There are many things that go bump in the night, and I am one of them.
Witches are supposed to be good, powerful, and omniscient, but unluckily for me, I seem to lack all of those qualities.
I have been battling the darkness that lives within me since birth, destined to eradicate goodness from our world, but one day, I have no choice but to embrace who and what I am.
In order to stop the destruction of the world as we know it, I must put my trust in not only myself, but also my unlikely companions.
When all is said and done, and all that is left is dust, can I go back to how I was, or will I be lost in the shadows forever?
Welcome to the Court of Heathens, where darkness conquers all.
If K.A Knight writes it, im going to read it, and I haven't read many monster romances, so I definitely wanted to give this a ride and what a ride it was. Best monster romance I've read hands (or claws) down!
The banter and sarcasm between the characters really made this book for me. It reminded me so much of how I am with family and friends that I just fell into this natural camaraderie with the characters. I became so invested in what they were doing and how it was going to all pan out.
And damn, the things that demon does with his tail 🥵
I loved that despite what Freya is, and what Phrixius was supposed to do upon finding out what she is, he protected her and tried to find a way around it.
If a monster or two are enough to get the juices flowing, I recommend this one! 👌🏻
Banter, spice and all things witchy and nice! I'm a huge fan of the Courts and Kings series so couldn't wait to read Court of Heathens, and guess what, it was everything I expected and more! I love a sexy demon and some monster escapades 👀 Freya was a fiesty FMC , a world cloaked in dark magic and shadows lurking in every corner this was atmospheric and spooky, Katie excels at multiple POVs that are easy to follow despite there being quite a few, I mean I suppose thats a given because she is the queen of reverse harem right 🤭 they propel the plot forward and the banter between characters had me doing that weird laugh thats not quite a laugh but a snort of amusement because who laughs out loud like a maniac at a book? 👀 😅😅 seriously, if you want to laugh and also blush furiously, then this is your book,
The god of magic and the moon sure knows how to leave an impression. I've been curious about what Phrixius has been up to ever since I came across that scene in CoD. Let me tell you, it was better than I imagined. Court of Death was marvelous.
Freya is a little troublemaker, and despite the darkness in her, she tries really hard to be good. She was also living in denial about a lot of things. I liked her and her dramatic reactions. She has managed to find herself a little mixed bag of a harem. A god, a demon, and other. One is like the little angel sitting on her shoulder, always believing in her. Another is the devil egging her own with his playful behavior. The third's utter devotion is unbreakable. They all fit, I liked that they need her just as much as she needs them. Very little angst in this group.
Oh, this was a good one. The backdrop was fabulous. It was very witchy, I could feel the magic in the air. My favorite part was the description of the village and night market. Knight paints a very vivid picture. This book was a strange composition of light, dark, and every shade of gray there is. There was the dark stuff like dark magic and death, but then that balances out with some humor, banter, and the togetherness Freya has with her guys, she's found her family in them. Freya's journey of self-acceptance was tough, but I loved seeing her accept who she is, not letting one thing define who she is. The mystery around Freya drew me, but that was easy to figure out. It was the villain and all the weird stuff that kept me guessing.
The last several chapters stunned me into silence. Stuff was going down. It was like one shocking moment after another, where I couldn't even catch my breath. Just. Wow. Court of Heathens was the best! I loved the ending, especially that mysterious epilogue. Oh, I can't wait.
I seriously don’t know how KA Knight keeps doing this… every book is even better than the one before and this one was no different!! The way I could not put this down, the monster spicy scenes had me meltingggg 🔥😮💨🥵 Freya and her monsters were the best way to spend my weekend, the way her monster, god and demon worship her was everythinggggg!
