nature, I can’t help but feel drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
Our unlikely connection isn't something either of us expected, but it’s something neither of us can deny.
Amber Kelly is a romance author that calls North Carolina home. She has been an avid reader from a young age and you could always find her with her nose in a book completely enthralled in an adventure. With the support of her husband and family, in 2018, she decided to finally give a voice to the stories in her head and her debut novel, Both of Me was born. You can connect with Amber on Facebook at, on IG @authoramberkelly or on twitter @AuthorAmberKel1.
With only the second romance into the series, I’m in love with Sandcastle Cove and wish it were a real place. I loved getting to revisit characters from earlier on who give the story so much color and are the heart of the community.
Eden Cherry had big dreams, and got to fulfill them for a short time with a major dance company in New York. When tragedy struck, she left her life and relocated to this small beach community. She's happy teaching tiny young dancers at the local dance studio and planning her dream house being built next to her parents' beach house.
Not everyone is happy about the new construction, and Wade Lusk doesn’t bother to keep his feelings to himself. Soon, though, he begins to see that his disdain for his new neighbor might mask an attraction. An attraction that's highly inappropriate, considering Eden is closer to Wade's son's age than his own.
If you love small-town romance with vivid, unique characters that takes you on an emotional journey, you'll love Eden and Wade's story. With the backdrop of a coastal community and an immersion in shore life, this is the perfect beach read. Sweet, heartwarming, and steamy, you'll love every minute you spend with this phenomenal reading escape.
Me pregunto cuando van a entender las autoras de “romance” que querer darse a alguien NO es estar ENAMORADOS. Esto literalmente es erótica, véndelo como tal porque de romance no tiene nada.
Our delicate, sweet FMC, Eden had rough go of things before she was legal to even drink. But she's found herself back in Sandcastle Cove to recover and accidentally finds love and a new lease on life!
Wade, grumpy-to-her-only (initially), is dealing with work and a teenage son who's playing matchmaker. As Eden's, father's friend, he offers to reluctantly keep an eye on her and ends up keeping a lot on her. . .
A couple glaring errors (these don't necessarily detract from the story, but they read stuck out to me) - Nearing-retirement Naval officers would never be referred to as a career soldiers. It's like calling an airman a Marine or a coastie. - And the aging is wrong for the character. - Most Naval officers are married with families - focusing on the career is not mutually exclusive from love. - Oh, and costumes from the ABT would absolutely never be taken home. Nor with a first year member be anything other than in the corp for Swan Lake.
I'm going to preface this with maybe I ask too much from my FMCs, but I really couldn't get on board with Eden. To me, she came across as self-centered, oblivious, and totally reliant on her parents (they're literally building her a special, second house on the family property), and not a fully functioning adult. So she seems more a "kept-early-20 year old" vs "capable-young-woman." Which is why I'm rounding down instead of up wrt to the 1/2 star.
Wade is exactly what you'd expect in this big of an age gap story (17 years between them), a strong male figure, likes to swoop in, and save the day, Daddy Figure type attitude. And for him it works. But I need an FMC who still has something to contribute to the relationship rather than just existing.
So, that's all on me and I understand that.
The world created within Sandcastle Cove is beautiful! And the friendships in the surround couples and friends for the most part are what we all hope for, a lovely mix of personalities, loving honesty and support, etc.
Overall, it's still an okay story. And I think for others who maybe don't need their FMCs to be more independent, self-sufficient, b@d@ss, they'll love how sweet, simple, and dainty Eden is and fall in love with how Wade steps up to take care of her.
This was such a fun read that had me wishing I was relaxing out on a beach. Eden had her dream life as a ballerina with the American Ballet Theater in New York, but when her career was suddenly cut short, she retreated to Sandcastle Cove along the North Carolina coast to heal and begin building her own home next-door to her parents’ beach home.
Wade lives across the street and wasn’t too keen about his new neighbor building a home and blocking his beautiful views of the water. But when he reluctantly promises Eden’s dad to keep an eye on her, he’s not prepared for what comes next.
