Six reasons to watch Babette’s Feast (differently).Did you know that Babette’s Feast is Pope Francis’ favorite movie? And what does Karl Lagerfeld have to do with the film?Jan 22, 2024Jan 22, 2024
50 years La Grande Bouffe (The Big Feast)1973 was a memorable year. That year can be seen as the start of a social awareness about the demise of the earth (‘Limits to growth’ in…Dec 26, 2023Dec 26, 2023
Message in a bentoboxWithin the food film genre there is a great subgenre: ‘the lunchbox film’. In Europe we don’t get much further than some sandwiches and an…Sep 8, 2023Sep 8, 2023
The perfect cinematographic omelet‘I know how to bake an egg!’, says Julia Child indignant in the film Julie&Julia, when she’s looking for an advanced cooking class in…Mar 30, 2020Mar 30, 2020