I absolutely loved this book, the whole series is amazing to read and it definitely changed my mind about monsters/paranormal romance, I’m definitely a spicy monster romance girlie now, give me all the tentacles lol 🤣😏 So so good!! And I can’t wait to see what comes next, that epilogue definitely left me wondering… 🤔
Tropes: - Enemies to lovers - Paranormal Fantasy - Monster sp!cy romance - Why Choose - Obsessed MMCs - Touch her and ☠️ - Burn the world for her - She’s a badass - Witch FMC
Because of the content, this book is not for everyone but I am enjoying the series. This one had necromancers, gods, demons, and witches. I look forward to reading the next book in the series
I received this book as an ARC and my review is honest and my own. *screams that I received an ARC from the one and only KA Knight!!!*
I will always be completely obsessed with KA Knights reverse harems and this did not disappoint. I can’t tell you how much fun I had reading this.
In this book we follow Freya who is outcasted witch that has had a demon following and protecting her since she was born. However, no one else can see the demon expect her. The demon isn’t Freya’s only issue though, Freya has been fighting a darkness inside her for just as long. This demon honestly had me laughing so damn hard!
Of course it wouldn’t be a KA Knight without some top tier banter, spice and everything else in between.
We also follow Phrixius who is the god of magic and Sha who is a monster that Freya created. So we have a demon, a god, and a monster and let me tell you I loved each and every one of them! I can’t tell you how gripping this story was right from the start.
I cant wait to read the rest of the courts and kings series because I need me some more KA reverse harem and monsters please and thank you.
Thank you again to KA Knight for giving me this opportunity to read this as an ARC!
Court of Heathens is the fourth book in the Courts & Kings series, but it can be read as a standalone. And damn me this book was another masterpiece by the hand of K. A. Knight!
In this book we follow Freya, she is a witch but right from the first chapters you'll know there is more to her. What it is you learn to know further in the story. Freya is not alone, she has a demon following her everywhere and I have been laughing so hard with the banter between those two! I really liked how the demon pushed Freya to the edge with everything! When a spell goes wrong we meet the god Phrixius and he was just perfect! Sha is a monster she created and he completed her little harem of beings.
This story was put together so well, just when you think everyting is perfect and well, Knight throws in a twist and has you on the edge again. And it would be a K. A. Knight book without the yummie spicy scenes! She knows how to write them and she really knows how to ballance spicy with the storyline. Near the ending she gave the reader a twist that just made me devour the last part. I can't wait to read the next book!
Thank you K. A. Knight for this ARC to read and review.
Man oh man this book will have your brain turn to mush. It is a roller coaster! One minute you are falling in love with the characters, then you’re 💦 💦 💦 and then you’re in agony getting your heartbroken. @katieknightauthor knows how to take you through all of it; happiness & joy, angst and surprise, heartbreak and celebration, but most of all, love. You can feel it through the pages!
KA Knight creates characters that stick with you. The MMC truly support and complement the personality of the FMC. In order for her to be well rounded she needs each of the personalities brought forth by the males and I just adore how well they are written.
You have a god with an existential crisis, a demon with an obsession, and a newly created monster who’d do anything his Mistress told him. These men create the perfect trio for our little witch and I wish I had them. The demon is by far my favorite and he will live in my heart forever right alongside Diesel. 🫶🏼
Highly recommend this book for a great and exciting PNR read, but PLEASE check your trigger warnings!
Freya, Demon (Adder), Phrixius (God of Magic), and Sha (Random entity that she spawned that only cares about her). Freys is known as the black sheep in her coven. She leans to the darker magic, and she has a demon constantly annoying her. In order to banish the demon she tries a spell, but the spell goes wrong and she ends up summoning Phrixius, the god of magic. Phrixius is intrigued by her because he knows what she is, but her nature is not what he expects. Darker things are happening which leads the demon and Phrixius to help Freya figure out what is going on.