Despite the 16 year age gap, there’s no denying the instant attraction between them. And let me just say, Wade is one Hot Daddy with a teenage son who takes after him more than I think he cares to admit. 🤣
He may have tried ignoring his initial attraction, but it was so fun watching Eden effortlessly wear him down. He takes such good care of her, protects her, and let me just say that this Hot Daddy has one very hot mouth!
This book is a fun and quick read full of island vibes that have me ready for summer. I’m enjoying this series, and can’t wait to read more from Sandcastle Cove!
𝚝 𝚛 𝚘 𝚙 𝚎 𝚜: 🏖️ Small town romance 💜 Age-Gap 🏖️ Enemies to Lovers 💜 Grumpy/Sunshine 🏖️ Coastal romance
Thank you so much to Amber and Wordsmith Publicity for the advanced copy!
Tropes: - Age Gap (16 years) - Enemies to Lovers - Grumpy Sunshine - Small Town - Neighbors
Eden is living her dream as a professional dancer when a horrific accident changes everything. She decides to escape to the small town of Sand Castle Cove where her parents own a vacation home. While her house is being built next door she starts to settle into her new life. Wade lives across the street and isn't all too happy to see his beautiful view ruined by the construction. They get off to a rough start, but Wade reluctantly agrees to watch over Eden at her dad's request.
Wade fights his feelings due to the large age gap, but whew when he decides to go after Eden you fall for this grumpy dad so fast. He is grumpy, protective, sexy, and a great dad. Nothing better! Eden, I loved as well. At times she seems a bit immature, but overall I think she acts well over her 21 years of age. She is so strong, and such a good person. She is determined to not let her situation define her and I find that so admirable. Their chemistry and banter make this such a fun read.
I love this town so much. I want to visit! I can't wait to see more from each character in this friend group.
This is the first book I’ve ready by Amber Kelly and I really enjoyed it! The setting, characters and tropes are amazing - I love age gap, enemies to lovers and grumpy/sunshine.
Eden is still recovering from a traumatic event that changed the direction of her life. She is kind, thoughtful and an amazing ballet teacher to sweet little girls. New to town, she can’t figure out why her new neighbor is so growly with her.
Wade is a delicious, growly, and protective man. He a great dad who’s teenage son cracks me up…he’s so sassy and helps his dad see what’s in front of him. He’s growly with Eden because she’s ruining his view…but as her secrets come to light…his attitude changes.
The banter, sass and growly conversations between Wade and Eden are fantastic..the tension, build up and passion they have is off the charts.
The touch of suspense is minor but is resolved at the end of the book. A great read.
I loved everything about Wade & Eden’s story. Wade is the grumpy to her sunshine. Wade is a single dad to a 16 year old Dillion and is annoyed with his new neighbor. Eden relocated from NYC after her ballet career is cut short. She is 16 years his junior and building a new home across the street from Wade.
From the get go their interactions weren’t the friendliest. Eden couldn’t figure out why Wade was so closed off to her. After their worlds collide in the form of friends, Wade can’t get her off his mind, even if he doesn’t want to have feelings for her. I loved the evolution of their relationship and how Wade went from being annoyed with her to…Don’t. Touch. Her!!
Dillion was the surprise that the book needed… he played matchmaker for his dad and pushed him towards Eden when he knew his dad was scared. The whole cast of characters are phenomenal and add so much to the story.
I thoroughly enjoyed every single page of their story and I want more from Sandcastle Cove!!
I love these characters in this series. I can't resist a Grumpy Gus! Eden may be young, but all she has been through has matured her. She's building a new home in Sand Castle cove, but her grumpy neighbor isn't so welcoming.
Wade is upset about the new home blocking his view, but also about a spark he feels. He keeps thinking she is way to young for him. Between their friends and his son, they keep getting brought together, and cannot deny their connection.
What a great read, this series is stand alone but you keep getting more depth of all the characters! Loving this series!
“No. It’s not bad at all. It’s f@&king everything, Eden. You’re mine, and I’m yours, and I don’t give a damn what anyone has to say about it. If you want me, I’m yours, baby. Body and soul.” 5⭐️ / 2🌶
I absolutely love this enemies-to-lovers, age gap romance! You can't help but fall for the grumpy Wade and the sunshiney Eden.
