Award of the Conference Organizing Committee:
A cash prize οf 1500 € will be awarded in memory of Penelope Paraskevopoulou for the best research oral presentation.

UEMS Awards of the Section of Laboratory Medicine / Medical Biopathology:
– free registration to the 2nd European Congress of Laboratory Medicine / Medical Biopathology  for the best oral presentation
– free registration to the 2nd European Congress of Laboratory Medicine / Medical Biopathology  for the best E-poster presentation

Honorary Awards of PEIB and EEIB/EI:
– for the best oral presentation
– for the best E-poster presentation



The summaries of the Abstracts that will be submitted and presented at the conference will be published in the Electronic Book of Abstracts exactly as they are submitted, without any further corrections. Therefore, please strictly adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. The text should not exceed 300 words (Arial font, size 10, fully justified).
  2. The title of the paper should be written in capital letters (Arial bold, size 11) and should be as brief as possible.
  3. The names of the authors and the Institution(s) from which the work originates should be written in lowercase letters. The author who will present the work should be underlined.
  4. The papers submitted for evaluation by the scientific committee must briefly include the following elements: a) Introduction b) Objective c) Materials and Methods d) Results and Conclusions (the above titles should be written in lowercase letters and in bold). Abstracts without results/conclusions will not be accepted.
  5. You may upload tables and diagrams.
  6. The corresponding author of the paper is fully responsible to the Scientific Committee of the conference for the consent of all other authors participating in the work, as well as the laboratories or clinics mentioned as the originating centers.
  7. You can indicate your preference for the presentation format (oral or e-poster) of the paper, but this preference is not binding for the Review Committee. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide on the presentation format of the papers according to the needs of the conference program. In any case, the choice of presentation format is not related to the scientific quality of the papers.
  8. Official Language: English



As soon as the online submission is completed, the submitter will receive an automated confirmation email. 

After submission, changes and corrections to the abstract will be accepted until the deadline for abstract submission. After December 15th, 2024, abstracts will be evaluated. The submitter will receive a final confirmation e-mail of the acceptance or rejection and the way of presentation (oral/ e-poster) of the abstract by the end of January 2025. In case confirmation is not received by email, please contact us via email at

A prerequisite for submitting the abstract is the completion of the registration by at least one of the participants in the assignment. Register to the Congress by selecting one of the options from the “ABSTRACTS” category.

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