I loved this book. The banter between Freya and the demon, or just any other banter with demon was entertainment to say the least. I loved the interactions between Freya and her men. She is definitely a monster lover if you know what I mean. Also, the spice in this was delicious I loved every min of reading this book. All of the characters were a pleasure to read and the epilogue with a snapshot of what is going to happen next. I am so excited to say the least.
when i got the opportunity to arc read Court of Heathens by K.A. Knight, i screamed ~ i absolutely LOVED the first 3 in the courts & kings series..but let me just say, this monster romance did NOT disappoint
freya and demon reeled me in from the start ~ their dynamic and banter was EVERYTHING…i must have a thing for fmc witches because freya….i need her to be real and i want to be friends with her IMMEDIATELY ~ the way K.A. writes internal feelings will always have me in a chokehold ~ demon and the way he cares / helps freya ~ i absolutely cannot talk about these two or else i sob ~ the mystery / trying to figure freya out kept me on the edge of my seat ~ between them all, the coven (agatha) included, i couldn’t figure anyone’s motive out and HONESTLY? smut aside, i LOVED it 🙂↕️✋‼️
I'm a monster lover and Freya have a true Monster from darkness, a hot Demon and a fricking GOD?! Jealous isn't a strong enough word for my feelings.
My only meh part is that Freya surpressed her powers all along. Other than that, loved every second of this book. This world, the characters and the stories are awesome.
Many thanks to the author for letting me read before release.
I loved this book so much! The banter, jokes and sarcasm really made this book. The way all the characters interact has me giggling the entire time or ya know gasping because the 🌶️ is soooo good.
10/10 read perfect for spooky season! If you like things that go bump in the night, try this one out.
Loved the character development and the plot was well thought out, I don’t want to give any Spoilers on this on. Gosh I love this series, I can’t wait to read the next one.
I freaking love the way K.A. Knight is able to grab your attention so quickly and hold onto until you reached the end of the book and you didn't even realize you were close.
I love a good monster romance and this one was perfect. The things that can be done with a tail🥵 and a god to complete it? Yess! I loved everything about it I can't wait to read more from the author!
Thank you so much to K.A. Knight and Wordsmith Publicity for the free Arc.
I just don’t think this woman can write fast enough for me. Katie is. By far. My favorite author. Her FMCs are always badass and the communication is on point. The grovel - if needed- is well done and the sass and banter is perfect.
Her monsters are always so fun to read and the spice is SPICY. Ughh. I love this woman.
Kate. WOMAN. This book is so. So funny. So. So damn good. It’s like if you took my two fave KA MMC (Kenzo and Diesel) and made them into one demon!! Just. Yes.
For English version — swipe down below🤍 Оцінка: 5/5⭐️
🔔 “Court of Heathens” — це четверта книга з серії “Courts & Kings”, яку можна читати окремо.
Дуже дякую К. А. Найт за надану копію книги для відгуку! Це дуже цінно для мене🥹🤍.
О, боже мій! Що це взагалі було?! Чесно, я навіть не могла уявити, що ця книга може мене так сильно здивувати, але потім на сцену вийшов 44 та 45 розділ і моя щелепа впала. Серйозно, мені навіть довелося взяти перерву в читанні, щоб відійти та переварити все, що сталося.
Так про що ж книга? Коротко і без спойлерів. Все своє життя Фрея мала настирливого компаньйона, якого ніколи не вибирала, в обличчі Демона. Й хоч вона живе у відьмівському ковені (бо вона й сама маленька відьмочка), де ніби по логіці це немає бути чимось дивним, ніхто й не підозрює з ким спілкується наша Фрея, бо цього Демона може бачити лише вона. І ось, одного дня, намагаючись замкнути Демона у пастку, аби побути на самоті, Фрея використовує трохи невдале закляття. Ну як трохи, замість того, щоб замкнути Демона, відьма призвала Бога Магії, що спричинило цілий ряд подій. Наприклад, створення нової Істоти, яка не мала б існувати.
Це буквально 1/10 сюжету, і я не можу додати більше, оскільки надзвичайно важко зробити це, обійшовши всі можливі спойлери.
Зазвичай, я не читаю романів з монстрами (а тут він точно є), але цей зайшов як по маслу😮💨.
Сарказм та усі комічні ситуації — це, мабуть, одна з тих складових, які сподобались мені найбільше. Навіть не знаю чому, але моментами я так й ловила вайби Шеггі та Скубі(не питайте😭).