Watching Wade go from glaring and grunting at Eden to worshipping her was everything! He's protective of her and tried to stay away but can't resist her pull. I love that his teenage son tries to play matchmaker! Eden lived through a vicious attack and went from professional ballet dancer to ballet teacher. I love how she finds her way in her new life. She's stronger than she knows. The way she sneaks into Wade's heart is so sweet.
I love that once Wade let's himself be with Eden he doesn't let go. She makes him want things he didn't think he'd have and he makes her feel safe. They're so sweet and sexy together!
I am obsessed with Amber Kelly’s writing and this is such a cute, coastal romance to breeze through. This is the second book in the series and can be read as a standalone (but is recommended to read the series in order to get the full depth of the characters). You can’t help but fall in love with Grumpy, single dad Wade and Eden is such a ray of sunshine. I loved seeing Eden become girl friends with Avie and Amiya and I loved the dynamic between the main and side characters.
This book was nearly perfect, I just wanted more interactions between Wade and Eden! This is the perfect book to read on the beach going into the summer months☀️.
What to expect: 🩰 Small town 🔨Grumpy x sunshine 🩰Age gap 🔨Enemies to lovers
I love Amber Kelly and eagerly await her new releases. This book didn't disappoint.
This book centres around Wade and Eden, a grumpy small town single dad/neighbour and a young dance instructor who moves next door after moving from New York to Sandcastle Cove. I love the development of their relationship. It was brilliantly written, and I enjoyed the interactions between Eden and the other characters, especially when she got close to Wade's son Dillion. The plot was well written and not rushed. There was the right amount of suspense, especially when Eden needed to prove how strong she was when she was in danger. The family vibes were brilliant, I loved the connection that Wade and Dillion had and the friendships between characters.
I have been anxiously waiting for Building Castles and boy was it worth the wait! I love the grumpy-neighbors to lovers romances and Wade wasn't overly grumpy towards Eden for too long! I love diving back into the world of Sandcastle Cove and seeing all of our favorite characters again. Even Amiya comes in with her boisterous, lovable self and makes a few appearances. Lots of witty banter and oooooh the spice level will have you reaching for a glass of cold water. What a fast paced and fun read! Amber Kelly will have us coming back for more after this... who's next? Lennon perhaps? Amiya? Who knows but I'm here for it.
Her dancing career was ruined after one tragic night, so now Eden is in Sandcastle Cove looking for a new start. But her grumpy neighbor Wade is anything but welcoming as she builds her castle in the sand.
Wade is 16 years older than Eden, a constructor company owner, and friend of her father’s. Wade tells Eden’s dad that he will look at for her, and after learning of her tragic past… that care takes a whole new turn.
The neighbor he once just scowled at, he now can’t stop watching as she does yoga on the beach or bounces around the dance studio. He should stay away, she’s too young, has been through so much, but luckily for Wade, his 16-year old son helps nudge him in the right direction.
Another feel good story from Amber! Will be a great quick summer read, perfect to take to the beach or just curl up and read in the sun.
I have been anxiously waiting for Building Castles and boy was it worth the wait! I love the grumpy-neighbors to lovers romances and Wade wasn't overly grumpy towards Eden for too long! I love diving back into the world of Sandcastle Cove and seeing all of our favorite characters again. Even Amiya comes in with her boisterous, lovable self and makes a few appearances. Lots of witty banter and oooooh the spice level will have you reaching for a glass of cold water. What a fast paced and fun read! Amber Kelly will have us coming back for more after this... who's next? Lennon perhaps? Amiya? Who knows but I'm here for it. ~Heidi💜
This was a good story to get lost in. Eden is trying to find her place after tragedy. Wade is not looking for a relationship. Their start is frosty but the attraction is undeniable, even with Eden being 16 years younger. Wade's son and his friends'attempts at matchmaking are endearing and funny. Watching these two come together is pure entertainment. This truly is a couple made for one another.
"God can take all the broken pieces of our lives and make something even more beautiful out of the remnants."
When Ms. Kelly writes a book I know I have to read it. Then to top it off this is a grumpy neighbor romance I knew I had to read it. Wade and Eden were everything I crave in a romance book. Watching Wade fight was perfection and watching Eden grow was a chef's kiss. I mean honestly this book did not disappoint me. The only issue I had was there was no epilogue or bonus scene I hope it's in the works but it doesn't make the book any less.
I'm a big fan of Amber Kelly's and excited for this new series. I really enjoyed book one and enjoyed seeing the characters appear in book two.
This was a nice read and well written. Age gap is not one of my favorite troops, especially more than ten years but I thought it was well written. There was the perfect amount of suspense that had me on the edge of reading. Thank you Amber Kelly and Wordsmith Publicity for the ARC! I recommend this book and can't wait to see who's next.
This book has all the feelings for an age gap romance. Wade is just trying to enjoy his ocean view while running his business until his neighbor decides to build onto their property creating obstacles he wasn’t expecting. Eden just wants to build her new life in this tiny town she’s always wanted to call home. Once the two finally talk they realize they aren’t much different.
5 Star Review Building Castles (Sandcastle Cove #2) by Amber Kelly I love stories set in small towns such as Sandcastle Cove and it is a genre that Amber Kelly does well. This is ex dancer Eden and Wade’s story. Wade is over 15 years older than her and a bit of a grump. However despite themselves, have a connection between them which sizzles. Neither were looking for love but the heart wants who the hearts want. Building Castles was well written, emotional, romantic, and heartwarming.
"You’re mine, and I’m yours, and I don’t give a damn what anyone has to say about it. If you want me, I’m yours, baby. Body and soul.”
Eden and Wade.
Sexy contractor, older, single dad? Sign me up please! This is one of my favorite reads in the quarter of the year. Amber Kelly never fails to bring out the romantic sap in me.
Wade is a divorced single dad with a teenage son and runs his own construction company. When Eden first comes through town Wade is super hesitant but eventually learns what brought her to his doorstep. Upon spending more time together being encouraged by his son and their friends their chemistry sparks. I LOVED this book so much. Amber even brought Avie Leia Sebastian Anson and Parker into the mix. I can’t wait for the next book.
It’s the easiest thing to read but everything feels forced, I didn’t believe their love at all. Yeah, they’re both consenting adults having sex but they weren’t in love. They were just horny.
Reading anything Amber Kelly writes is always comforting for me. These Sand Castle men she rights are top notch… the grumpy gus single dad trope is a favourite of mine !! And toss in a little age gap and I’m all over this one!! I loved Wade! Eden fit right in with all the whole bunch!! I enjoyed their story!! Can’t wait to know what will happen next in Sand Castle Cove!!
I so love reading small town romance. And if it's an Amber Kelly book it's even better. Add the grumpy - sunshine neighbours to lovers tropes and I'm in heaven. I was curious about Building Castles and Eden and Wade's story was so sweet . They were so good together and balanced each other perfectly. Eden was such a loveable sweetheart and at the same time she's a fighter and a true survivor. And she's so brave for having the courage to change her dreams and the confidence to embrace her new future. And Sandcastle Cove is the perfect place for new beginnings and new dreams. Even the grumpy neighbour isn't going to interfere with her new reality. And Wade was so stubborn and against the change in his surroundings and the area because of Eden building her house. It was as though he sensed the change that's going to happen to him and he wasn't ready for it. And that made him even grumpier. Slowly the things between them changed and sparks started to fly . And that attraction between them was undeniable and they have such a crazy hot chemistry. Soon all the problems around them are solved. Eden even closed the still open page of her past and can freely embrace her future. Wade was struggling with admitting his feelings but when he did he was so swoon worthy. It was so good to see Avie , Leia and Sebastian embrace their happily ever after. And that glimpses of all of their friends and family made the story so good. Now I need the next book in Sandcastle Cove series and I can't wait to see who's the couple in it .
Thanks to WordSmith Publicity for the opportunity to read and review an early copy of this book.