І якщо вже говорити про те, що мені дійсно сподобалось — розвиток стосунків між персонажами. Це одна з тих небагатьох книг, де чоловіки у реверс гаремі не ревнують один до одного, та з самого початку розуміють, що вони не можуть просто взяти під контроль головну героїню зі словами «вона тільки моя»😩.
Що ж, якщо ви шукаєте «а який же то реверс гарем почитати», то ласкаво просимо. На мою думку, ця історія про маленьку відьмочку та її монстрів, ідеально підійде для любителів дарк романів🫂.
Court of Heathens Rating: 5/5⭐️
🔔 “Court of Heathens” is the 4th book in the “Courts & Kings” series and can be read as a standalone.
Thank so much to K. A. Knight and Courtney Dunham for providing an ARC of the book to review! I really appreciate it🥹🤍.
Oh. My. God! I mean, what the heck was that? Honestly, I couldn't even imagine that this book could surprise me that much, but then, to the scene came chapters 44 and 45 and my jaw dropped. Seriously, I even had to take a break from reading to process everything that happened.
So what is the book about? Briefly and without spoilers:
Freya has always had an annoying companion whom she never chose, in the form of a Demon. And although she lives in a witch's coven (she is a little witch herself), where it seems logically not to be a strange thing (communicate with a Demon), but no one knows to whom our Freya is talking to— only she can see this Demon.
One day, when Freya tries to trap the Demon to spend some time alone, she accidentally casts an unsuccessful spell. Well, instead of locking the Demon up, she summons the God of Magic and Moon, and this event caused a number of consequences. For example, a new Creature was born, one that wasn’t supposes to exist.
That's literally 1/10 of the plot, and I can't add more because it's extremely difficult to do so without getting around all the possible spoilers.
Usually, I don't read novels with monsters (and this one definitely has one), but I was hooked on this book😮💨.
The sarcasm and all the comic situations are probably one of the aspects I enjoyed the most. I don't even know why, but sometimes I was catching Shaggy and Scooby vibes (don't ask😭).
And speaking about what I really liked, I have to mention the development of the relationships between the characters. This is one of the few books where the men in the reverse harem are not jealous of each other. From the very beginning they realize that they can’t just take control of the main character with the words “she is only mine”😩.
If you're looking for a reverse harem story to read, welcome! In my opinion, this story about a little witch and her monsters is perfect for fans of dark romances🫂.
Demons are not patient creatures, but for her, I am, so instead, I resigned myself to watching her pleasure and feasting on it with others, until she took that away from me too.
He’s a psychopath, a walking red flag, but red is my favourite colour, and I’m noticing just how attractive the demon who never leaves me alone truly is.
"I do not smite people.” His head tilts, a flirty smile teasing on his plump lips. “Not ones as pretty as you anyway.” "Nope. My witch. Back off, god,” the demon sneers.
Love is the most dangerous thing in this universe,” my demon says, sounding serious for once, his eyes on me. “It makes even the strongest creatures do things they ordinarily would not. It is unpredictable and wild, like magic. Love is the most dangerous thing this universe has ever created. Even more than hatred.
"How old are you?” I grin, and he laughs. “I began existing not long after this world.” My eyes widen, and he chuckles, his expression shining with mirth. “Yes, I am that old.” “So you’re not like a daddy, you’re like a great-great-great-great-granddaddy,” I muse, and he spits out tea he just sipped. “Daddy?” He blinks. “As if I’m a father? No, I do not have children."
"Hurt me. Kill me. I’ll come back because I am a god.” He shrugs. “I could not bear you hurting yourself. That’s it, breathe for us. We are right here, and you are safe. Everything will be okay."
"Never reduce your ideas and wants in fear of what others will say,” he responds automatically. “That lessens your own worth and reduces your soul. Your dreams are not small, Freya, they are beautiful, and so are you.”
"Where you go, I go, evil or not, Freya. I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere. If you want to burn this world, then we’ll do it together. If you want to fight every day to be good, then I’ll be right there with you, trying."