First, I can’t tell you how much I adore every description of the coastal town of Sandcastle Cove in this book. I may need to visit coastal North Carolina soon. This is book 2 in the Sandcastle Cove series and can be read as a stand alone. But if you’ve read 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑔𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒯𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓈, you’ll be happy to know that Sebastian and his friends, his grandparents, as well as Avie and little Leia appear here as well. Oh and Avie’s best friend from Atlanta, Amyia, returns to visit and she and Eden become fast friends. Yes, there’s a crazy, fun girls night and alcohol is definitely involved.
Second, Eden and Wade are a complicated couple who start off as enemies (and neighbors!) but also right away seem to be fighting the sexual tension between them, taking us on an emotional, sexy and captivating ride. Because whew - there are definitely some steamy scenes.
Eden has lost her dream of being a professional ballerina in a horrific way and single dad Wade isn’t looking for any relationship to complicate his life, especially with a young 21 year-old former ballerina (his teenage son, Dillon, is absolutely adorable by the way.) But Wade finds that the woman who has recently moved back to Sandcastle Cove is taking up a lot of his headspace and now that he knows her story, Wade is feeling protective of Eden. And a lot more.
This is an age gap, grumpy sunshine delight. I loved this couple, their story and I want to visit my own Sandcastle Cove.
*4,5 stars* I've thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and it truly didn't disappoint. I loved it from beginning until end and I really liked the banter between Wade & Eden but also loved the side characters that were a true joy to read about. It wasn't only a fun romantic story that involved an age gap between the lead characters but definitely had depth to it that made you feel all of the emotions. But I also really loved the strength that Eden showed. A great read!
Eden arrives to Sandcastle cove trying to leave her past behind her and make a better life for herself while moving on to exciting things. While adjusting to her teaching job, her new neighbour doesn't really seem too happy with her moving across the street but she's glad that, being in the small town, she's making new friends and enjoying her new job even if her grumpy neighbour isn't too friendly. Wade has everything he wants but with Eden moving across him, there's just something about her that draws him to her but he tries to keep his distance as there's also a big age gap between them but everyone around him seems to have other ideas about his single status. As he gets to know her, he sees a side of her that sparks feelings that he thought were buried far away. Their relationship starts to change and they grow closer to each other. Will they find their way?...
I was excited for this visit to Sandcastle Cove again and all I need to say is this book did not disappoint. Building Castles ( Sandcastle Cove #2) was everything I have come to expect from Amber Kelly and so much more. This is Eden and her grumpy older neighbour Wade’s story and If you love small town romance look no further than this gem of a read. Eden’s dancing career was cut short after one tragic night and she is now teaching dance and living at her parent’s beach house in Sandcastle Cove. From the moment she arrived her neighbour Wade has been shooting her daggers every time their eyes meet. Not the welcome she was expecting when she moved to the Cove. Wade is 16 years older than Eden and a friend of her father but what has really upset him is the house Eden is having built. But when Eden’s father tells him her story and asks him to keep an eye out for her his feelings take a 360 degree turn. What follows is two people becoming friends and as they get to know each friendship turns to love…… This is a heartwarming, gem of a read and I highly recommend it to all romance lovers. Looking forward to my next visit to Sandcastle Cove.
Looking for a beautifully written, enemies-to-lovers, age-gap grumpy/sunshine, single dad romance, then Building Castles is the book for you. Ms. Amber tells us the story of two people who start as strangers and enemies but through friends and time together grow into two people who cannot stay away from one another. The storyline is heartbreaking yet at the same time is riveting and a joy to read. When Eden moves to Sandcastle Cove to start over again after having to leave the only job that she has ever wanted and loved, she is met with a grumpy neighbour, Wade, however, there is something about him that pulls her in. I loved how she stood her ground and faced off with him and asked why he seemed to hate her when he didn't even know her. Past trauma is shared and Wade changes his mind about Eden. I loved how he went from someone who you would not want to be around to a man who was protective and easy to love. The path to their happiness was not one where Wade's teenage son played the matchmaker for the two of them. Building Castles is full of terrific banter, sassiness and great times with friends.