5/5🌶️ •why choose •monster romance •paranormal fantasy •touch her/him & die •enemies to lovers •obsessed mmcs •grumpy/sunshine •found family
“Love is the most dangerous thing in this universe—It makes even the strongest creatures do things they ordinarily would not. It is unpredictable and wild, like magic. Love is the most dangerous thing this universe has ever created. Even more than hatred.”
i have loved every single book in this series. each book, each story & each character is so unique. i’ve enjoyed every second of it.
court of heathens was too damn good. i read it in one sitting, i never wanted to put it down. the banter was amazing, the spice?!!! HOT DAMN. each MMC truly supported and complimented the personality of Freya. they each brought a different side out of her. you can feel their love through the pages, they were all down bad.
Freya is a badass. i loved watching her really explore who she was. and i loved how much softness she brought out in all the guys. Adder (demon): sorry to say it, but he was my favorite🫣 his sarcasm had me laughing out loud. his personality truly was perfect. i loved him. he is obsessed with Freya and has been by her side for years, falling more in love with her everyday. i loved their connection so much and their chemistry was perfect. and im sorry his tail…shit got crazy with that thing 🤪 Phrixius (god of magic): Where Adder encourages Freya to be mischievous and enjoy life, Phrixius slows her down and reminds her to smile and look around. Freya completely changed his life. he’s never felt what he feels for her and he literally drops everything for her. he was sexy and the things he can do with his magic during sex😮💨😮💨 yesss sirrrrr Sha (creature): Sha is a monster that was created by Freya. and he quite literally would do anything and everything she told him to do. he’s a teddy bear with her but is a dick to everyone else, i loved it. he was obsessed with her.
These men create the most perfect trio for our little witch. i loved every second of it ❤️
fav quotes😈❤️🔥✨
“She tasted like sin and death, and it was so addictive”
“Your dreams are not small, Freya, they are beautiful, and so are you.”
“I love you, Freya, with every dark shard of my wretched soul.”
“Deal or no deal, I would be right here, at your side. The deal doesn’t make me love you. It doesn’t make me need to see you smile or make me crave your happiness and pleasure. It’s just a deal to be near you. I could keep it and never see you, but I want to see you. You are the brightest part of my day, of my life, and without you, I would cease to exist.”
“Freya is my world. She is my reason for living. She is my everything. She is mine, and I will never let anyone hurt her.”
“My entire life is you, Freya.”
“you are my fate. You are my everything. You are the heart I didn’t even know I had.”
“I would have given all my lives for just one with her.”
We are bound together, my witch and I, and one day, her soul will be mine.
Taking a spooky witch tale and turning it into a wicked sexy dark story, K.A Knight brings you the Court of Heathens.
All her life a shadow has fallen of Freya. Freya coven have always been slightly weary of her and maybe it’s a good thing they can’t see the Demon who follows her every waking step.
A spell to escape the Demon brings a god instead, Phrixius god of magic and moon. It becomes clear that Phrixius knows more about Freya than she does and even working out the real reason the Demon is by her side.
The story quickly spirals as Freya comes more into her magic that was hidden and with help of her new companions she is able to use her darkness. In doing so she brings forth a Creature of nightmares-but deep down beneath the claws, purple muscles and impressive bed skills…he’s just a softy who is just as devoted to her as the Demon & Phrixius.
I need them to remind me I’m alive. I need them to make it better in a way only they can.
With fear of evil coming forward to seek revenge, Freya can’t turn her back on her coven and together with her Heathens she will embrace her true self to protect the ones that she loves.
Even if that means forfeiting everything…
Good and evil. It was up to me to choose.
This was an interesting story with a witch theme within the Courts & Kings world. Freya was a strong female character, once she started to allow the darkness to come out with her powers she started to open up more.
I really liked the bonds that she formed with the males in this story, well the sexy mischievous Demon, the charming body drooling god Phrixius and even the terrifying begging for more Creature. All are drawn to Freya and in doing they grow connections to each other. It’s very funny watching this dysfunctional family come together and see how each member learns to accept one another, wanting nothing more than to protect/satisfy Freya.
The dark side of the story is written really well, surprising with how some events went down with everything that was going on near the end. A good addition to this crazy world.
Today is not our end-it’s our beginning. I will ensure that.
I received an ARC of this book and the review is 100% my own and is my honest opinion.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers Touch Her/Him and die Burn the world Obsessed MMCs Grumpy x Sunshine Monster Romance
First of all I literally screamed when I was selected as an ARC reader. It felt like all my dream had come true as my friends will attest I love K.A Knight!
This book blew me away. K.A Knight is one of my fav authors and an auto buy for me but this book smashed every single of my expectations out of the park. It was funny, spicy and also heart wrenching. The plot and spice were perfectly balanced which made the book so much better. I devoured it so fast and wish i could read it for the first time again!
Freya our "little witch" is such a phenomenal FMC. She's smart, witty, funny, caring, selfless and a absolute bad*ss! I love her growth throughout the book and I'm so happy she got the ending she deserved.
Demon (I'll keep it spoiler free 😉) is my favourite character in the whole book. He's funny, sarcastic, cheeky and of course dark and handsome. I love that we see a softer side to him because of Freya but when it counts he become the evil people expect him to be.Plus he plays video games and skips through the woods, what more could you want from a demon? 😈
Phrixius our golden god. Towards the end I loved him so much more. I can't say much without spoiling the plot but just know the good god isn't always good 😏.
Sha is definitely a character that crept up on me. He was so fiercely protective over Freya that it made me love him so much. Plus tentacles, what more can i say? 😂 😉
I loved the relationship between all four characters and how they all fit together perfectly. I also loved how the relationship between the boys grew so much and they all really felt like a family.
This book is a monster romance lovers dream. A reverse harem of all monsters was something I definitely didn't know i was missing out on but i was so wrong! I highly suggest this book and suggest you run don't walk to get your copy! Happy Reading 📖
Every time I see a new K. A. Knight book, I know it is going to be added to my TBR. And for anyone who has read Knight’s books, you know that she rights a little bit of everything. Court of Heathens is part of the Courts and Kings series, which is a series of paranormal romances, with each book featuring a different type of being. Court of Heathens focuses on a witch, a demon, a god, and a monster. I have read most of the books in the Courts and Kings series and this one might be my favorite. I really love the banter between all of the MCs and how all of Freya’s men are completely different, but also perfect for Freya. The story was so entertaining and I couldn’t put my kindle down because it drew me in. It’s wasn’t that I just wanted to see what was going to happen in the plot, but I also just wanted more of all of these characters.
Freya had such growth throughout this book and went on a journey to accept who she actually is. It was through the help of the MMCs that she was able to evolve and become the witch she is. Her interactions with each of the men definitely makes this story so readable. The way the each feel for her and how devoted they are to her is perfect.
The MMCs are so great. Phrixius and Sha are absolutely wonderful and care about her so much. Sha is so protective of her and Phrixius shows just how important she is to him. But the absolute best MMC is the demon. From the very beginning he makes you laugh and he is definitely super sexy. Even when it was just him and Freya, just the trouble he would get in and the shenanigans made me love him. He was definitely a demon but he was so enjoyable and Freya was everything to him.
This was such an enjoyable book. Whenever a book can make me laugh, tear up, and sit on the edge of my seat, not wanting to put it down, I can honestly say it was a great book. Like all of Knight’s books, especially her why choose books, the spice is excellent in this story. Spice just hits different in a monster romance. Of course I loved this book because I have yet to find a Knight book that I haven’t enjoyed. But I really enjoyed this one. It is my top in the series so far.
Another amazing story in the world of the Courts and Kings.
Our fmc is the beautiful Freya. She is a dark witch who always tries to be good for her coven and for herself. She is beautiful, smart, kind, loving, funny and poor thing has a demon for a stalker.
Our mmc's are Demon, Phrixius and Sha. Demon's real name is meant only for Freya's ears only and I'm going to keep his name as a surprise. He is obsessed (in love) with Freya and I actually really like his personality, he's really funny. Phrixius is the God of Magic and he somehow winds up in Freya's path and falls hard for what she represents. He represents strength and stability. His knowledge of the world is incredible and he's so interesting. Sha, he is made for Freya in all ways. He is so sweet, I love him.
Freya's journey is a tough one. She doesn't understand why she is the way she is, but over time and with the help of her guys she learns more and more. It's a very dark and twisted path Freya finds herself, her world kind of implodes but I kind of think it was necessary in finding out who she truly is and believe me, she is magnificent. I really liked that Demon brought humour to this story because it was definitely needed as it's quite dark. I love her relationship with all 3 men. Each relationship progressed as it should have and they matched Freya so well. I kind of think they are her soul mates in a way...
I have loved every story in this universe and I can't wait to see more...
Shout out to Mors, love him 🖤
Thank you so much to Katie and the amazing team at Wordsmith Publicity for giving me the chance to read this story. I am forever grateful 🙏
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🌶🌶🌶🌶
🔮 why choose 🔮 enemies to lovers 🔮 grumpy/ Sunshine 🔮 obsessed mmc's 🔮 powerful fmc 🔮 monster romance 🔮 burn the world 🔮 multiple pov 🔮 spicy
K.A. Knight has done it again! Court of Heathens had me in a chokehold. The writing, the characters, the action, and the spice were all perfect. I was fully invested and when I wasn’t reading all I could do was think about the story. There’s honestly nothing about this book that I would change. I honestly loved that one moment everything would be serious and then the next I would find myself busting out laughing. The heathens might be my new favorite group. Let’s be real, all of K.A. Knights's characters are superior along with the spice.
Freya has lived her whole life knowing that something dark lives inside her. While fighting against it and always trying to be a good witch, she can’t stop it and has to embrace it and take it all in. Can she handle this darkness or will it get her killed? Freya’s character was so much fun. She was absolutely beautiful. The strength she possessed, the need to save everyone, and the love that she had for her monsters had me obsessed with her. I honestly couldn’t get enough of her.
Adder, Phrixius, and Sha are all monsters who have all been called upon regarding Freya. Can they help Freya stay sane or will they lose her? Honestly, I loved every single one of them. I can’t pick between them because they all gave off their own personalities and I loved them all. Adder had me dying laughing. Phrixius had me swooning so hard. Sha had me wishing monsters were real. Honestly, they just fit so perfectly together.
Court of Heathens is so amazing. I have loved every single book in the Courts and Kings series. It seems like every book that comes out just tops the last one and now I’m so excited to see what’s next by the epilogue. If you haven’t read this series yet, I highly recommend it. If you haven’t read this book yet, it’s a must!
"I feel myself rip, and the pain makes tears flow down my face as I scream and fight, but just as quickly, his c*m fills my a** and seems to heal me, magic sealing me back together around him as he hisses and snarls."
Like, how is this even enjoyable? I cringed reading this.
But like, the plot was actually really good in this book. Book one was a middle of the road read for me. Book two I did not like, I actually haven't read book three yet, but this one started out STRONG. I was sucked in by the plot and characters. I loved the banter between Freya and Adder. Adder is my absolute favorite. I loved the concept of a why choose with witch FMC, and the a god, demon, and monster creature for the MMCS.
But the smut? OMG. My eyes were already the size of saucers over the description of the demons dick. And had some reservations. But then Sha? Like why. WHY. I read a lot of monster smut, and I love me some monster dick. But ripping her apart? And then magic cum that heals her? If you had a pain kink, then this will def be up your alley.
Like book one for me, this one does start to lose plot in favor of heavy smut. I love a good smutty novel, but this series actually has really good plot, and I wish I would have seen more. The ending felt rushed. Had we had either less smut and more plot, or just more plot, this would have been a top read.